Friday, June 18, 2010

cell phones and radio waves- BO and rubbing alcohol

Eat for the health of it.

If you use a cell phone a lot, keep in mind that these high-frequency radio waves can possibly cause brain cancer and the risk of Alzheimer's disease, so you should use a wire that plugs into your phone and you have an ear piece for reception and talking. Think about it. I don't have one because I am not on the phone that much but I know people that talk on the phone for hours every day. I'd never get anything done.

Do you have BO? I guess I am lucky that I don't have that problem as long as I wash regularly. If you are one of these people that has a problem with BO, try cutting a wash cloth into smaller pieces and put some rubbing alcohol on it and rub it under your arm pits and wala!! You don't have to have a deodorant stick, especially if they don't work. Give it a try.

I like to stay away from chemicals as much as I can. If you are interested in eating all natural, please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson. Please order at:, or at: 1-800-788-7654, or at:, or at: Bassettes Healthfood Store in Toledo Ohio on Secor road, between Sylvania Ave. and Executive Parkway.

If you like reading stories that keep you interested to the very end, I recommend 'Under Obligation'by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0, please order,,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010 or at: ISBN#978-1587366010

Laughter is healthy:

A lady was nursing her baby in the doctors office when a little girl comes up to her and is asking all kinds of questions about what was going on there. She told the mother that she had never seen anyone do that before.

The mother didn't want to embarass the little girl so she answered her questions the best she could and then the little girl said,"My mom has some of those too, but I don't think she knows how to use them."

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