Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hot chocolate and cholesterol

Eat for the health of it.

Can you believe lowering your cholesterol with a cup of hot chocolate? Sounds good to me. Make your cup of hot chocolate with pure cocoa, rich in flavanoids, has been shown to lower LDL and to raise HDL. I do like chocolate and my cholesterol is good so maybe there is something to that. And I have really learned to like dark chocolate.

I think it all has to do with how healthy a person is, maybe someone that is really over weight, it may not work or if they are diabetic, I would use a sweetener like Stevia or Excella,(something all natural to sweeten). Another drink to try is a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice instead of wine.

Oh! If people would just learn to eat the all natural foods and beverages. How healthy we would all be.

Are you looking for an all natural cookbook? My cookbook has easy to use and easy to make recipe's. GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK by Teresa Thompson ISBN#0-8059-6286-7. Available at Phone number: 1-800-788-7654. Also at:

I also would like to recommend a very good novel: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0. Available at: or at:

Laughter is healthy:

A wife is in bed with her lover when she hears her husband's key turn in the door lock.
"Stay where you are, he is probably so drunk he won't notice you anyway."
As he climbs into bed and lies down and all of a sudden he sits up and tells his wife,"There are six feet in this bed."
She tells him, "You are just drunk and can't count right.Get out of bed and you can see better over there."
He gets out of bed and follows her direction where to stand and he counts, one, two three, four and says, "You are right."

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