Eat for the health of it.
Most people who suffer from anxiety, spent too much time worrying about the house being clean, whether they have the latest style, If they will be invited to some party that they probably won't have fun at anyway.
If you are both working, you don't have to have a four course meal, try fixing a vegetable soup using an all naturl broth either canned or the powdered kind. Crackers and cheese and some fruit. You won't starve from malnutrition. You can have the veggies cleaned ahead of time and whoever gets home first gets it all started. Soup only has to cook until the veggies are done. You can make casseroles ahead and shove them in the oven and fix a salad. It can help with the stress of being a working mother.
Another thing to slow up on is the caffeinated coffee, limit it to five cups a day.
The next time, don't run away from a situation, instead confront them, strip them of their power and you will become stronger. If you try to get someone else to drive, force yourself to drive, if you do feel panicky, just pull over and stop and take a deep breath and get going again. Always remember, it does help to pray.
I am having neck surgery Wednesday. I think I wrote about a week ago that I was having trouble walking and my hands feel like I stuck them in a hornets nest. I had several MRI's done and they said I have four bulging disks in my neck but one is bulging more that the others and I also have preasure on my spinal chord. I can't write and can barely print. At least I can type. Thank God for the computer.
I won't be on here for awhile (probably) Please keep watching for me, I'll be back as soon as I can.
While I am away, please buy my all natural cookbook, it will make me heal faster. haha, I wish.
Available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or order at:
Also keep in mind this very good novel: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at also at: and
Laughter is healthy:
Today Monica Lewinski is 44 years old. It seems the time goes by so fast. I just can't beieve it, it seems like just yesterday she was crawling around on her hands and knees in the White House and putting everything in her mouth.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Eat for the health of it.
If you have a sudden feeling that someone just dropped a load of bricks on your chest and it is difficult to breathe for lack of oxygen, you need to get help. Call your doctor and give your symptoms to the receptionist and tell her to give the info to your doctor and if you can get in right away. Otherwise go to the emergency room at the hospital, better be safe than sorry.
Remember to eat a lot of good healthy foods to keep those arteries open.
One way to get on a healthy diet is to try my book, it's all natural, easy recipes.
Available at: or call at:1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you are interested in a good novel please try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or or at:
Laughter is healthy:
If you sit by a hole in the ice and wait for food to swim by, you might live in Michigan.
If you walk like a Penguin for five months out of a year, you might live in Michigan.
If you have a sudden feeling that someone just dropped a load of bricks on your chest and it is difficult to breathe for lack of oxygen, you need to get help. Call your doctor and give your symptoms to the receptionist and tell her to give the info to your doctor and if you can get in right away. Otherwise go to the emergency room at the hospital, better be safe than sorry.
Remember to eat a lot of good healthy foods to keep those arteries open.
One way to get on a healthy diet is to try my book, it's all natural, easy recipes.
Available at: or call at:1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you are interested in a good novel please try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or or at:
Laughter is healthy:
If you sit by a hole in the ice and wait for food to swim by, you might live in Michigan.
If you walk like a Penguin for five months out of a year, you might live in Michigan.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Anemia signs
Eat for the health of it.
If you feel weak as a kitten, overtired, short of breath, and have thumping heartbeats and skin as pale as milk and your lips are very pale, you may be anemic. You need to see a doctor to help you with this problem. The doctor can get you on the right dosage of iron. Dandelions are a good source of iron. Be sure you get them from a clean area that is free of weed spray and lawn chemicals.
My all natural cookbook is waiting for you:
Available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you are interested in a good novel please order: 'Under Obligation'by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or order at: or at
Laughter is healthy:
A couple in their 60's were dining at a restaurant for their wedding anniversary when a fairy approached them. The fairy said she would grant them any wish for being a good example.
The wife excitedly said: "I would like a trip around the world with my loving husband." And poof!The fairy hands her two tickets on the queen Mary.
The husband thinks to himself, "I can have whatever I want?" So he tells the fairy, "I want a wife 30 years younger than me." The wife looks at him with tears in her eyes, but she thinks, if that is what he wants, I can still find someone new to go on the trip with me.
