Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'll try a few remedies

Eat for the health of it.

For contagious diseases, or if you don't know if it contagious, take raw garlic, press it into some honey and have a spoonful.

If you want to suppress your appetite, use peppermint. Catnip will encourage you to eat.

If you have erection problems and do not want to use the drugs, try some real spicy foods. Apparently the the capsaicin in red pepper expands the blood vessels, enhancing blood flow which increases blood flow.

Oh if we had just kept using all natural foods instead of all these chemicals.

Eating healthy will naturally keep you healthy. I think my problem is from medi
cine that I was using for allergies. I am so upset about it because I feel that I am pretty healthy. When you are allergic to the allergy pill, that's pretty bad. It's actually the filler that I am allergic to.

I guess I better hit the sack. We are having a family reunion and we start tomorrow, getting things set up. Friday we have a fish fry and Saturday is the big day, we either have a hobo dinner or a pig roast, but this year the host decided on hambergers and hot dogs. Oh well next year will be better.We are still going to cook corn in a beer barrel.

Laughter is heathy:

Little Tommy was telling his teacher every day that his mother was going to have a brother or a sister for him to play with.

One day his mother let Tommy feel the baby move.

The teacher noticed that he hadn't said anything about the baby in quite some time so the teacher asked, "Tommy, I haven't heard anything about that baby lately."

Tommy bursts into tears and confesses,"I think my mommy ate it."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the hospital

Eat for the health of it.

For my followers, I was in the hospital for four days. I have some lesions on me that are almost black and at times are very painful. I don't think they really know what has caused it. I just hope it goes away and never comes back. I was taking an allergy pill then I started with an allergic reaction, so I went to the drugstore and found out it was generic, so they gave me the regular one and it did help but I was still itching so I quit taking that. I went to the helthfood store and got a spray that really worked then I started with these lesions. I still don't know why it happened and I don't think the doctors really know either. Sometimes I think they are getting carried away with making all these new drugs. You have to careful what you eat with them and that shouldn't be if it is something all natural.

I hope I feel more like writing tomorrow night.

Laughter is healthy:

A sixth grade teacher is giving an assignment to her sixth grade class, when she turned around to start the lesson and reached high on the chalkboard, she heard a giggle from one of the boys in the class.
She quickly turns to Patrick and asks,"What's so funny?"
"Well teacher, I just saw your one of your garters."
She yells, "You get out of my class and don't come back for three days."
As she turns back and begins to write again, she hears another giggle. She again asks,"Billy, what's so funny?"
Well teacher, I just saw both of your garters."
Again she yells,"Get out of my class and don't come back for three weeks."
Embarrassed and frustrated, she turns to the board she drops the eraser, she bends over to pick it up and hears a huge burst of laughter from another male student. She turns to little Johnnie and asks,"Where do you think you are going?"
Johnnie answered, "Well teacher, what I just saw, my school days are over."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

earache, ear infection

Eat for the health of it.

I have been going through a problem with my ears for over a year now. I go to the doctor and they clean out the wax. I have had sinus infection that also claimed my ear. Just a couple of weeks ago I had my ear cleaned again. Well it took her a few minutes to get the tool ready and the water warm and she loaded the squirtee thing and she shot it in my ear and she showed me the clumps of wax she got out. I really want her to do it again because I still don't hear as well as i should but it cost $95 dollars for that process and wow!! I sure hope my insurance pays for that.

In the mean time I guess I will have to try one of the ear treatments I have used before and see if it will work. For one thing they say, never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. Well I couldn't even get my elbow aroung there but I have used several other treatments such as olive oil and garlic (grind the garlic and add to warm olive oil and strain)put the drops in your ears and keep them in there for a few minutes. One thing I haven't tried is a tiny amount of tea tree oil added to the olive oil and garlic. Tea tree oil is supposed to be an infection fighter. I would use 2/3 cup olive oil, 1 clove garlic, chopped, let set for a few days and strain the garlic out, then add a couple drops of tea tree oil. I am going to try this now that I have my ear cleaned out. I used it before but I think I was fighting a loosing battle with all of that ear wax in there. I'll try to remember to let you know if it works. I would like to hear out of both ears as I don't want to miss anything.

