Eat for the health of it.
Coconut oil is delicious. It adds that little something to your food that you are preparing. Fried, cooking or baking. Give it a try.
In the 50's, the public had turned against saturated fats - blaming that for the rise in heart disease. Butter, eggs and coconut oil were out. Vegetable oil was in, believing it was heart healthy.
Adding insult to injury - the soybean industry began to condemn the use of tropical oils. Years later the truth about coconut nut oil brought the tropical nutritional staple back into the lime light.
A dentist that happened to be traveling in the South Pacific discovered that the people on diets high in coconut products were healthy and trim, despite the high fat diet. Further studies proved a positive vascular health. There was no evidence that the high saturated fat intake had any harmful effects. Go ahead and eat, it's good for you.
Coconut oil has good benefits like:
Promoting heart health and weight loss.
Supports your immune system and metabolism.
Boosts energy and helps keep skin healthy and youthful looking.
Supports your thyroid.
I use extra virgin olive oil for salads and dressings but it is not recommended for frying or cooking because of the chemical structure. Cooking makes it suseptable to oxidative damage.
Polyunsaturated fats, include vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, sunflower, canola, and these are the worst to use. The only oil that will take the heat is coconut oil. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, the same ingredient in mothers' breast milk.
If you are interested in eating healthy, tRy my all natural cookbook:
Please order or phone at: 1-800-788-7654
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If you are looking for a great novel please try 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Please order at or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Grandma's letter:
Dear Granddaughter,
The other day I bought a bumper sticker that said 'Honk if you love Jesus' boy am I glad I did. I found that a lot of people love Jesus. I put it on my bumper and what an uplifting experience I had.
I was stopped at a red light, at a busy intersection, just lost in thought about the Lord. All of a sudden the guy behind me must have read my bumper sticker because he started to honk like crazy. It was a good thing he did because I hadn't noticed that the light had changed. The guy started to holler out his window, 'for the love of God Go! Go! Go!'
What an excellent chearleader he was for Jesus.
Everyone was honking and waving. And I just smiled and waved back at them. I even honked my horn. There must have been a man from Florida back there too because I heard him say something about a sunny beach. Then I saw another man waving with his middle finger stuck up in the air.
I asked my grandson in the back seat, what that meant, and he said it was some sort of Hawaiian good luck sign.
Well I had never met anyone from Hawaii so I leaned out the window and gave him that good luck sign right back. My grandson burst out with laughter. Even he was enjoying this religious experience.
A couple of people got caught up in the religeous experience because they got out of their cars and headed toward mine but then I wanted to get through the light before it changed again so I just waved at them and just made it through the light before it changed. I slowed down enough to give them the Hawaiin good luck sign one more time.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
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