Sunday, May 3, 2009

Those chemicals in our food

When Splenda came out on the market, they told everyone that it was just sugar, without the calories and I decided to try it. I fixed a cup of tea; sat down and relaxed for the evening and drank my tea. As I watch the TV and sipped on my tea and had it about half gone, I began to get severe chest pains and I told my husband who had already dressed for bed that he better get changed into some clothes so he could take me to the hospital, but remembering the familiarity of the pain and thinking it could be an allergic reaction, being that was the first time I had used that product and with my track record with all the other additives that I was allergic to, I decided to take a couple minutes to check the internet to see what exactly this Splenda was made from. Yep, wouldn't you know, it had chlorine in it. I took an allergy pill and within a short time I could feel relief from the pain that was clutching my chest. Why, in heavens name, would anyone think it was okay to put chlorine in a product and say it was all natural and safe to eat? To me it is sweet poison. I knew right away what was happening to me because I had gone through similar feelings with the MSG. Like the MSG the chlorine had caused an allergic reaction (hives) in my esophagus, and it caused severe chest pain. I have not used Splenda, knowingly, since then, but I think I may have once when we went to a friends house and she had some lemon bars and not thinking that she may have used Splenda; I tried one and shortly I began to get chest pains and I took an allergy pill and it went away. Now I ask if they offer anything, "Did you use Splenda?" I am sure some people get pertubed with me when I ask what they used in this or that, but hey, it's my life and I would like to live awhile yet, and you can die from these chemicals and allergic reactions. I carry two epi pens and some medication for it. I check labels and if I am not sure if the food is safe, I just don't eat it. I often wonder how many other people have ended up in the hospital with severe chest pain from using products with Splenda in it, and after having tests and an EKG; they can't find anything wrong with them.

As I explained before what happened to me when I used Splenda, and I thought it was too good to be true that they could come up with a perfectly safe, calorie free "sugar" with no calories, can you imagine that? Another lady that I knew was having chest pains and she ended up in the hospital and after all the tests and an EKG, they could not find anything wrong with her heart. I had suggested before that she not use that stuff, but she continued. I suggested it to her after she started to get the chest pains and had all the tests; she finally quit using it and the last I talked to her about it, the pains had stopped. I do worry about the damage the "poison" may have done, hopefully it didn't leave it's mark. Other chemicals you want to watch out for are: Neotame, Alitame, AcelfameK are just a few of the manmade chemicals, non-nutritious, sugar substitutes that are found in almost all chewing gum, soft drinks, some yogurt products, baked goods and candy. It makes me shutter to think of these little kids growing up with all this poison in their bodies.

I guess the reason I may be so sensitive to these chemicals is that I was born and raised on a farm where we had all our own fresh fruits, vegetables, meat from the chickens, rabbits, pigs, milk from the cows. Now you can't even buy real milk. It's all homogenized and pasturized, except they have whole milk at the health food stores. I am going to try it sometime.

Hope you keep following my BLOG.

Laughter is healthy: Is it true that you don't learn to swear until you learn to drive?

If you are interested in eating healthy, I have written an all natural cookbook.

which is available at or phone # 1-800-788-7654

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