Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Things you should know and maybe you do

Eat for the health of it.

Helpful hints for skunk spray. Maybe you don't get that close to animals but this is a real concern for me because we live in an old farmhouse, where the door to the basement opens to the outside of the house and often the door gets left open and I worry that a skunk may just get nosy and enter the basement, then if I have to go there I could get some new perfume that I won't like.

I have always heard that tomato juice is good for skunk spray but now they say it only covers the smell for awhile but it doesn't neutralize it. If you do get sprayed or your dog; you can begin by airing it out,wash it out, apply deodorants, and use air fresheners in the area. If all else fails try this concoction:

Buy a fresh bottle of 3% peroxide (if you have a bottle that has been around for awhile, it loses it's potency),1/4 cup baking soda and 2 teaspoons dish soap.

(Do not get this in or around your eyes)( Do not make this solution ahead and cap it and store it because it will explode. If you use it on your hair, leave the solution on for five minutes and rinse. Repeat if necessary.

Things not to use: Ozone generator with deodorizing abilities. Their safety is unclear.Do not mix deodorant with other chemicals unless directions specifically state.

If you are going camping, take a bottle of 3% peroxide along and a small container of honey in your first aid kit.(If you put the peroxide in a smaller container, remember that peroxide must be stored in a brown bottle). If you get cut, pour some peroxide on the cut and make sure there is no dirt in it then wipe it dry and put honey on the cut and a bandade, and leave it on for as long as three days. Honey kills germs that cause infection and will stimulate healing.

The best solution for a childs cough, is a teaspoon of honey. But do not give honey to a child under 2 years of age because of possible allergies to it.

I do not understand why they are always pushing flu shots. I got one once and I was so sick before I even got home from the doctors office, I never got another one. The thing is there are so many strains of the flu that you are only receiving the shot for a few strains and if you do get the shot you can still get the flu. Which doesn't make sense to me. That is one reason I try to eat all natural foods. I hope that will build up my immune system.

Thank you for following my blogs, for comments http://grannycooks.blogspot.com
if you would like to eat all natural, try my all natural cookbook,
Please order at: www.dorrancepublishing.com or by phone at: 1-800-788-7654
You may also order at: amazonbooks.com Please use the same ISBN # as above.

Another book you may be interested in is:
'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0
Please order at: www.wheatmark.com Please use the same ISBN# 1-58736-601-0
You may also order at amazonbooks.com Please use the same ISBN# 1-58736-601-0

Laughter is healthy: An old fella lived alone in New Jersey. He wanted to plant his tomato garden as he always had done but his son that always spaded the garden for him was spending some time in jail. He decided to write his son a letter:

Dear son, I am feeling bad that I will not be able to raise any tomatoes this year because you are not here to spade the garden for me. Love Papa

A few days later he received a response from his son:

Dear Papa, Don't dig the garden, that's where the bodies are buried. Love, your son

At 4:00 AM the next morning, FBI agents and the local police were at Papa's house and they dug up the entire garden, without finding a single body. They apologized to the old man and left.

That day the old man received another letter from his son:

Dear Papa, Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I can do under the circumstances. Love, your son.

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