Friday, May 7, 2010

What to do with a sunburn

Eat for the health of it.

The best way to deal with a sunburn is, don't get burned. I know that's easier said then done. I lived on a farm all my life and when you had to hoe the weeds, which is the way we did it, even when we had a cultivator, you still had weeds between the plants that the cultivator couldn't get. Now you seldom see anyone hoeing because they spray everything.
I don't know if it was the right thing to do but I always used baby oil before I went out to hoe. I also would get up early in the morning and hoe until it got hot. Then I would go out later in the day when it cooled down. I wore a bathing suit and had an envious tan. I still love the sun and try to be very careful not to get burned. I still do not like to use sunscreen, I believe it causes cancer. I have read where a lot of others feel the same way. I just find a very good suntanning lotion and go out in the morning or later in the day. Go out for a few minutes the first time and stay a little longer each time so you don't burn.
If you get burned by the sun or any other way, I have a solution handy to put on any burn. I take the peelings from two bananas and put them in a pint jar and cover them with apple cider vinegar. Let that set for a couple of days (the peelings will turn black) throw the peelings away. Strain the solution and put it in another bottle with a cover and whenever you get burned put this solution on your burn as soon as you can. Keep it handy, I have burned my fingers every now and then and I quick poor some on the burn and it sooths it. Repeat if necessary. Always see a doctor if it is a serious burn.
As far as protecting the babies from the sun, I would find the very safest sunscreen if they are going to be out in the sun. I really don't like to see babies in the sun, they are so delicate. I remember being outside and we never got burned, we never had sunscreen. Mom always told us to play in the shade during the heat of the day. We got tanned just playing out there in the morning and late afternoon.

I was just watching a show that they were blasting the sun and they used a lot of sunscreen with the highest number. I honestly believe that the sunscreen is more dangerous then the sun is, when you stay out in it during the heat of the day and just go out in the morning and later afternoon and tan slowly. If you feel your skin burning you get out of the sun and put some peeling solution on it.
If you look at it from 'the way it used to be' we never heard of sunscreen or skin cancer. We also never heard of tanning beds and tanning booths, I would blame them for the cancer instead of the sun. God gave us sunshine to keep us warm and he let our skin turn tan to let us know we were getting vitamin D, that is so important for us to have.
You can also use baking soda with water, Aloe vera, you can add some vitamin C to the aloe before using it, Black tea, (brew two tea bags in a cup of water for 5 minutes sqeeze some of the tea out, cool, and place the bags on the burn, for larger areas you can soak a cloth in the tea and place on the burn. Also vitamin E oil for burns. Use cooled green tea bags for your eye lids if they are burnt.

Green and Black tea is very good for you to drink also. If you are looking for an all natural cooking recipe book, please try my cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7, available at:, or call at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:

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Also available at: or at: and now it is available at: ISBN# (notice slightly different) 9781587366010. I appologize I have been writing the wrong number. I don't pretend to be perfect, I still make mistakes.
Laughter is healthy:
They have developed a new breast implant that can store and play music. This is a major breakthrough, because women have always complained that men are always staring at their breasts and not listening to them.

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