Friday, May 6, 2011

Fish oil

Eat for the health of it.

Fish oil is one of the best supplements you can take. It's good for so many things like: Wrinkles, arthritis, heart disease, high blood preasure. Get a good brand of Omega three Fish oil and give it a try. If you want to eat your omega three, try eating: Tuna, salmon, mackeral, sardines, and anchovies.

Please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, phone number, 1-800-788-7654. Available at other books stores also.

Laughter is healthy:

A six year old boy tells his teacher every day that he is going to have a baby brother or sister. One day his mother let him feel the baby moving. The teacher noticed that he suddenly stops talking about the baby. Finally one day she asks him why he isn't talking about the baby anymore. He tells the teacher, "I think my mommy ate it."

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