Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chemicals cause all kinds of trouble

Eat for the health of it.

Everything that I have written in my blogs are true; they have either happened to me or someone that I know. If these lab chemicals can cause such reactions by mixing with the natural chemicals in our systems, why couldn't they also be blamed for a multitude of happenings that go on and you wonder why these things do happen, such as rapists, sexual preditors, murderers, or children that act in such a way that they can harm themselves or others. I am sure that drinking just one can of soda with Aspartame or HFCS in it will not harm you that much but when thse people that have to drink several cans of soda a day then add that to all the processed foods that they eat, and maybe even smoke a little weed, can you imagine that they could possibly go a little crazy?

When the artificial chemicals enter our systems and mix with the all natural chemicals I am sure it can cause a lot of commotion in there and our systems can not deal with that, therefore we have all types of reactions. And if they do this a lot, it can only get worse. And you want to realize that just because you do not have an outer reaction to these chemicals, does not mean that they are not causing you some real harm internally.

Wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of all these artificial chemicals in our food supply and see how good everything would taste without it? We could probably eliminate a lot of the drugs too because we wouldn't get sick. And even the drugs we take can make us sick. Yes people do get sick from the drugs they take. Just listen to the adds on TV for certain drugs, these drugs may cause nausia, vomiting, headaches, sleeplessness etc. Well then you need another drug to get rid of the nausia, one to take care of the vomiting, and the headaches, and a sleeping pill to help you sleep. The best thing to do is stick to as much all natural food as you can and see how good you fel. It may take awhile before all the chemicals leave your system, then stick with good wholesome food.

Happy to have you still following my Blogs.

Laughter is healthy: Little suzie was taught to dial 911, if momma was unable to when her new baby brother was coming. The day came and she did her job well. The paramedics arrived to deliver the healthy little boy. Little Suzie stood and watched with amazement and when the Paramedic swatted the little boy on the butt so he would breathe, little Suzie yelled out, "Hit him again, he shouldn't have crawled in there in the first place."

If you would like to cook some healthy meals, please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN #0-8059-6286-7
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