Monday, November 9, 2009

diabetes is a cluster of disorders

Eat for the health of it.

It seems that just about every other person that you talk to these days has diabetes. That's not hard to figure out, when they have tons of candy in about every store. They put High fructose corn syrup in everything that they used to put sugar in. There are very few restaurants anymore that have jelly, that does not have HFCS in it. The snacks are full of sugar or they have sugar and HFCS. If parents only knew what this HFCS is doing to their children's health, they would not allow them to have anything with HFCS in it.
I am allergic to it so that helps me to stay away from it. Maybe I am lucky that I am allergic to it. My husband has diabetes but it doesn't stop him from buying things with HFCS in it, but believe me, I don't eat it. I don't like to have my skin all raw and sore from that crap. But I am so afraid for these kids that are growing up now, if noone tells them not to eat that horrible stuff, most of the kids are going to be diabetics. And if the government does not take it off the market, the parents are going to have to insist that their children do not eat any products that has HFCS in it. And believe me that covers a lot of territory.
Diabetes, is not a single ailment. Diabetes can cause so many other serious illnesses like, it can cause blindness, leg and foot amputations, it can make you more likely to have a heart attack, or stroke or kidney failure. It is one of the top deadly diseases.
What is really amazing, is that diabetes, in erly stages, can be cured. And I would say that most diabetics do not want to try. It's like they have to have a fix, like a drug addict, they just go right for the sweet and starchy foods.
Other major factors for diabetes, are obesity, lack of exercise, stress, and poor nutrition. And I believe that food additives are among the causes of diabetes and other illnesses.
You take salt, table salt is bad for you, but you need salt, did anyone think that the chemical, in the table salt, could be the culprit, instead of the salt itself? I use sea salt(iodized) and it does not cause my legs to swell. Now did anyone say that table salt is not good for you? All I ever heard was that salt was not good for you. Give it a try, throww it-no you can save it for salting your icy sidewalk this winter. Buy some sea salt and us that. When you go to restaurants, ask for sea salt and if you frequent that restaurant and you like a lot of salt, bring your own sea salt.
If you have diabetes in your family, that does not mean that you have to have diabetes too. First of all you will have to get down to a good weight. Exercise, get rid of stress, it's real important to eat all natural foods. Eat fiber and grains and avoid refined sugars and grains. I will not recommend Aspartame, Splenda, or any artificial sweeteners. I will recommend Stevia, which you can buy in a dry form or a dropper bottle, because you only need a few drops to sweeten anything. For baking you need a product that has bulk similar to sugar and I have used Excella and it would be best to go to a health food store and they could help you with that. I have also used Xylitol. I think the health food store would give you the measurement for replacing sugar with either Xylitol or some other product, but excella is pretty much the same consistancy as sugar.

If you would like to know more about all natural eating, why not order my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at: Or you may order at:

Another very good book to read(the kind you do not want to put down)try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or at: or at:

Laughter is healthy: Here's a laugh:

The next time someone asks a dumb question, try this:

I was standing in line holding this big bag of purina dog chow, for my wonder dog. As I was almost ready to check out and more peple were lining up; this lady behind me asks." Do you have a dog?" I decided to have some fun and told her,"No, I am starting this new purina diet, again. I probably shouldn't but the last time I tried it, I lost fifty pounds before I woke up in the intentive care unit,in the hospital."

I continued to tell her that the diet was easy to follow, "Just load up your pockets with the little nuggets and eat a couple when you feel hungry. It's nutritious and I want to try it again."

(I have to tell you right here, that I had everyone listening to me that was in ear shot.)

Horrified, she asked if I ended up in the intensive care because the dog food was poison. I told her no, I just stepped off the curb to sniff an Irish setters behind and a car came along and hit us both. The guy behind about had a heart attack, he was laughing so hard.

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