Sunday, June 5, 2011

athletes foot

Eat for the health of it.

I don't have athletes foot but I am sure someone out there has and I came accross this article and decided to pass it on. Simply use Oil of Oregano. Apply it liberally on the afected area,and between the toes, but don't expect an over night cure; you might have to use it for awhile before it heals. After all how long have you had it?

Be sure to try my all natural cookbook,GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7.Phone 1-800-788-7654.Also available at:,,,, and most bookstores you can ask them to order it if you give them the title and the ISBN#.

Laughter is healthy:

A man hunting bear for the first time and not having any luck but would meet other hunters and they always had a bear and a story behind it. So he humbles himself to ask for their secret.
The hunter would tell a fantastic tale of how he got his bear."I just go over there and I yell into one of those holes in the mountain and out comes the bear and I shoot him."
"I'll try that says the hunter."
The next day, the first hunter comes out of the woods with a bear skin and comes accross the the guy he had talked to the day before. The guy is crawling on his hands and knees, covered with blood and missing a leg.
"What happened to you man?"
" I did what you told me to do.I went to the hole. I started shouting and swearing at the bear and guess what happened?"
"A bloody train same out."

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