Friday, July 8, 2011

Why Wimbledon Tennis Amazes and Engages Me

Why Wimbledon Tennis Amazes and Engages Me

Eat for the health of it.

The only thing that is out of the ordinary in my life right now is that we have signed up to have windmills erected on our farms and some of our neighbors do not like it. Mostly it is neighboring towns that the people do not have land to put them on so they are fighting the project so we can not have them either. I never realized how nasty some people can be, they have gone as far as to threaten my sister-in-law, who has recently been widowed, with a bomb scare because her two sons have also signed up for them.

It's unbelievable for anyone to be so hateful and jealous. We need a new source of electricity and windmills are clean and safe and are surely better than a neuclear plant. These people are so ignorant that they think a neuclear plant is better.

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