Friday, November 6, 2009

colds and honey

Eat for the health of it.

The drugs nowadays are getting to the point where I am afraid to take anything. I just had a sinus infection and to get medication for that, by the time I got the medication, it was over with. Well almost. I am allergic to the filler in the generic drugs. What bugs me is that I took a generic pill for pain and I got hives in my stomach, so I took a generic allergy pill, and it worked. The hives went away but within a short time I could feel the hives again. I figure that the filler, in the allergy pill, is what caused them the second time. My only problem besides this is that I can get the name brand, but it costs several times more than the generic costs. On the one drug for pain was $204.00 a month, for the name brand, but the generic was only $6.00. How can that be? They claim that the drug is the same but the filler is different or has different additives.

I really feel that I am ready to find me a homeopathic doctor or an herbalist. This is very scarey for me when I take a pill and I don't know what it is going to do to me. I always wondered if over the counter medicaton was pretty safe, but I am not sure about that either so that is why I am sticking with the drug for now. I feel that the druggest could at least keep an eye on what else I am taking to make sure they don't mix drugs that don't get along.

This is it for tonight, I have a book signing tomorrow at Southview High School, on Sylvania Avenue, in Sylvania, Ohio. Hopefully, I will have more time tomorrow night.

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