The fairy, noticing his wife's hurt feelings, zapped him with her magic wand and poof! He was 93 years old.
Didn't he know that fairies are female? Serves him right.
If you feel weak as a kitten, overtired, short of breath, and have thumping heartbeats and skin as pale as milk and your lips are very pale, you may be anemic. You need to see a doctor to help you with this problem. The doctor can get you on the right dosage of iron. Dandelions are a good source of iron. Be sure you get them from a clean area that is free of weed spray and lawn chemicals.
My all natural cookbook is waiting for you:
Available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you are interested in a good novel please order: 'Under Obligation'by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or order at: or at
Laughter is healthy:
A couple in their 60's were dining at a restaurant for their wedding anniversary when a fairy approached them. The fairy said she would grant them any wish for being a good example.
The wife excitedly said: "I would like a trip around the world with my loving husband." And poof!The fairy hands her two tickets on the queen Mary.
The husband thinks to himself, "I can have whatever I want?" So he tells the fairy, "I want a wife 30 years younger than me." The wife looks at him with tears in her eyes, but she thinks, if that is what he wants, I can still find someone new to go on the trip with me.
The fairy, noticing his wife's hurt feelings, zapped him with her magic wand and poof! He was 93 years old.
Didn't he know that fairies are female? Serves him right.
Friday, January 22, 2010
more about allergies
Eat for the health of it.
I can tell you about allergies. I don't know anyone that is allergic to as much foods etc. as I am, well, I should say, what they put in our food. I have sinus problems that I am sure is related to allergies. I haven't got that narrowed down yet. I just have to use colloidal silver in my nose a lot to keep from getting sinusitis.
I carry an epi pen with me all the time, just in case. There are so many things that people can be allergic to and sometimes you have to be tested to find out. I was lucky to find out through the process of elimination. Fish or omega 3 can help build your immune system. I take 3 capsuls a day and have found that my allergic reactions are less.
In some instances, it could be your cat or dog or dust mites. If you feel that could be it. You can bathe your pets often, seal your mattress with a good cover and buy a HEPA air cleaner.
If you do not have a copy of my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 IT IS AVAILABLE AT: or at: or you may call at:1-800-788-7654
If you are looking for a very good novel to read why not order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Avaiable at: or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:THE BROTHEL
A well dressed man came to the Brothel one day and asked for Valerie, the best lady they had. The madame warned the man that she was very expensive, and asked if he would like to see another lady. He asnswered, "No." and told her again that he wanted Valerie.
Valerie came in and told the man she gets $5000.00 a visit.
He pulled the $5,000.00 from his pocked and handed it to Valerie and they went upstairs. After an hour he left.
The very next night, he was back again and asked for Valerie. She appeared and explained that there were no discounts to repeat customers, it was still $5,000.00. He again gave the woman $5,000.00 and followed her upstairs. After an hour, he left.
The third night in a row the man returned and asked for Valerie. They went upstairs after paying her the $5,000.00. After the hour was up Valerie asked who are you and where are you from?
The man replied,"New Brunswick."
Valerie said,"I have relatives in New Brunswick."
He answered, "I know, your sister died and I am her attorney and she wanted me to give you $15,000 inheritance."
I can tell you about allergies. I don't know anyone that is allergic to as much foods etc. as I am, well, I should say, what they put in our food. I have sinus problems that I am sure is related to allergies. I haven't got that narrowed down yet. I just have to use colloidal silver in my nose a lot to keep from getting sinusitis.
I carry an epi pen with me all the time, just in case. There are so many things that people can be allergic to and sometimes you have to be tested to find out. I was lucky to find out through the process of elimination. Fish or omega 3 can help build your immune system. I take 3 capsuls a day and have found that my allergic reactions are less.
In some instances, it could be your cat or dog or dust mites. If you feel that could be it. You can bathe your pets often, seal your mattress with a good cover and buy a HEPA air cleaner.
