Saturday, May 9, 2009

Reactions to chemicals mixed with medication

Eat for the health of it.

If you stop and think about how kids act sometimes and it makes you wonder what causes them to do the things they do. Parents can't control their children and some adults act as bad as children too. If someone would just step up and say, "Take those darn chemicals out of our food supply," I'll bet there would be a sudden change in a lot of lives, mentally and physically. Even medication, which is prescribed by doctors, can cause reactions to some people and if you are taking certain medications you have to be very careful about eating different things like grapfruit and/or herbs. Your system knows what to do with all natural foods but when you start putting these chemicals in with them sometimes they just don't mix, and you have a problem and it can be very serious. I know that medications are necessary when you are very ill. And sometimes the chemicals in the food can bring on illnesses too. Everytime time a person drinka can of soda, they are adding chemicals to their system. The more you drink the more trouble you will have, especially if you are allergic to either Aspartame or High Fructose Corn Syrup. You can drink plenty of water to help it get through your system faster or you can go to the doctor and have him prescribe something OOP!! There's another chemical going inyour system. You can buy allergy pills at the health food stores but if you are going to a health food store you wouldn't be drinking that chemical laden stuff anyway.

I buy soda from the health food store that is sweetened with cane syrup, it is very good. I did notice that they sell diet soda that has Sucralose in it and I wanted to ask them why they would sell that in their store. Probably they would say that it is the only thing they have for diabetics. I will have to ask them if they know that Sucralose is the same as Splenda. I wish they would okay the sale of Stevia, which is an all natural sweetener. I have been using it for years and I do not have a bit of trouble with it. They have come out with aproduct called Truvia but when I wrote to the company and asked if there was a chemical in it, they never answered me so I take it that it must have a chemical in it. Then I found out a few days ago that they have a product that they have added to soda pop that they call Zuvia, I want to find out more about this and I will write the company to see if they do use a chemical in that also.

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Laughter is healthy: If FEDEX and UPS were to merge, would they be called FEDUP?

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