Monday, November 9, 2009

behavior problems and children

Eat for the health of it.

After a study of about a thousand mothers and their children, were done, the conclusion was that Children of mothers with depression problems were more likely to be injured and children with mothers with depression problems were more likely to act out their problems.Children of parents with depression prblems are most likely to develope behavior problems. I am sure that most children that come from a family of abuse will be abusive, or if the one or more of the paents drink, will be more apt to be a drinker also. Some children are able to slide away from the sbusive parent and become a respected loving parent.


Children can develope kidney stones as well as adults. This can happen if your child consumes too mauch sodium, chocolate, nuts, tea (high in oxalate) that is found in kidney stones. Encourage them to drink plenty of water. limit sodium, which is found in lunch meats, frozen dinners,, fast food, snack foods and other convenient foods.

I didn't realize the time. I have to take my husband for a test in a few hours, sorry no joke tonight. I will have to sleep fast.

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