Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where does all of this farce come from?

Eat for the health of it.

In studies done all over the world, it has been proven time and time again that sunshine does not cause cancer. And the more sunshine you get the less chance that you will get skin cancer. The farmers have been working in fields for years and that was back before they had all this air-conditioned tractor cabs and back when I worked in the fields hoeing the weeds in the rows that the cultivator missed. I planted and picked tomatoes. I worked out there several hours a day and I was careful not to get burned and I didn't get skin cancer and niether did any of the farmers that I knew. I am afraid to use this stuff they have for skin that is supposed to keep you from burning. What is that miracle stuff that they put in there? Isn't it a chemical? If anyone could see what chemicals do to me, I really don't think anyone would want to use chemicals in anything. I know our bodies harbour chemicals but these are our own natural chemicals, our system is used to them but when you start putting unfamiliar chemicals in there, like when you eat something with MSG, Aspartame, HFCS, and others, your system does not recognize these strangers and your system retaliates. Now I consider myself lucky that my system reacts by stirring up these little allergens in my body and I have terrible allergic reactions. Maybe I was chosen so that I could write these blogs and tell you, (WARN) you about the dangers of eating these chemicals. Maybe you don't react to chemicals but that doesn't mean that you are not going to have some type of side effects. Maybe your body is building up cancer cells instead of warning you with a rash or hives like it does to me.

What about Electric Blankets? Is it true that they cause cancer? I cannot think that this could be true because how many other devices do we have that is electric and I don't think they cause cancer either. More than 500 studies have been done on electric blankets and not one shed of evidence that electric blankets can cause cancer. Plug it in! Go snuggle up in your electric blanket.

Care to learn how to eat all natural? Get a copy of: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6287-7 You may order at: www.dorrance Or you may phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:

Laughter is healthy:

My grandpa started walking at the age of 60. Now he's 97 and we don't know where he is.
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by someone I don't like.

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