Thursday, June 2, 2011

What about this weather?

Eat for the health of it.

This weather is nasty. We had a main electric pole blown down earlier and we were without electricity for several days and then a week ago we had another storm and it blew a big tree down and we were without electricity again for a couple of days. I wonder whats next and when.

One day a hunter was out in the middle of a forest when he comes upon a huge bear. He turns and runs trying to stay out of reach of the bear. He suddenly comes to the edge of a cliff and he falls on his knees and prays,"Dear Lord, please give this bear some religion!"

The sky darkens and lightening fills the air. A few feet away from the hunter, the bear comes to an abrupt stop, he glanses around a bit confused.

Suddenly the bear looks up to the sky, kneels and says,"Thank you Lord, for this food I am about to receive."

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