Sunday, July 26, 2009

What causes wrinkles?

Eat for the health of it.

What really causes wrinkles?

I am not sure exactly what does cause wrinkles. I have heard all sorts of things and I can agree with a lot of them and some I dissagree to a point. Some say that the sun wrinkles your skin. I really dissagree with that because I have worked out in the field and my yard almost my whole life and I am not as wrinkled as some that are a lot younger than I am.

If I were to say what I think wrinkles your skin the most is: not drinking enough water, (I have heard many people say they do not drink water because they are going away and they do not want to go to the bathroom all the time. Gosh! Isn't that the idea of drinking the water so you flush your kidneys, which is how you get rid of toxic waste, which could add to the cause of wrinkles if left in your system?

Another is not eating good healthy food, people that smoke seem to wrinkle at a young age, same with drinking, heavy drinkers seem to have more wrinkles then those that do not drink, taking a lot of medication like, antidepressants and other drugs.I would say too that people who do not get enough sleep would age faster and get wrinkles.

I think that sugar, especially the sugar that has the bleaching agent in it, that sure cannot be good for you. All candies, baked foods, any product that contains sugar, is more than likely sugar that has been bleached with chlorine or some type of bleaching agent. Bleach is not good for you or your skin. And now they have added another terrible sweetener to our food supply which is just as bad if not worse than the bleached sugar. High fructose corn syrup is basically sugar and fructose mixed together, which is okay until they add the chemical to it and it becomes HFCS. Another chemical that can damage your skin as well as your whole system.

You can buy unbleached sugar at most grocery stores now but if you cannot find it there, you may have to go to a health food store. You can also buy unbleached flour. I am not encouraging you to eat sugar and flour but if you do, you are better off eating the unbleached. I feel that eating flour and sugar could add to the formation of wrinkles. The only way to find out is to go on an all natural diet. And one of the easiest ways to follow an all natural diet is to go on a Low Carb Diet, because it is basically eating all natural foods. It is eating mostly unbreaded meats, vegetables, water, tea and coffee and only one fruit a day, like an apple or an orange, excluding bananas. Now some people will say that coffee will cause wrinkles but I have drank coffee all of my life. I do not drink a pot of coffee a day but when I go out to eat I have a couple of cups and now and then at home I will brew a pot and hope for company to help drink it. If not it goes down the drain.

It may take awhile to break away from eating sugar and flour but the results are great. I have trouble sticking with the low carb diet, but I keep trying and even if you do not do it religiously it will help you a lot. You can eat most meat if it is not breaded, you can eat most vegetables if they do not contain sugar or starch, and you can eat fresh sausage and eggs for breakfast,(no toast), but you will get used to it. You can make a special drink out of: a 10 to 12 ounce bottle of water, 1 to 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of sea salt and 4 to 6 drops of liquid Stevia. Stevia is an all natural sweetener. You may be able to find it in the grocery store, if not the healthfood store has it. Be sure it is Stevia. (you may adjust the lemon juce to taste.)

If you would like my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: or you may call at: 1-800-788-7654
Or you may order at: use the same ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7

I also would like to recommend a good novel: 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0
Please order at: or you may order at:
Author: Trishianna Rose Roberts

Laughter is healthy:
"Old" is when... You don't care where your spouse goes, as long as you do not have to go along.
"Old" is when... You are ordered to slow down by the doctor instead of the police.
"Old" is when... "Getting a little action" means you do not have to take any fiber today.
"Old" is when..."Getting lucky" means you find your car in the parking lot.
"Old" is when... An "all nighter" means not getting up to use the bathroom.
"Old" is when...You are sure these are really jokes.

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