If you do not have a copy of my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 IT IS AVAILABLE AT: or at: or you may call at:1-800-788-7654
If you are looking for a very good novel to read why not order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Avaiable at: or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:THE BROTHEL
A well dressed man came to the Brothel one day and asked for Valerie, the best lady they had. The madame warned the man that she was very expensive, and asked if he would like to see another lady. He asnswered, "No." and told her again that he wanted Valerie.
Valerie came in and told the man she gets $5000.00 a visit.
He pulled the $5,000.00 from his pocked and handed it to Valerie and they went upstairs. After an hour he left.
The very next night, he was back again and asked for Valerie. She appeared and explained that there were no discounts to repeat customers, it was still $5,000.00. He again gave the woman $5,000.00 and followed her upstairs. After an hour, he left.
The third night in a row the man returned and asked for Valerie. They went upstairs after paying her the $5,000.00. After the hour was up Valerie asked who are you and where are you from?
The man replied,"New Brunswick."
Valerie said,"I have relatives in New Brunswick."
He answered, "I know, your sister died and I am her attorney and she wanted me to give you $15,000 inheritance."
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Eat for the health of it.
I'm not sure what causes age spots but I think that is exactly what they are is age spots. I recall they were also called liver spots. I think when you get older you just get all kinds of things like moles, spots, age spots or liver spots. I have a spot on my arm that is half brown and half white (whiter than my regular skin) and in the center of that is a brown spot.
Now if these spots do start making changes in shape, color or if they bleed or start to grow, then, yes I would have them checked. You can buy a lotion that contains kojic acid, that is which is derived from the Japenese mushroom. I also heard that you can use colloidal silver. I have used it some but I don't keep doing it. I think that maybe I would use the lotion more regular. I'll have to check at the health food store.
Another thing to try is lemon and water. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and water and put it on the spots every other day. and each time you mix this add a little less water and a little more lemon juice. Eventially you should be able to use lemon juice full strength and it should chase your spots away.
My all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 is available or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
A great novel 'Under Obligation' ISBN # 1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts Avaiable at: or at: or
Sorry, no joke tonight. I'll try to make up for it tomorrow night.
I'm not sure what causes age spots but I think that is exactly what they are is age spots. I recall they were also called liver spots. I think when you get older you just get all kinds of things like moles, spots, age spots or liver spots. I have a spot on my arm that is half brown and half white (whiter than my regular skin) and in the center of that is a brown spot.
Now if these spots do start making changes in shape, color or if they bleed or start to grow, then, yes I would have them checked. You can buy a lotion that contains kojic acid, that is which is derived from the Japenese mushroom. I also heard that you can use colloidal silver. I have used it some but I don't keep doing it. I think that maybe I would use the lotion more regular. I'll have to check at the health food store.
Another thing to try is lemon and water. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and water and put it on the spots every other day. and each time you mix this add a little less water and a little more lemon juice. Eventially you should be able to use lemon juice full strength and it should chase your spots away.
My all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 is available or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
A great novel 'Under Obligation' ISBN # 1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts Avaiable at: or at: or
Sorry, no joke tonight. I'll try to make up for it tomorrow night.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Eat for the health of it.
We all have had them sometime or another, but what to do with them is something else. If you pop them, you know it only makes them bigger and redder then before. I know that's a real temptation but it is best to take a good multi vitamin, keep your face as clean as you can and if you do get a zit, try some witch hazel on them and if they do come to a head take a sterilized needle and poke it though the very top of the pimple and pull the needle trough to tear open the top, leaving an opening on the top now put a warm wet wash cloth on it and try to get as much of the pus out without squeezing it, squeezing will irritate it. Take a sterilized gauze and put some witch hazel on it and place on the pimple and keep wiping it as it leeks out. Just don't squeeze it.
I don't know if anyone really knows what causes them. I was told it was from eating chocolate. Someone else said it was from eating rich foods or fried foods. Who knows? I really feel that eating as much all natural foods is going to be the best for you all around.
My all natural cookbook can help you to eat healthy and that would be the best first step to get rid of pimples.
Another good book to read is: 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 Available at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Barrack Obama and Tonto went camping in the desert. After setting the tent up they crawled inside and fell asleep.
Later, Tonto woke the president and said," Kemosabi, look toward the sky what do you see?"
