Eat for the health of it.
I know I talked about this before, but I am afraid someone may have missed it. I feel knowing about this is so important, especially if your children are using it.
These are the facts: Splenda is a chemically created product where sugar molecules are transformed through chlorination and processed so as to be completely unrecognizable as sugar. Following chlorination, a further chemical process is applied using phosgene, a poisoness gas, a major industrial chemical used to make plastic and pesticides. The Splenda label does not and cannot use sugar as an ingredient, as sugar is not recognizable in the final process. In their campaign they continue to highlight "sugar" falsely seeking the association between Splenda and sugar in the consumers mind. Making one think that it is all natural when it is not.
I thought it was okay, by the add, that it was only sugar but not thinking < how did they remove the calories from sugar? I should have known better but still you trust the persons that are supposed to control these things and check them out before they are put on the market. I will never forget the first time I ever tried Splenda. I made a cup of tea and added the packet of Splenda to it and as I sipped away half of it, all of a sudden I started to get severe chest pains. I told my husband that I felt I was having a heart attack and we better go to the hospital. I happened to think that this was the first time I had used this product and I decided to look it up on the computer and when I read the article, that it was processed with chlorine, and remembering that I was allergic to chorine, I immediately took an allergy pill and within a few minutes it started to subside.
It just blows my mind that they are putting all of these chemicals in our food supply and we don't know it. Who would think that anyone would want to add a chemical to our food, and then have someone that you should trust to keep things like chemicals out of our food supply, and they are getting paid to approve this act. I should really call these products poison, because to me they are poison.
I think about these little ones that are using this stuff on their cereal, convenient foods,they put it in the packets in restaurants so anyone can use them. What is bad is that everyone seems to think there is nothing wrong with Splenda, it's just another sweetener to them. If they have no reaction, it's no wonder they think it's alright, but what they do not know is what harm it is doing to their systems, and some day they may get sick and not even relate it to Splenda or some other chemical, because Splenda is only one of many artificial sweteners. If I could talk to everyone, I would tell them to use the only no calorie sweetener, Stevia. It has been on the market for a few years but the only reason you did not hear of it was because the only place you could buy it was at the health food stores. Now it is on the shelf at the grocery stores. It is Stevia not Truvia or Juvia or any other simular, because I wrote to the company that makes Truvia and asked if they had a chemical in ther product and they never answered me so I felt,I knew the answer.
Keep in mind too that all of those artificial sweeteners have chemicals of some sort in them and remember that Stevia is a safe product, I have used it for years without any side effects. I have used Splenda, nutrasweet, Sweet and Low, etc. and they all had a reaction on me, because they contain a chemical. I just remember my friend always drank several cups of coffee a day and I watched her put packet after packet of the artificial sweeteners in her coffee. I miss her, she died from brain cancer and I feel that it was from all of that chemical she added to her coffee every day.
If you would like to learn more about eating healthy please try my all natural cookbook:
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If you would like to read a good novel may I suggest 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or you may order at: or
Laughter is healthy: One liners:
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
Police were called to a day care where a three year old was resisting a rest.
The roundest knight at King Arthurs table was Sir Cumference.
To write with a broken pencil is pointless.
When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.
The short fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.
A manicurist and a dentist faught tooth and nail.
A thief who stole a calender got twelve months.
I know, those are terrible but that's all I had. I'll try better the next time unless I do the rest of these.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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