Remember my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN # 0-8059-6286-7, By Teresa Thompson,available at: or phone at:1-800-788-7654. You may also order at:, or may be purchased at: Bassettes healthfood Store in Toledo, Ohio on Secor Road between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway.

If you are looking for a good novel, may I suggest, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. Please order at:,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010, and ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

A young preacher was contacted by the near by funeral home to say a few prayers at the nearby cemetery as the man had no family or friends. The preacher starts out early to find the cemetery and the grave location but he gets lost and it makes him a half an hour late. There is no hearse, but there were some workmen on lunch break sitting under the shade tree near by. The preacher goes to the open hole in the ground and sees that the vault lid is already in place. He begins to say some payers for the diseased. When he heads back to his car he hears the men talking and one said,"Do you suppose we aught to tell him that's the septic tank?"

Does your stomach burn?

Eat for the health of it.

If you have any burning in your stomach that lasts more than just a few minutes, you may have a peptic ulcer, or infection from Helicobacter-pylori, H-pylori, which may be the cause of ulcers. The best remedies for healing ulcers and burning in the stomach is the juice from cabbage and to make it taste better add some carrot juice also. Drink a 1/2 cup before meals and at bedtime. Eat three bananas a day. And even though this may sound strange, cayenne pepper is also good; an 1/8 teaspoon in a glass of water or you can buy capsuls at the healthfood store.1 teaspoon slippery elm bark in a cup of warm water 3 times a day. Colloidal silver kills H-pylori, also raw honey but be sure it is pure honey and not the honey that is cut with High Fructose Corn Syrup.

It is a possibility that you will gain weight if you are troubled with duedenal ulcers because sometimes foods compfort your stomach. Eating raw cabbage is also good for you.Garlic, purple foods like plums and berries, coconut oil kills the bacteria that causes ulcers and gas. Try raw goats milk, aloe juice, licorice root and marshmallow root. I eat radishes, that helps me.

Don't be afraid to ask questions at the healthfood store, they are there to help you. And I have found that natural supplements sometimes works better than prescription drugs do especially if you are allergic to drugs like I am.

I have to make this short again tonight, we have to quit going away at night, it keeps me up too late.

Please try my book: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson, available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654, Also order at: or may be purchased at:Bassettes Healthfood store on Secor road in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania avenue and Executive Parkway.

Also a very good novel, 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0, please order at:,,, and now available at:,ISBN# 978-1587366010 and also at: ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

One day the teacher gives an assignment to explain, 'How I was born.'
Little Johnnie goes home and asks his parents, "How was I born?"
His mother explains, "Well honey a stork brought you."
'Oh,' says the boy, "then how did you and daddy get born?"
His mom answers, "A stork brought us too."
Then he asks,"How were grandma and grandpa born?"
His mother insists that the stork also brought them.
The boy hands the paper to his teacher, it begins,'This report has been very difficult to write because there hasn't been a natural birth in our family for three generations.'

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Any one have an earache?

Eat for the health of it.

I don't really have an earache but I have a lot of wax build up. So any time I see anything on ears I have to read it. Especially after going to the doctor the other day and having the assistent clean out my ear. My word, two squirts with that water syringe and $95, I can hear again.

If you decide to clean your own ears, be sure to use sanitized bottles and droppers.
To make a good ear drop at home, use 2/3 cup of olive oil in a clean glass jar, add a fresh mullein leaf, chopped and a tiny bit of tea tree oil and a finely chopped garlic clove.Cover with a lid and set in the sun for ten days. Strain through a sieve then and again through a clean cloth or muslin. Store in a dark bottle that has an eye dropper.
It helps to eat healthy whenever you can. I always ask at a restaurant, that I have not eaten at before, if they use MSG, ASPARTAME,SPLENDA,HFCS,MSG,IF THEY FILTER their water ETC.They probably would rather that I leave, but if we bring two or three other couples with us, they want you to stay. Most restaurants know what I am talking about. And a lot of them do care about their customers because if people get sick at your restaurant, you lose, because people will not come back if they get sick.

