Sunday, May 30, 2010

Aneurysms and signals

Eat for the health of it.

Mostly anuerysms are caused by plaque buildup that causes hardening of the arteries. You may not even have a warning sign,but it may be found on a routine checkup or an x-ray. Look for signs like, hoarseness,difficulty swallowing, persistant cough, a throbbing lump in the abdomin, severe backache, feeling cold in the legs or severe chestpain. Get a checkup if any of these occur or it could be too late.

Prevention: routine checkups, keep your cholesterol down by eating garlic, onion, ginger and cayenne pepper, watch your blood preasure. Try supplements or foods high in potassium and magnesium and try blackstrap molasses, which isn't too bad, I add it to some warm water and drink it.

Mostly if you eat healthy by eating all natural foods, you are pretty well set with good supplements. If you are concerned then have a blood test to see what you may need to take. I eat all natural because my body does not like chemicals and sometimes I think I am luck so I don't eat those artificial food additives that make me itch. You will find that my all natural cookbook is very easy to follow and has very good, easy recipes in it.
Available at: or by phone at: 1-800-788-7654. Also available at: and Bassetts Healthfood store in Toledo, Ohio for Toledo area residents.

If you want a good novel to read, try 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. Please order at:,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

The Indians asked their chief if the winter was going to be pleasant or cold. The chief was not sure so he told members of the villiage to collect all the wood they could find for the winter just in case.

Wanting to be a good leader and not misinform his people, the chief calls the National Weather Service to be sure. He asks, "Is this winter going to be cold?"

The answer on the other end of the line is,"This winter will be very cold indeed."

The chief goes back and tells his people to search and collect even more wood.

A week later he calls the National Weather Service again and asks, 'Is this winter going to be very cold?"

"Yes, indeed, this winter will be very cold."

The chief orders his people to pick up every scrap of wood they can find.

Two weeks later the chief again calls the weather bureau and asks if the winter is going to be very cold.

"Absolutely," the man replies, "the Indians are gathering wood like crazy."

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