Obama said,"I see millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked Tonto.
Obama thought for a minute and said,"Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is Leo. Time wise, it appears to be quarter past in the morning. Theologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you Tonto?"
Tonto replies, "Mister president, it looks to me that someone has stolen our tent."
We all have had them sometime or another, but what to do with them is something else. If you pop them, you know it only makes them bigger and redder then before. I know that's a real temptation but it is best to take a good multi vitamin, keep your face as clean as you can and if you do get a zit, try some witch hazel on them and if they do come to a head take a sterilized needle and poke it though the very top of the pimple and pull the needle trough to tear open the top, leaving an opening on the top now put a warm wet wash cloth on it and try to get as much of the pus out without squeezing it, squeezing will irritate it. Take a sterilized gauze and put some witch hazel on it and place on the pimple and keep wiping it as it leeks out. Just don't squeeze it.
I don't know if anyone really knows what causes them. I was told it was from eating chocolate. Someone else said it was from eating rich foods or fried foods. Who knows? I really feel that eating as much all natural foods is going to be the best for you all around.
My all natural cookbook can help you to eat healthy and that would be the best first step to get rid of pimples.
Another good book to read is: 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 Available at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Barrack Obama and Tonto went camping in the desert. After setting the tent up they crawled inside and fell asleep.
Later, Tonto woke the president and said," Kemosabi, look toward the sky what do you see?"
Obama said,"I see millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked Tonto.
Obama thought for a minute and said,"Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is Leo. Time wise, it appears to be quarter past in the morning. Theologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you Tonto?"
Tonto replies, "Mister president, it looks to me that someone has stolen our tent."
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
things that irk you
Eat for the health of it.
I just read an article where a woman claims she woke up in a paralyzed state and was ticked off at her doctor for not giving her an answer and more or less took it very lightly. In my opinion, anything like this should not be ignored, it seems they could have done some tests. I heard of a similar insident a week or so ago and the doctor said it is not unusual for a person to be deep in sleep and be dreaming and may be in a frieghtening situation and they wake up and they can't move. It may be a natural thing that will happen to keep you from doing something harmful in your dream.
A couple of good books: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 Available at: or at: or at: Excellent novel.
Laughter is healthy:
A couple of guys went hunting and the one decides to give his wife a call on his cell phone. "Just called to see how you are doing." She answers, "I am in bed with Arthritis."
He lossed connection and his friend asked, "What's happening?"
"I guess she doesn't miss me, she says she is in bed with Art Ritis and I guess she hung up." The friend said, "Oh, I know those Ritis brothers and Art is the worst one."
I just read an article where a woman claims she woke up in a paralyzed state and was ticked off at her doctor for not giving her an answer and more or less took it very lightly. In my opinion, anything like this should not be ignored, it seems they could have done some tests. I heard of a similar insident a week or so ago and the doctor said it is not unusual for a person to be deep in sleep and be dreaming and may be in a frieghtening situation and they wake up and they can't move. It may be a natural thing that will happen to keep you from doing something harmful in your dream.
A couple of good books: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 Available at: or at: or at: Excellent novel.
Laughter is healthy:
A couple of guys went hunting and the one decides to give his wife a call on his cell phone. "Just called to see how you are doing." She answers, "I am in bed with Arthritis."
He lossed connection and his friend asked, "What's happening?"
"I guess she doesn't miss me, she says she is in bed with Art Ritis and I guess she hung up." The friend said, "Oh, I know those Ritis brothers and Art is the worst one."
Monday, January 18, 2010
Home remedies to use
Eat for the health of it.
Just a few good old remedies. Why not try them?
For a headache take a piece of lemon rind and squeeze the oil from it and rub it on your temples, then place a cloth over your temples and relax. Headache should dissapear but if it doesn't you may want to seek help.
I have not tried this because I really am not bothered with arthritis yet but I hope I remember this if I do. Take a 1# box of raisins and soak them in a pint of gin. Store in a pint glass jar with a cover. Eat a few of these every day and you should have relief. DO NOT STORE IN CHRYSTAL
Grapes are good for High Blood preasure. Also use sea salt and that should help lower your BP.