Don't forget my book:GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson, available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654, or order at: or may be purchased at: Bassettes Healthfood store located in Toledo, Ohio on Secor Road between Sylvania, Avenue and Executive Parkway.

If you are interested in a good novel please try, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0. Please order at:

Laughter is healthy:

Little Tommy started school and it seemed no matter what the teacher did or what the parents did he was not interested in school. He had terrible grades and just would not try. Going into the second month, his parents decide that they will send him to a Catholic school. Within a short time his grades were improving and by the end of the first marking period he was getting all A's.

The parents were impressed and asked Tommy what he liked about that school, because his grades were very good now.

Tommy, answered with eyes as big as saucers,"I tell you mom and dad, they really mean business there. When we went to the church for a religious class and I saw that guy hanging from the cross, I knew they meant business."

Monday, July 19, 2010

Stop that diarrhia

Eat for the health of it.

It's fun to travel but often times when we travel in certain areas you might get some diarrhea,it's not unusual.As soon as you can, boil 1-1/2 cups rice in a large pot with 15 cups of water. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes with the lid on.Strain the water off and refrigerate the rice for a later meal. When the rice water has cooled, drink two cups, this should take care of the diarrhea but if it doesn't,wait three hours and drink another 2 cups.

Laughter is healthy:

A drunken man staggers into church and walks into the confessional and says nothing. The priest clears his throat and still the man doesn't say anything. The priest finally knocks on the wall of the confesional to get the mans attention. Finally the man says,"No use knocking here man, there's no paper in this one either."

Don't forget to order my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson, it is available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654. Also at: and may be purchased at:Bassettes Healthfood Store, in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania, Avenue and Executive Parkway.

If you are looking for a great novel to read, I suggest, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0. It is a true story, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Please order at:,,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010, and also at:, ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Aloe is good for diaper rash

Eat for the health of it.

The aloe plant has been around, probably forever.Also called xabila (spelled zabila).
I remember using it many years ago. You can take a prawn from the plant and cut it open and take the jell and rub it on whatever. It's great for burns and cuts, diaper rash, dry itchy skin. Some drink a half cup of it morning and evening for their health. Women have used it for the babies diaper rash. Choose the one with the least amount of ingredients. Some do add chemicals.

Remember to try my cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7- Available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654. Yoy may order at: or can be purchased at: Bassettes Healthfood Store on Secor road, between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway.

A good novel to read, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose RobertsISBN# 1-58736-601-0. Please order at:,, and now available at:, ISBN# 978-1587366010 and also at: ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

The son-in-law buys his mother-in-law a cemetery lot for her birthday. The next year, he doesn't buy her anything so she asks him,"Why didn't you buy me a present this year?"
The son-in-law responds; "I thought you didn't like what I bought you last year, I see you didn't use it."

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Do you chew tobacco? Could help.

Eat for the health of it.

Now in this case, you would be lucky if you did chew tobacco. And you would probably not laugh because some day you may be caught with such a problem. Now I hear tell that the Aborigines used to take a cud of chewing tobacco and wet it good with their own saliva and shove it into the vacant spot by the aching tooth and leave it there until it stopped hurting. Just remember that if you are out in the woods, miles away from home and you get a toothache.It will help if you chew tobacco.

There are so many good home remedies, this one is good.

Just remember my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7, By Teresa Thompson, available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654. You may also order at:, or if you live near Toledo Ohio, you may purchase one at: Bassettes Healthfood Store, located on Secor road, between Sylvania avenue and Executive Parkway.

If you want a good, interesting book to read, I suggest, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. The story is all true, but the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Please order at:,,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010 and also at:, ISBN#978-1587366010.

Laughter is Healthy:

One day God saw all the rascally behavior on earth. He called some of his angels to check things out. They returned and told God that,"yes, it is bad on earth, 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not."
God then sent another angel for a second opinion, when that angel came back with the same answer, God was pleased with the 5% of good ones and he emailed them to let them know that he was happy with their behavior. He sent them a special letter of encouragement. "Do you know what it said?"

I was just wondering, because I didn't get one either.

Are you depressed?

Eat for the health of it.

