Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tainted infant formula

Eat for the health of it.

What's with this melamine-tainted infant formula? First the FDA assures consumers that the US-made formula contains no melamine, then later the FDA reveals traces of melamine from three different manufacturers who produces nearly all of the formula brands sold in the US. Then the FDA officials say they cannot set a safe level of contamination of the melamine formula. But, wait just a minute-now they say they can set a safe level of melamine contamination in the formula: If it is below one part per million (PPM)it's okay. OOOPS!!Wait! As long as cyanuric acid is not present. Well, guess what: Cyanuric acid is a by product of melamine. Now do you suppose they are doing this to give it an appearance of being safe, or could it be that someone does not know what they are doing? Where do they get the idea that we want any chemical in our babies formula? Or where do they get the idea to put chemicals in any of our food? This is so crazy.

I have recently tried a natural sweetener that is supposedly has been extracted from a tree from somewhere, at the moment I forget exactly where that is, but it isn't important where it came from it is important that it did not react on me but I am monitoring it just in case. If I do have any skin reactions from it I will surely write about it, but so far so good. Anyway, it is called EXCELLA. It looks and tastes like sugar, and you can use it like sugar. I guess you could call it sugar from a tree instead of a sugar beet or cane sugar. It has less calories, so it is good for diabetics. The only thing is that it is quite expensive. Hopefully the price will come down as it sells more.

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Laughter is healthy:

Two elderly gentlemen were sitting under a tree at the retirement home and one turns to the other and said,"Slim, I'm 83 years old and I am full of aches and pains, I know you are about my age, how do you feel?"

Slim said, "I feel just like a new born baby."

"Really? Just like a new born baby?"

"Yep. No hair, no teeth and I think I just wet my pants."

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