Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Eat for the health of it.

Researchers believe that lads without self control can lead to adult stress and illness. Researchers also believe that young boys who were bad and got into trouble at an early age and anti social by the age of ten and convicted of a crime by the age of 18, are more likely to be dead or disabled by the age of 48. It just proves that when children are neglected and pretty much grow up on their own, they have bad eating habits, which ends up in poor health and they do not care about anything.

Learn to eat healthy from GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or call at:1-800-788-7654 or order at:

A very good book to, read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#
1-58736-601-0 Available or

Laughter is healthy:

Farmer John who lives on a rural highway was getting thoroughly disgusted with the fast traffic that was killing his chickens. He called the local sherriff and explained the situation and insisted that he do something.

The sheriff put up a sign that said: SLOW: SCHOOL CROSSING

Three weeks later there was not a bit of change, so the farmer again called the sheriff. The sferiff added another sign that said: CHILDREN AT PLAY

Three weeks later and the sheriff had not heard from the farmer, his curiosity got the better of him and he went to visit the farmer. The signs had been removed and another was put in their place that read: NuDIST COLONY_WATCH OUT FOR CHICKS!

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