Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just a funny story

Eat for the health of it.

My husband and I have decided we will not be going to a nursing home when we get old. We found out that nursing homes cost nearly $200.00 per day, that's in the neighborhood of $6000.00 a month. Holy, Moly!!! Am I right? Is that $72,000 a year? WOW!!!

Well, I have already checked on reservations at the Holiday Inn. For a long term stay discount and the senior discount, it's only $60 some dollars a night. And to top it off breakfast is included and some have happy hour in the afternoon. That sounds great. That leaves us with about $140 a day for lunch and dinner in any restaurant we want to go to; room service, laundry, gratuities, special TV movies, Spa, swimming pool and workout room, lounge, washer and dryer, etc. not to mention the free tooth paste, shampoo, soap and even razors.

I should be able to give them each a $5 tip. They treat you like a customer not a patient. Seniors ride free on the shuttle bus, or fake a limp and the handicap bus will pick you up and even help you with packages.

Catch the church bus on Sunday. Take the airport bus just for a change in scenery and eat at one of their fine restaurants. And because of the money building up, you may as well take a plane trip to somewhere.

It takes months to get in a nursing home where you call the Motel and they will get you in today. And you can move from Inn to Inn and from city to city. If you want to go to Hawaii, nows your chance.

If the TV breaks, or the lights go out, need a new mattress,just call for room service. They fix everything and apologise for the inconvenience.

If you fall and get hurt, they will call the ambulance and take you to the hospital and that's covered by medicare anyway.

Your friends and family can come to visit too and check in at the same Motel and the kids will love the pool.

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