Friday, August 26, 2011

Just a cute story tonight

Eat for the health of it.

As lttle Johnny walks into class, the teacher shouts,"You're late again."

Little Johnny says,"But Miss Harper, this time it's not my fault."

"Well, then who do we blame for your tardiness?"

"My dad, cause he sleeps naked!"

Although Miss Harper knew she should not let him tell his story, but she was curious herself as to what Johnny was going to say."Go ahead and tell us."

"You see miss Harper, we have this sly old fox that comes around at night and he done ate six chickens in the last few nights. When my dad heard a noise from the chicken coup, he grabbed his shot gun and headed for the hen house.Dad told us to stay back but we were curious. You remember, I said that dad was naked as a jaybird-no boots, pants or shirt, but he crawled to the hen house just like a snooping Indian. He stuck that double barreled shot gun through the window of the chicken coop and as he stared into the darkness, thinking about that fox, our houndog, Roofuss, came sneakin up behind dad. Then we watched as old Roofus done stuck his cold nose right in my dad's crack!"

Miss Harper was speachless as Johnny continued,"Miss Harper, we all been cleanin' chickens since three O'clock this mornin!"

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