Sunday, February 21, 2010

children and dieting

Eat for the health of it.

I read in the paper where Michelle Obama is going to do something about the obesity in children. I think that is something does really need some attention and I give her two thumbs up. I hope she realizes that the reason these children are getting so fat as well as adults is the increased injestion of processed foods and also the use of chemicals in so much of our food supply. I have been complaing for years about those horrible chemicals in our foods because I am allergic to them and they make me sick. Even though other people do not get sick eating these chemicals does not mean that it is not hurting them in some way, like causing obesity and cancer.

Good luck Michelle.

This old couple was eating at McDonalds. They had purchased a meal; a sandwich, a drink and an order of french fries. They cut the sandwich in half and each took a half, then they divided the french fries equally and they shared the drink. The manager noticed what was going on and approached the couple and offered them another meal so they could both have a sandwich. The couple thanked the manager and explained that they shared everything and they were fine. The manager watched as the man ate his food and his wife watched as he ate. This bothered him and he again approached them and offered to buy them a meal and they refused and again said we share everything. The manager then asked the woman, "Why aren't you eating?" She answered, "Well, I am waiting for the teeth."

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