Use apple cider vinegar for high cholesterol. You can add a teaspoon or up to a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink once a day. Or you can make a very thirst quenching drink- Health drink from my all natural cookbook.
Just keep in mind that you need a little time for this to work and if it does not help you, please see a doctor.
Available at: Phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or
A novel you may want to read: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN1-58736-601-0 Avaible at: or at: or
Laughter is healthy:
A young lady went to a nursing home to visit an friend who was there with her husband. All the time the three of them visited, the lady called her husband sweetie, darling,honey atc.
The husband excused himself to take a nap, after he left, the visiting friend told the older lady that she was so impressed about how she called her husband all of those pet names. The older lady answered her, "OH, I just forgot the old farts name so I just call him whatever comes to my mind."
Just a few good old remedies. Why not try them?
For a headache take a piece of lemon rind and squeeze the oil from it and rub it on your temples, then place a cloth over your temples and relax. Headache should dissapear but if it doesn't you may want to seek help.
I have not tried this because I really am not bothered with arthritis yet but I hope I remember this if I do. Take a 1# box of raisins and soak them in a pint of gin. Store in a pint glass jar with a cover. Eat a few of these every day and you should have relief. DO NOT STORE IN CHRYSTAL
Grapes are good for High Blood preasure. Also use sea salt and that should help lower your BP.
Use apple cider vinegar for high cholesterol. You can add a teaspoon or up to a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink once a day. Or you can make a very thirst quenching drink- Health drink from my all natural cookbook.
Just keep in mind that you need a little time for this to work and if it does not help you, please see a doctor.
Available at: Phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or
A novel you may want to read: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN1-58736-601-0 Avaible at: or at: or
Laughter is healthy:
A young lady went to a nursing home to visit an friend who was there with her husband. All the time the three of them visited, the lady called her husband sweetie, darling,honey atc.
The husband excused himself to take a nap, after he left, the visiting friend told the older lady that she was so impressed about how she called her husband all of those pet names. The older lady answered her, "OH, I just forgot the old farts name so I just call him whatever comes to my mind."
Friday, January 15, 2010
Chidren and autism
Eat for the health of it.
When you see the satistics on autism; whether it is 1 in 110 or 1 in 91,US children that has autism, and it is believed that that mercury is part of the cause of autism. Tshouldn't give kids shots that contain mercury, they should warn people about fish, like tuna that has mercury in it,dentists should not use filling that contain silver and they should encourage people to have silver removed and replaced with the resin kind.
Another thing is the consumer products like light bulbs, supposedly environmentally friendly light bulbs are supposed to be so great but what happens when they break? Can you be sure of getting it all cleaned up? And what if you inhale this crap? I made my husband take them all out and replace them with plain old light bulbs. Now I want him to remove the flouresant light in the kitchen, he is always replacing the bulbs and I worry whether he might drop those tubes and have that all over the house.
One more thing is that mercury has been found in High Fructose Corn Syrup, now ain't that sweet? I am glad I found out that I am allergic to HFCS, so I don't eat it.
We will just have to be careful and watch what we buy and what we eat.
I try to eat all natural and I am beginning to feel even stronger about it.
If you are interested in my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: Phone# 1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you would like to read an excellent novel: Please order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Avaiable at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Las Vegas churches do accept gambling chips.
This may come as a surprise to anyone not living in Las Vegas, but there are more Catholic Churches in Las Vegas, than casinos.
Some people give casino chips instead of money at Sunday worship. Since they get so many chips in the collection plate that they send the chips all to the nearby Monastery to be sorted and cashed in for the money.
This is done by the CHIP MONKS.
When you see the satistics on autism; whether it is 1 in 110 or 1 in 91,US children that has autism, and it is believed that that mercury is part of the cause of autism. Tshouldn't give kids shots that contain mercury, they should warn people about fish, like tuna that has mercury in it,dentists should not use filling that contain silver and they should encourage people to have silver removed and replaced with the resin kind.