A good old fashioned remendy for depression is to omit sugary foods, get plenty of sunshine, eat fish and fibery foods, consume organ meats, walk at least 15 minutes twice a day. Keep busy, if you run out of work, visit friends and you may also want to see if someone else needs help. Doing a favor for a friend or relative can make you feel happy. Relax and listen to music.

I have noticed with myself that I feel better if I am busy doing something, when you sit around too much you get bored and then you feel sorry for yourself. So if you run out of work, offer to help someone else.

Just a quick reference, please try my all natural cookbook,GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson, available at:, or phone # 1-800-788-7654. You may order at:, or purchase at: Bassettes Healthfood store on Secor road in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway.

Another book you may be interested in is, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. A true story, interesting to the end. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.Available at:,,, and now available at: ISBN#978-1587366010 and also at: ISBN#978-1587366010.

Laughter is heathy:

A four year old is with his mom in church and after the sermon is over with, the little guy asks his mom,"How does he know all that stuff, Mom?"

His mother answers, "Well, he goes to the priests school."

But Mom, I go to preschool too but I never learned all that stuff."

Friday, July 16, 2010

Vinegar for anything

Eat for the health of it.

I got my blog all done last night and copuuts, it failed to send so here I go again.I have tried vinegar for many things but I just recently read where you should use apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar to get rid of wrinkles. I have thought of trying this before but was a bit skeptical. Now I am going to. Simply put the vinegar on a cloth and put it on your wrinkles. It feels good but you smell a bit vinegary. Don't get it in your eyes.

With all the chemicals they put in our foods and cleansers etc., I like using things that are all natural. If you want to learn more about cooking all natural please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson, it is available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654. You may also order at:, or may be purchased at: Bassettes Healthfood Store on Secor road, in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway.

If you would like a good novel to read, I suggest,'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. The story is true but the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Please order at:,,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010 and also at: ISBN#978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

A business lady does a lot of flying and she always gets nervous about the plane flight so she carries a bible with her and reads it as she flies. A man sitting next to her asks,"You don't really believe all that stuff in there,do you?"
She replies,"Of course I do, it is the bible."
"Well, what about the guy that was swallowed by the whale?"
"You mean Jonah? Sure I do."
"Well, how do you suppose he survived all that time?"
"I don't really know, but when I get to heaven, I will ask him."
"What if he isn't in heaven?" the man asks sarcastically.
The lady said,"Then you can ask him."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

my life is just too busy to be fun

Eat for the health of it.

Gosh, first thing this morning I had to go to the doctor and get my ear cleaned out. WOW! what an experience, the nurse filled this squirty thing full of fairly warm water and she squirted this water in my ear and out came a bunch of wax. Now I can hear again. Out of both ears now.

Just a joke and I am going to bed.

A knock came at the door of a young lady. She answered it and a vaccuum sweeper guy was there and said,"Good afternoon ma'm, can I show you my sweeper."

She said,"no!" but before she could get the door closed he slipped in the door. She again said, I don't want to buy a sweeper, I'm broke, go away."

Before she had said all she wanted to say, the man dumped a bucket of manure on her carpet.

"What are you doing?"
He answers, "With my sooper dooper sweeper I will sweep it all up and what ever is left, I will eat."

The lady said, "Well, I hope you are hungry because when I said I was broke, I meant I am really broke. What part of broke don't you know? They also turned my elctricy off early this morning.""

Monday, July 12, 2010

Just a joke again tonight

Eat for the health of it.

A nun is sitting at the window in the convent when she is handed a letter. When she opened it a $10 bill falls out. She is happy to get the money but as she is reading, she notices a shabby dressed fellow who is leaning against a pole.Worried that he may be hungry she puts the $10 in an envelope. On the envelope she writes, "Do not despair, Sister Eulalia. And she throws it out the window to him. He reads the note, Gives her a puzzled look, tips his hat and goes down the street.

The next day as she sat praying, she is interrupted by another nun. "Sister Eulalia, someone is here to see you. She goes down and meets the man at the door. Without saying a word he hands her a roll of bills.She asks what all the money was for and he told her,"It's your winnings,Don't Despair came in at five to one."

Stormy weather

Eat for the health of it.

Not staying on too long, it is storming here.

