Sunday, June 13, 2010

what to do for bleeding gums and blisters

Eat for the health of it.

Occasionally I have experienced bleeding gums but usually it is after I forget to brush my teeth a couple of times, then when I do, my gums bleed but I haven't had trouble with stopping the bleeding but if I did I would try using crushed cranberries or the contents of a cranberry capsul. Just rub it on your gums, let it set a few seconds and rinse, the bleeding should stop.

Crushed cranberries are also good for blisters,wherever you have them. I mostly get blisters on my hands and feet. Simply soak them in the crushed berries for awhile. I suppose you could use the juice but I am guessing that the crushed berries would work the best.

Don't you think we would be so much better off by using the all natural things? If you think back to the times you have gone to the doctor and he writes out a prescription for some problem you are having and after spending all that dough on the drug and it doesn't work or it makes you sick, then you have to buy another one, I have done that a few times. I grab for all natural cures whenever I can. I am not telling you to quit going to a doctor but it's worth trying some all natural remedies apposed to filling our bodies with more chemicals. We get enough chemicals just eating processed foods.

You can learn how to eat all natural from my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 by Teresa Thompson. You may order at:, or at: 1-800-788-7654, or at: Bassettes Health food store in Toledo, Ohio on Secor Road, between Sylvania Ave. and Executive Parkway.

You may be interested in a good novel, which I recommend, it is interesting to the very end. 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0, please order at:,,, and now available at:, ISBN# 978-1587366010, and ISBN#978-1587366010.

Laughter is healthy:

A fellow traveling by himself, when the pilot announces that they just had one engine go out but not worry that the plane would be able to fly with the two engines, but they would be an hour late. An hour later the pilot somes on again and announces that another engine went out and not to worry that the plane was capable of flying with only one engine. However they would be two hours late.
The fellow turns to the guy sitting next to him and says, "Well, I sure hope this one doesn't go out or we'll be up here all night."

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