Another thing is the consumer products like light bulbs, supposedly environmentally friendly light bulbs are supposed to be so great but what happens when they break? Can you be sure of getting it all cleaned up? And what if you inhale this crap? I made my husband take them all out and replace them with plain old light bulbs. Now I want him to remove the flouresant light in the kitchen, he is always replacing the bulbs and I worry whether he might drop those tubes and have that all over the house.
One more thing is that mercury has been found in High Fructose Corn Syrup, now ain't that sweet? I am glad I found out that I am allergic to HFCS, so I don't eat it.
We will just have to be careful and watch what we buy and what we eat.
I try to eat all natural and I am beginning to feel even stronger about it.
If you are interested in my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: Phone# 1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you would like to read an excellent novel: Please order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Avaiable at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Las Vegas churches do accept gambling chips.
This may come as a surprise to anyone not living in Las Vegas, but there are more Catholic Churches in Las Vegas, than casinos.
Some people give casino chips instead of money at Sunday worship. Since they get so many chips in the collection plate that they send the chips all to the nearby Monastery to be sorted and cashed in for the money.
This is done by the CHIP MONKS.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Eat for the health of it.
I believe in going to the doctor if I am really sick and I will take most medicine that is recommended I take but I do have problems with generic medicine and I do have problems sometimes getting the regular stuff or it is so expensive that I have to try something else and that is where I think I need to see an herbalist.
It seems that the liver is one of the organs you do not want to get cancer of. Well, I don't want cancer of anything but you know what I mean. I was just reading this article about a doctor that has done some research on liver cancer and states that Milk Thistle has been used for centuries to treat liver problems. I am sure that a lot of people have given up on conventional medicine and never knew of this alternative.
Another effective treatment that I have heard about is an amino acid known as NAC. Every cancer patient needs to know about NAC. Your liver neutralizes toxins in your body. Like if you take too many acetaminophen, Tylenol, not to mention the chemotherapy. What can that do to your liver?
Researchers are conducting a study where they give a group of children a placedo and the other group, the milk thistle supplement, the group taking the milk thistle had less liver inflamation. The researchers also hope to prove that, if taken before the treatment of other cancers that there will be less or no inflamation.
If you are a cancer patient and are undergoing treatment, ask your doctor about milk thistle and NAC.
Another thing that would help if they would quit putting chemicals in our food supply. The more all natural foods you eat the better off you will be and I am sure it will cut down on cancer.
If you want to more about all natural cooking, please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7
Available at: or phone:1-800-788-7654 or order at:
If you want to read an excellant novel please order 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 at: It is a very good book by Trishianna Rose Roberts. Although it is listed as a fiction, because the names have been changed to protect the innocent; it is a true story.
Laughter is healthy:
An 82 year old man went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later the doctor sees him with a young woman on his arm. A couple of days went by and the doctor met him on the street and said, "Hey, you are doing pretty good aren't you?"
"I'm just doing what you said doc: Get a hot mamma and be cheerful." The doctor explained,"That's not what I said...I said, you have a heart murmur, be careful."
I believe in going to the doctor if I am really sick and I will take most medicine that is recommended I take but I do have problems with generic medicine and I do have problems sometimes getting the regular stuff or it is so expensive that I have to try something else and that is where I think I need to see an herbalist.
It seems that the liver is one of the organs you do not want to get cancer of. Well, I don't want cancer of anything but you know what I mean. I was just reading this article about a doctor that has done some research on liver cancer and states that Milk Thistle has been used for centuries to treat liver problems. I am sure that a lot of people have given up on conventional medicine and never knew of this alternative.
Another effective treatment that I have heard about is an amino acid known as NAC. Every cancer patient needs to know about NAC. Your liver neutralizes toxins in your body. Like if you take too many acetaminophen, Tylenol, not to mention the chemotherapy. What can that do to your liver?
Researchers are conducting a study where they give a group of children a placedo and the other group, the milk thistle supplement, the group taking the milk thistle had less liver inflamation. The researchers also hope to prove that, if taken before the treatment of other cancers that there will be less or no inflamation.
If you are a cancer patient and are undergoing treatment, ask your doctor about milk thistle and NAC.