A guy driving down the highway notices a sign that says 'sisters of mercy house of prostitution- 10 km' He heads for the source. He drives by 2 more signs so he figures that it has to be true.

He pulls into the driveway, parks and goes to the door and rings the bell.A nun comes to the door and asks, "may I help you?"
He says, "I saw the sign, and would like to do business with you."
"Very well, please follow me."
He is led through a deserted passage and becomes very confused.The nun stops and tells him to wait a few minutes and then knock at the door. He does and he finds himself in a hallway and a nun is holding a tin cup. The nun instructs him to place $50 in the cup and he does as he is told.As he trots down threw the hallway, he opens another door, he exits the door and as it closes behind him he sees another sign that reads, "Have a good day, you have just been screwed by the Sisters of Mercy."

Friday, July 9, 2010

have you ever had a charley horse?

Eat for the health of it.

If you have never had a charley horse, you haven't lived long enough. I think they are one of the most painful of pains. I used to get them in my legs and they hurt so bad, I couldn't move. My mother-in-law had them and she would just scream they hurt her so bad. I wished I knew about the cure at that time for her sake.

Now this is going to sound crazy but I read that you should take a bar of white soap and put it under your fitted sheet or bottom sheet, near where your legs will get near the bar of soap. You can call me crazy or whatever you want, but I swear to you that it really works. I have talked to some of the people that have tried it and it didn't work for them. Now they may have used a colored bar of soap, I don't know. And I am not sure if it really makes the difference what color it is either. I only know that it does work for me and a couple of times now that I started to get cramps in my legs and I found out that my bar of soap had fallen out of bed and as soon as I put it back it started working again, so please give it a try, and keep it in there all the time, down by your legs.It doesn't take up much room. I use these little bars of soap they have at the Motels. It doesn't have to be a big bar.

You can try water exercises, Yoga, anything to keep you moving. I have read that you can eat seaweed, like bladderwrack, laminaria, dulse and kelp. (These are cooked or steamed and eaten.)or in powder form, use 1 tbs. in soup or other liquid, or take 4 capsuls a day.

Some of these good old remedies are so much better then medication that can cause another problem when you take it. I am allergic to a lot of drugs and almost all the chemicals they put in our food, so I welcome any safe all natural cures.

If you would like to eat all natural, try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson,it is available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 You may order at:, or it may be purchased at Bassetts Healthfood Store on Secor Road in Toledo, Ohio,between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway.

If you are looking for a good novel that is interesting to the very end please try 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. The story is based on a true life happening and is interesting to the very end. It is a true story but the names have been changed to protect the innocent.Please order,,, and now available at:, 978-1587366010 and also at:, ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

Little Johnnie, told his teacher that he had found a cat on his way to school but it was dead.
"Johnnie, how do you know the cat was dead?"
"I pissed in his ear and he didn't even move."
"You did what?!!" The teacher didn't know whether to ask another question or to scold him.
"You know," he explained. "I leaned down by his ear and went PSSST! and he didn't move."

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Olive oil has a lot of uses

Eat for the health of it.

Mix equal parts of Lanolin and olive oil, then rub it on your chapped hands, arms, legs and lips. Let it soak for a few minutes and shower.

Olive oil, is good for cooking and take capsuls for easier bowel movements.

Eating all natural is also good and healthy for you. If you need help with all natural cooking, please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson, it is available at:, or by phone (1-800-788-7654)or you may order at: or you may purchase it at: Bassettes Healthfood Store in Toledo, Ohio, on Secor road between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway. (In a little strip mall)

If you are interested in a very good novel that will keep you interested to the very end, I suggest: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0, The story is a true story based on real happenings. It is listed as fiction only because the names were changed to protect the innocent. Please order at:,,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010 and also at:, ISBN#978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

The priest gets tired of hearing all the perishiners confessing to adutery.
One Sunday during his serman, he tells the people that he is so sick of hearing confessions of adultery and he threatens to quit if he hears even one more person confessing to committing adultery.

Everyone likes the guy and doesn't want him to quit so they come up with a code name, if they have committed adultery they will just say they,'have fallen'.

