Saturday, October 31, 2009

Generic drugs

Eat for the health of it.

There seems to be an increase in problems with generic drugs. Problems start out with the doctors because they don't believe that there is a problem. 25% of the doctors believe that generic drugs are safe. If that is true, then why do I have so much trouble with taking generic drugs? I have a terrible allergic reaction to the filler that they put in drugs. I have to take Tenormin, because the generic(Attenolol)made my skin bleed. I told my doctor and the druggist that the reason I was bleeding was that they had switched me from Tenormin to Attenolol. I asked the doctor to write a new prescription so that I could take the Tenormin and sure enough my arms stopped bleeding. There has to be something terrible in that Attenolol to make it cause me to bleed.
Then the doctor had me on 800 mg of Motrin and for some reason they changed me over to Ibuprophen and then I got hives all over my body. I asked them to give me the real thing and they had taken it off the market. If I get the "Good" drugs I have to pay many times more for them. I can't help it if I am allergic to this garbage they put in there and I cannot believe that anyone else would want to take medication that really isn't good for you. Just because you do not have a reaction to these pills does not mean it isn't harming you.
There are many drugs that have sent people to the hospital for various reasons and some could be from an allergic reaction. I have to be very careful because I am allergic to all chemicals, I am on an all natural diet and I have to be very careful and I have to pay a lot more just so I can have the safe drugs made here.

I can't believe that the USA would trust some other country to make our most delicate product. Instead of people getting better they end up getting sicker and often end up in the hospital. I feel that if we have another country making our drugs the US should be there keeping an eye on them, but if it is true what I have heard, that they only check on this about every two years.

I also feel that we should have a choice of whether we want the real thing or the generic and we shouldn't have to pay two to three times as much for it either. As it is right now the real drug from here was 44.00 dollars opposed to the generic which is $4.75, for the same amount and the same strength.

We also cannot tell if the drugs from plants have impurities or come in "subtherapeutic" doses, such as if a drug labelled 10 mg but may only be 6 mg. Personally I do not like getting our drugs from other countries, who knows what they may put in there or what their standards are.

I guess there isn't much we can do about it, but we should always keep track of how we feel when we start a new drug and look up on the computer for side effects or be sure the drugstore gives you the list of side effects to watch out for. Also take your blood pressure and let the doctor know if you do not feel well.

If anyone you know is suffering from Depression or is BiPolar, tell them to ask their doctor for a prescrition for Perphenazine, which is a lot cheaper than the Risperdal that is a lot like it. Perphenazine is a very old medication but it does work well. I hope they keep it on the market.

Keep eating healthy and maybe we won't need all of these drugs and then we don't care where they get them.

If you need a little help with the all natural foods, try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: Or at: 1-800-788-7654 or

Another book you may like to read is 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at: or at: The story is a true life experience even though it is listed as fiction
because the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Laughter is healthy:The good napkin

Sarah's mother taught her to read when she was four years old.(Her first mistake)...One day when she was in the bathroom with her mother she asked, "Mom, what are these napkins doing in the bathroom? Her mother explained that they were for "special occasions" (Her second mistake)

Fast forwarding just a bit: It was Thanksgiving Day and the parents went to the bus station to pick up the grandparents and the mother gave special assignments to each child so everything would be ready when they got back. Sarah's job was to set the table.

When her parents returned with Grandpa and Grandma,Grandma was the first to notice how nice the table looked then snickered and whispered to Grandpa who roared with laughter; by then her parents noticed and her father laughed aloud and her mother was so embarrassed when she noticed that the napkins for "Special Occasion" were used at each place to set the table, with a fork placed neatly on each napkin. Sarahs mother asked, "Why did you use those napkins to set the table." And Sarah answered,"You said they were for a speacial occasion." The answer through the rest into a fit of laughter. You have to give a little explanation along with your answer.

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