Another thing that would help if they would quit putting chemicals in our food supply. The more all natural foods you eat the better off you will be and I am sure it will cut down on cancer.
If you want to more about all natural cooking, please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7
Available at: or phone:1-800-788-7654 or order at:
If you want to read an excellant novel please order 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 at: It is a very good book by Trishianna Rose Roberts. Although it is listed as a fiction, because the names have been changed to protect the innocent; it is a true story.
Laughter is healthy:
An 82 year old man went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later the doctor sees him with a young woman on his arm. A couple of days went by and the doctor met him on the street and said, "Hey, you are doing pretty good aren't you?"
"I'm just doing what you said doc: Get a hot mamma and be cheerful." The doctor explained,"That's not what I said...I said, you have a heart murmur, be careful."
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Watch what you are taking
Eat for the health of it.
For your information. This was sent to me from a friend. I hope you pass it on.
A friend had felt a cold coming on and she used ZICAM COLD REMEDY NASAL GEL. After spraying it into her nostrils she felt like she had sprayed pepper spray instead. It burned in her head, into the next day. She lost her taste and smell for everything.
ZICAM pulled the swabs off the market but not the NASAL GEL.
She went to the doctor and he said the ZICAM had fried her Olfactor nerve and he told her it will more than likely be permanent. What a bummer.
I wish they would go back to testing things for 5 or even 10 years before putting it on the market, like they used to.
I used Colloidal Silver now with my first sign of a cold, I have the nasal spray. I also am using an NETI POT and I try to use it every day, especially if I feel a cold coming on. Use either one. I think a lot of times your nose has a little burning sensation and it could just be an allergy, and either one is good for this too.
Eating healthy is a big help also. Please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or phone # 1-800-788-7654 or at:
Another book you may want to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Two elderly men were talking as they sat on the park bench:
"So I hear you are getting married!"
"Do I know her?"
"This woman, is she good looking?"
"Nope, not really."
"Is she a good cook?"
"Naw, she can't cook very well."
"Does she have lots of money?"
"Nope! Poor as a chuch mouse."
"Well, then. is she good in bed?"
"I don't know."
"Why in the world do you want to marry her then?"
"Because she can drive."
For your information. This was sent to me from a friend. I hope you pass it on.
A friend had felt a cold coming on and she used ZICAM COLD REMEDY NASAL GEL. After spraying it into her nostrils she felt like she had sprayed pepper spray instead. It burned in her head, into the next day. She lost her taste and smell for everything.
ZICAM pulled the swabs off the market but not the NASAL GEL.
She went to the doctor and he said the ZICAM had fried her Olfactor nerve and he told her it will more than likely be permanent. What a bummer.
I wish they would go back to testing things for 5 or even 10 years before putting it on the market, like they used to.
I used Colloidal Silver now with my first sign of a cold, I have the nasal spray. I also am using an NETI POT and I try to use it every day, especially if I feel a cold coming on. Use either one. I think a lot of times your nose has a little burning sensation and it could just be an allergy, and either one is good for this too.
Eating healthy is a big help also. Please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or phone # 1-800-788-7654 or at:
Another book you may want to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Two elderly men were talking as they sat on the park bench:
"So I hear you are getting married!"
"Do I know her?"
"This woman, is she good looking?"
"Nope, not really."
"Is she a good cook?"
"Naw, she can't cook very well."
"Does she have lots of money?"
"Nope! Poor as a chuch mouse."
"Well, then. is she good in bed?"
"I don't know."
"Why in the world do you want to marry her then?"
"Because she can drive."
Ear fixers
Eat for the health of it.
I am sure it has been years since I had an earache, but a couple of months ago I got an ear ache in one ear and a week later the other one was affected. First there was pain and then it broke and drained, but it didn't stop there, it continued to bother me with blooping and I couldn't hear for quite a while, luckily one was a week ahead of the other one. I used peroxide (I used half water and half peroxide) but on Doctor Oz show he used full strength. I usuall start with the warm water and then add the peroxide so it would be a little bit warm. I also tried using colloidal silver and I did end up going to the doctor and she wrote a script for a Z-PAC and I took it. I can't say it helped me much, because 2 months later I was still having this popping or blooping noise in there. I went to another doctor and she cleaned my ears out ( she took some pretty good sized things out) and they are starting to feel better and I can actually hear out of both ears.
