Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do you sweat a lot?

Eat for the health of it.

If you are a heavy sweater (well, sweat a lot) try some seaweed.

Don't forget my cookbook GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7. Please order at: or call at 1-800-788-7654.

Just a short cute story, this priest had a little kitten and he heard it crying and looked up in a tree but could not coax the little rascal down, so he tied a rope as far up in the tree as he could and tied the other end to his car and he thought by pulling the tree over a bit that he would then be able to reach the kitten. He tried but he couldn't reach the kitten so he decided to get back in his car and try to pull the tree a little farther and the rope broke and the kitten went flying. He searched around the house but didn't see the kitten so he decided to check the neighborhood. He walked down the street a ways and saw a little girl and her mother sitting on the porch, petting this little kitten and sure enough it was his kitten. The little girl was so happy with it that he didn't want to say anything, but the mother told him that the little girl had been asking for a kitten and she told her that, 'if God wants you to have a cat he will send you one, and sure enough this kitten came flying through the air so what could I say?"

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