Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some helpful suggestions.

Eat for the health of it.

We see the adds and we want to try the product they offer; we seek out a store and find the product, then we read the label, if the item contains MSG, HFCS, Aspartame, Chlorine, or Sucralose (and it is getting worse all the time,) you have to put it back. I feel like a puppet on a string, when it comes to deciding what to eat. It looks good and sounds good but when I reach for it the puppeteer yanks my strings, telling me I can't have that because it has those darn chemicals in it.

Using common sense is the best way; if you really like hotdogs, buy the very best and eat them only occasionally. Be sure to take a good dose of vitamin C after you eat hot dogs and luncheon meats. For sandwiches you would be better off eating peanut butter, cheese, fried eggs with cheese, or use leftover beef, chicken or pork with some mayonaise. You can add tomatoes, lettuce etc. As long as it's all natural.

Be careful of eating jams and jellies, read the label and check for HFCS. High fructose corn syrup takes the place of sugar in making jams and jellies and believe me, that is a lot of HFCS. If you have never made jams and jellies before, a batch of jam or jelly can take 5 to 7 cups of sugar to make the batch, so you are getting a lot of sugar when you eat jams and jellies but what is worse is when they use HFCS to replace that sugar. I use unbleached sugar, which helps a lot because you would not have the chemicals in it. HFCS is in so many things and it can damage the pancreas and these kids that are using so much of this in everything like catsup, baked goods, sodas, it's in bread and even fruit juices and canned foods. Just remember to read labels to see what you are eating. If we demand more natural foods, that's the only way it will happen.

Fructose is another safe sweetener, it is the syrup that is extracted from fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind if you are reading the labels that fructose is all right to use and so is corn syrup, it only turns bad when they add chemicals to it and it becomes High Fructose Corn Syrup.

If you want to eat healthy, my all natural cookbook has great all natural recipes in it. GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7
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Another book you may be interested in is 'Under Obligation' USBN#1-58736-601-0
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Laughter is healthy: An elderly gentleman had a very serious hearing problem for a number of years. He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to fit him with a set of hearing aids that allowed him to hear almost perfect. After a month, when he visited the doctor, the doctor stated, "Your hearing is close to perfect, what does your family say about that?"
"Oh, I haven't told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed my will three times already."

Some suggestions:

If you are having a colonoscopy; ask your doctor about using one of these cleansing agents; Miralax, Colyte, or Trilyte.

Children that watch TV for several hours a day are more apt to develope asthma, because of the inactivity.

Baby powder has carcinogens in it. Sometimes it is better to buy certain products at the health food store. Those little ones are so sensitive. When their bottoms break out, it could be from the powder.

If you have type 2 diabetes, it is necessary for you to get at least 6 hours of sleep a night.

Ginger is good for cancer patients; if they start taking it before they start their chemo.

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