Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Eat for the health of it.

You have probably heard the expression(death begins in the colon. 80% of your immune cells are in your intestines so if you want to ward off the flu bug or a cold or any contagious disease, you have to keep the colon and intestines cleaned out.
Autopsy reports have shown that a large number of colons are swollen and many as much as two times their normal size with rotting waste. Dead fecal matter in your colon stops good digestion and your over loaded colon dumps toxins into your bloodstream.

You can tell something is wrong when you have a lot of discomfort, like indigestion, constipation, sour stomach, bloating and acid reflux. And then you get other health problems like bad breath, body odor, headaches, dark circles under your eyes and fatigue because your body is storing excess toxins. You may even have aching joints and muscles. A sick digestive tract means you have a sick body.If you feel your innerds are going to pot, you should look into a good probiotic. I drink Coloidal silver every day, I start out taking 10 drops a day in a small glass of water and I have taken up to 30 drops a day. If this doesn't work, try the probiotics.

Eating healthy is probably the best place to start. My all natural cookbook is a good place to learn to eat healthy:
You may order at: 1-800-788-7654. Or at:
Or at:

May I suggest a good novel? 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN
# 1-58736-601-0 Place order at: Or at: Or at:

Laughter is healthy:Don't mess with old people

Old Harold was pretty fed up with his day nurse. She had told him many things he should and shouldn't do, so before she came in, he took his glass of apple juice and poured it into his urine specimen bottle that he hadn't filled with urine yet.
When the nurse came in a little later, she picked up the bottle and looked at it. "My, this does look a bit cloudy today." At this, Old Harold snatched the bottle from her hand, popped off the top, and drank it down, saying, "Well, I'll just run it through again.Maybe I can filter it better this time." The nurse, gagging, left the room.

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