Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Maybe just a joke

Eat for the health of it.

My computer has been very sick for about 2 or 3 weeks now. I finally got it back. I haven't got the bill on it yet.

Mavis and Liz were living in a retirement home, when a new man came on the scene. Mavis nudged Liz and commented about the nice looking fellow and she wanted her to get aquainted with him.

"Now," says Liz, "you know how shy I am, why don't you go and find out more about him."

Mavis agrees and she walks over to talk to him. "Excuse me sir, I hope I'm not prying, but my friend and I were wondering why you look so lonely."

"Of course I am lonely," he responds,"I've spent the past twenty years in prison."

"You're kidding! What for?"

"For killing my third wife."

"What happened to your second wife?"

"I shot her."

"And, may I ask, your first wife?"

"We had a fight and she fell off a building."

"Oh my," she says and turns to her friend and shouts,"Yoo hoo,Liz,he's single."

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