The priest seems to be satisfied with the code name and they use this for years. Suddenly the priest dies and they get a new priest. After a few weeks the priest goes into town and visits the mayor.

The priest says,"I would like you to do something about the footpaths in town as there are quite a few people that are talking about having fallen."

The Mayor starts to laugh, realizing that no-one has told the priest of the code word.
The priest shakes his finger at the mayor and says, "I don't know what you are laughing about. Your wife fell three times this week."

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Help with Cerebral Palsy

Eat for the health of it.

Although there is no cure for Cerebral Palsy there are treatments that can help to improve the patients life. There is soaking in mineral waters or spring waters. I know with my back, when we went to Alaska, that is a long drive and we came upon some hot springs with mineral water and we got in there and it felt so good. It relieved a lot of pain and stiffness from the long ride.

There are a lot of other treatments too like Massages,mud packs even electrical stimulation. I think any of these things should be tried to see if the patient would respond to it.

Any natural remedies that could bring some relief to the patient.

I am for anything all natural, especially eating all natural. If you would like to eat all natural please order my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#, 0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson, available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654. You may order at:, or may be purchased at Bassetts Healthfood store on Secor road, in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway.

If you would like a good novel to read, I suggest, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. The story is based on a true life happening that will keep you interested until the very end. It is listed as fiction because the names were changed to protect the innocent.. Please order at:,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010 and also at: ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

In the synagogue, the rabbi was conducting prayer when he hears an argument in the yard. He checked and Yossi and Jacob were involved in a heated argument.

"Jacob, I tell you Black is a color."
"No, Yossi, black is not a color!"
The Rabbi scolds them for their argument and tells them to quiet down before they wake the dead.
"Rabbi, I have a question, says Yossi."I know you are very intelligent,and a great teacher. Can you tell us, is black a color?"
The Rabbi thinks for a moment and says,"Yes, I believe black is a color."
He returns to his prayers and again he hears the two men arguing.
"White is a color."
"No, white is no color!"
The Rabbi asks,"Yossi! Jacob! Why are you arguing again?"
"We are truly sorry for the interruptions, Rabbi, we do need your help again."
"What is it this time?"
Yossi said, "Please Rabbi, can you tell us, is white a color?"
"God help me Yossi, yes, white is a color. Now can I get back to my prayers?"
He begins again but also listens for any further arguments from the two men. He hears Yossi tell Jacob, "You see Jacob? No question about it, I sold you a color TV."

What is paprika good for?

Eat for the health of it.

I thought this quite interesting and want to pass it on. I have eaten Hungarian gulyas (goulash)American spelling. It's delicious. It is a beef and vegetable stew. Paprika is the spice in it that gives this great flavor and color.I used many bottles of this spice over the years and now I found out that if you are troubled with gluten in wheat products you should eat paprika every day and to use it liberally on grain foods, so if you are bothered with the gluten thing or celiac disease, give this a try. And you can take this in capsul form, three a day, when you eat anything with gluten in it.

Oh the power of the natural foods. One thing that is good is spices are all natural and they make foods taste so good. I hope they don't have to make excuses to add chemicals to them. SSHHH!! don't give them any ideas.

All natural is the only way to eat. Please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 by Teresa Thompson, is available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654, or at:, or may be purchased at Bassettes Healthfood store, on Secor road, in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway,(in a strip mall).

If you are looking for a good, interesting book to read, may I suggest, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0. The story is based on true life happenings, although it is listed as a fiction because the names are changed to protect the innocent. Please order at:,,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010. And also at: Barnesand,ISBN#978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

A preacher tells his congregation that anything ther can think of is discussed somewhere in the bible and, in fact, that the entirety of the human experience can be found in the bible.

After the services are over this lady comes to the Preacher and says,"I don't believe that I ever heard anything about PMS in the bible."

The preacher replies that he is sure it is in there somewhere and he will look it up and let her know the next Sunday. The following week after the services the preacher call the lady aside and shows her the passage which reads, "And Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem."

Monday, July 5, 2010

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Eat for the health of it.

