Wednesday, July 14, 2010

my life is just too busy to be fun

Eat for the health of it.

Gosh, first thing this morning I had to go to the doctor and get my ear cleaned out. WOW! what an experience, the nurse filled this squirty thing full of fairly warm water and she squirted this water in my ear and out came a bunch of wax. Now I can hear again. Out of both ears now.

Just a joke and I am going to bed.

A knock came at the door of a young lady. She answered it and a vaccuum sweeper guy was there and said,"Good afternoon ma'm, can I show you my sweeper."

She said,"no!" but before she could get the door closed he slipped in the door. She again said, I don't want to buy a sweeper, I'm broke, go away."

Before she had said all she wanted to say, the man dumped a bucket of manure on her carpet.

"What are you doing?"
He answers, "With my sooper dooper sweeper I will sweep it all up and what ever is left, I will eat."

The lady said, "Well, I hope you are hungry because when I said I was broke, I meant I am really broke. What part of broke don't you know? They also turned my elctricy off early this morning.""

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