Saturday, May 9, 2009

painful reaction to HFCS

Eat for the health of it.

You can learn a lot by listening to people, especially kids. I overheard some boys talking and one was telling how he had consumed as many as ten cans of soda in a days time. Now if he drank diet soda, he consumed an awful lot of chemicals and if he drank a regular soda then he consumed a lot of High Fructose Corn Syrup. I am not sure which of these would actually be the worst one to drink. The chemicals in the diet soda can harm you in many ways. I have read in numerous articals that it is believed that Aspartame can cause illnesses like fibromyalgia. I had symptoms of Fibromyalgia, along with the terrible rashes that I had during the time I was using Aspartame. I didn't know at that time why my legs were hurting or why I hurt all over my body at times. Then I started reading about Aspartame and the damage it can cause, even brain damage. I recall having pains in my head and just thinking it was a type of headache, I ignored it but when I quit using Aspartame and now I don't get headaches, can that be the proof of what it can do?

Now the regular soda is sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup and what I have read on HFCS, it has many dangers in it's use too. From what I have read, it can kill the pancreas. With me, it just tore me up physically. I had the most awful painful burning rash under my arms, under my breasts and in my groin area, and I didn't have to eat very much of it for that to happen. I would break out from eating the catsup on my french fries and a sandwich with a little catsup on it. I would have a painful rash under my arms and breasts and trunk area, and it took four months for me to figure out what in the world would cause that to happen. I know you are probably saying, "That didn't happen to me." Maybe not and maybe it never will, but did you ever think of what it could be doing to your insides and it may not show up for months or maybe years?

I know I can't do it all, it would take a lot of people to just quit buying these products to show the makers of these slow poison drinks that we do not want them and then they would come up with a healthy drink. I don't think it was that bad when they used regular sugar or regular corn syrup to sweeten drinks and they still have some drinks on the market with regular corn syrup, NOT HFCS. They should use unbleached sugar too. They don't have to bleach sugar to make things out of it.

My husband was one of those people that drank 2- 2 litre bottles of soda every day instead of drinking water. Needless to say he has had all kinds of health issues, such as, he has had 2 hyetal hernia operations, prostate cancer surgery, esophagel cancer and stomach cancer surgery. I got after him to stop drinking that slow poison and he did but he started drinking regular and that was sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup so now he is diabetic.

So many people think that all they have to do is stay away from sugar; I believe that if they used regular unbleached sugar and unbleached flour regularly and sensibly and take all the chemicals out of our food supply they would wipe out a large portion of our illnesses like diabetis and cancer. A very good diet for anyone to follow is the Low Carb Diet. I have been trying to get my husband to try this diet but it's so difficult for someone to do this especially when they have never dieted in their whole life. Low Carb diet is pretty much all natural food and if you follow it closely you will feel better, look better and you will lose weight. And then your sugar should drop and stabelize. It will take will power but once you get to feeling better you will want to eat naturally. If you are not familiar with the low carb diet, it is basically eating all natural foods like: unbreaded meats, eggs, cheese, real cream, sour cream, potato skins with butter and sour cream, salad with Blue cheese dressing. You got the idea just don't eat anything with flour and sugar or processed foods.

Thank you for following my BLOB.

Laughter is healthy: A southern Baptist minister was completing his sermon with, "If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and pour it in the river. And if I had all the wine in the world I would pour in in the river. And if I had all the whiskey in the world I would pour it in the river."
Sermon over, he sits down.
The song leader cautiously stands and announces that they will now sing, Hymn #365 "Shall we gather by the river?"

If you are interested in learning more about eating healthy, you may be interested in my all natural cookbook. GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Please order at
or phone#1-800-788-7654

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