Monday, January 18, 2010

Home remedies to use

Eat for the health of it.

Just a few good old remedies. Why not try them?

For a headache take a piece of lemon rind and squeeze the oil from it and rub it on your temples, then place a cloth over your temples and relax. Headache should dissapear but if it doesn't you may want to seek help.

I have not tried this because I really am not bothered with arthritis yet but I hope I remember this if I do. Take a 1# box of raisins and soak them in a pint of gin. Store in a pint glass jar with a cover. Eat a few of these every day and you should have relief. DO NOT STORE IN CHRYSTAL

Grapes are good for High Blood preasure. Also use sea salt and that should help lower your BP.

Use apple cider vinegar for high cholesterol. You can add a teaspoon or up to a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink once a day. Or you can make a very thirst quenching drink- Health drink from my all natural cookbook.

Just keep in mind that you need a little time for this to work and if it does not help you, please see a doctor.

Available at: Phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or

A novel you may want to read: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN1-58736-601-0 Avaible at: or at: or

Laughter is healthy:

A young lady went to a nursing home to visit an friend who was there with her husband. All the time the three of them visited, the lady called her husband sweetie, darling,honey atc.

The husband excused himself to take a nap, after he left, the visiting friend told the older lady that she was so impressed about how she called her husband all of those pet names. The older lady answered her, "OH, I just forgot the old farts name so I just call him whatever comes to my mind."

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