If you never had carpal tunnel syndrome, then you don't know how painful it can be. I guess it makes a difference what type work you do that can cause you to have this. I had an upholstery shop and that is rather hard repetative work and can really be rough on your hands, wrists and of course your back. Running a sewing machine and lifting furniture and other things can cause all kinds of problems. I had surgery on for the CTS and I was still able to work. Had I known that I could do some exercises, it may have kept me from having surgery, but at that time I hadn't heard of the exercise.

You take vitamin B-6(4 tablets a day), then put some olive oil on your hands and massage them around the thumb and index finger and the wrist area. You may have to go to a massage therapist and have the therapist show you what to do, because this is something you may have to do every day. I am sure there are a lot of jobs that cause carpal tunnel so it's good to know this.

Natural treatments are so much better for you then surgery but when surgery is a must, you will do that too.

If you would like to eat all natural, please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson, is available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654. You may also order at:, or may be purchased at: Bassettes Healthfood Store on Secor road, in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway.

If you would like a good novel to read, I suggest, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. The story is based on a true story that will keep you interested to the very end. It is listed as a fiction because the names have been chenged to protect the innocent. Please order at:,,, and now available at: ISBN# 978-1587366010 and also at:, ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

Two men collided as they were pushing their carts around the store. The older man says,"sorry about that, I was looking for my wife, and I guess I wasn't paying attention. The young man says, "That's okay, I'm looking for my wife too, I need to get home."
The old man says,"Maybe I can help you find her, what does she look like?"
The younger man says, "She is 27 years old, tall, with red hair, blue eyes, buxom, wearing no bra, long legs, and wearing short shorts. What does your wife look like?"
The older fella answers, "Doesn't really matter, lets look for yours."

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Care after cardiac arrest

Eat for the health of it.

If you have had a cardiac problem and would like to know what you can do to help yourself after recovery, try taking one capsul of cayene pepper and one capsule of ginger in the morning before breakfast and 1 capsule of each again midday for 6 months.

Try eating mostly steamed, baked or broiled foods. Raw fruits and veggies are also very good for you. Try to eat as much all natural foods as possible.Just remember that when food is processed it will lose a lot of its food value.

My all natural cookbook can help you choose foods to eat also. GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7, by Teresa Thompson is available at:, or phone at: 1-800-788-7654, or at:, or may be purchased at Bassettes Healthfood store on Secor Road, in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway.(in a small strip mall)

Laughter is healthy:

One of many things no-one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.

First you forget names, then you forget faces. Then you forget to pull up your zipper. But it's even worse when you forget to pull it down.

Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with a stick, it was called witchcraft... Today, it's called golf.

Lord keep your arm around my shoulder, and your hand over my mouth.

Friday, July 2, 2010

How does cancer happen?

Eat for the health of it.

It is beleived that cancer happens when there is a mutation in the genetics of every day life. Like when there is an interruption of the cycle of cells and they are thrown out of sequence causing inadequate flow to body cells. Especially when we are upset mentally and emotionally and causing physical problems.

What would we do without our cell phones, computers, microwave ovens, and similer products? But these very things could cause us to get cancer. Cancer is a natural rataliation of attacks on the human body whether you are sick, lonely,depressed, if you are exposed to chemicals, smoke, excessive alcohol, irradiated foods, drugs etc. There are so many causes of cancer that it would be impossible to really say what caused the cancer. All you can do is try to eat as much all natural foods as possible. I can see that it is going to be necessary to eat organic foods in the future, especially when they are allowing more and more chemicals in our foods and to allow spraying with dangerous chemicals. They are alredy warning people about the new spray for strawberries, it sounds very dangerous.

One more reason that I am trying to get people to eat all natural foods as often as you can. My all natural cookbook will help you stay on track. GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7,by Teresa Thompson, please order at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654, or, or at: Bassettes Healthfood store on Secor Road, in Toledo, Ohio, between Sylvania Avenue and Executive Parkway. (In a small strip mall)

If you are looking for a good, interesting novel, you will really enjoy, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts. ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. The story is based on a true story, although it is listed as a fiction. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.Please place your order at:,,, and now available at:, ISBN# 978-1587366010. And also at:, ISBN# 978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or it leaks.

When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra. I don't know about you but I still have not used that since I got out of school.

Just remember that being young is beautiful, but old is comfortable.