Monday, March 15, 2010

Skin cuts and open wounds

Eat for the health of it.

How many times do you cut or scrape yourself and wish you had something to help take away the pain or wish you new what you could put on it so you don't get an infection? Of course, if it's deep and oozing a lot of blood, go directly to the doctor or hospital. For simple scrapes try a little crushed cloves and sprinkle on the wound.

For other cuts and scrapes, run a stream of water on the wound and using a washcloth with a mild soap on it, lightly scrub the wound and try to get all the dirt or debri away from the cut, if you need to; let the water run on the cut for awhile and if there is embedded dirt that you cannot get out it is best to see your doctor.

If you are not sure if every bit of debri is not gone from the cut, take a sterile gauze and saturate it with some calendula extract (from the health food store) and place it on the cut for about hour to loosen debri, then put a drop or two of the extract on the wound.

Rosemary extract is also good to put on cuts and scrapes. Available at the health food store.

The leaves of the comfrey plant is also healing, but only use on shallow cuts.

Undiluted honey is also good on mild cuts. Honey is so good for you, especially the raw honey.

Always remember that if your sore doesn't start to heal or if you see a red streak going from it, get to the doctor or if the doctor isn't in then go to the hospital.

If you are having stomach problems or skin rashes, itching, hives or painful skin irritations under your arms or creases; you could be having an allergic reaction to the chemicals in food you are eating.

Eating all natural foods will keep you healthy and more able to fight infections. If you want to eat healthy please try my all natural cookbook:
GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 by Teresa Thompson. Available or phone at: 1-800-788-7654.
Also available at:

A very good novel that I recommend is 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: - - - This book is based on a true story, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. A must read.

Laughter is healthy:
Three women were on the golf course and were struck by lightning and they all died and went to heaven. When they entered the pearly gates they noticed these baby ducks all over the place. And they also saw the sign that said, DO NOT STEP ON DUCKS.
It wasn't long and the first lady steps on a duck and it dies. St Peter comes to the lady and for her punishment for killing the baby duck he chains the ugliest man to her.
The very next day the second woman steps on a baby duck and kills it. St. Peter comes along and he chains her to another ugly man.

The third woman was very careful and watched where she walked so she wouldn't have that happen to her. All of a sudden she sees St. Peter heading toward her with a handsome young man and he chains the man to her. The woman turns to the guy and asks,"What have I done to deserve this?"
The guy answers, "I don't know about you, but I just stepped on a duck."

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