Now I have been reading up on this so I hope I won't have this problem again. For one thing is that you can have problems with your ears from stress and I was under a lot of stress just before that. And I found out a few other helpful hints you may be interested in.
Take Chinese Foxglove, Ginko Biloba and Vita Ear and one thing they really stress is that you eat healthy. It does make a difference. They suggested lean meats, fruits and vegetables. I know we should always eat this way. They have too much processed foods on the market.
You will find all of my recipes are all natural in: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7. It is available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or order at:
If you are looking for a good novel to read, try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at Or at or at: I had a reader tell me that he could not put the book down until it was finished. It is a true story, it is listed under fiction because the names were changed to protect the innocent.
Laughter is healthy:
Two elderly gentlemen sat on a bench in the park and one said to the other, "Slim, I am 83 years old and I am full of aches and pains. I know we are about the same age, what do you have to complain about?"
Slim says, "I feel like a new born baby."
"Really!? Like a newborn baby!?
"Yep, No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants."
I am sure it has been years since I had an earache, but a couple of months ago I got an ear ache in one ear and a week later the other one was affected. First there was pain and then it broke and drained, but it didn't stop there, it continued to bother me with blooping and I couldn't hear for quite a while, luckily one was a week ahead of the other one. I used peroxide (I used half water and half peroxide) but on Doctor Oz show he used full strength. I usuall start with the warm water and then add the peroxide so it would be a little bit warm. I also tried using colloidal silver and I did end up going to the doctor and she wrote a script for a Z-PAC and I took it. I can't say it helped me much, because 2 months later I was still having this popping or blooping noise in there. I went to another doctor and she cleaned my ears out ( she took some pretty good sized things out) and they are starting to feel better and I can actually hear out of both ears.
Now I have been reading up on this so I hope I won't have this problem again. For one thing is that you can have problems with your ears from stress and I was under a lot of stress just before that. And I found out a few other helpful hints you may be interested in.
Take Chinese Foxglove, Ginko Biloba and Vita Ear and one thing they really stress is that you eat healthy. It does make a difference. They suggested lean meats, fruits and vegetables. I know we should always eat this way. They have too much processed foods on the market.
You will find all of my recipes are all natural in: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7. It is available at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or order at:
If you are looking for a good novel to read, try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at Or at or at: I had a reader tell me that he could not put the book down until it was finished. It is a true story, it is listed under fiction because the names were changed to protect the innocent.
Laughter is healthy:
Two elderly gentlemen sat on a bench in the park and one said to the other, "Slim, I am 83 years old and I am full of aches and pains. I know we are about the same age, what do you have to complain about?"
Slim says, "I feel like a new born baby."
"Really!? Like a newborn baby!?
"Yep, No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants."
Monday, January 11, 2010
Eat for the health of it.
I can't believe this--there is an article about your pet, "Fido" poluting the planet with their poo. I don't think they are the only ones doing this natural thing that goes with being alive. All species, including humans,do that.
In the first place store bought dog food is wasteful, but not because it is destroying the Planet, it is because it is expensive and unhealthy. That food is all processed, and animals have lived on scraps since the beginning. They will be better off if you give them a raw chicken neck to chew on or some raw hamburg, raw eggs or scraps of pork and beef two to three times a week. They love that.
You will be surprised how healthy they will be and what a shiney coat they will have and you probably won't have to take them to the vet so often. That's how we fed our dogs and we never took them to the vets after the first shot they had to have to get their license. Your pet needs to eat all natural too.
Try my all natural cookbook and you can feed your dog all the left overs.
Available at: or call 1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you are interested in a very good novel: I suggest 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0 Available at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:What is celibacy?
Attending a marriage councelling class, the instructor told the class it was essential that they knew as much about each other as possible before they got married or things just may not work out.
The instructor addressed the men, "Can you tell me what your wife's favorite flower is?" Walter leaned over and touched Lena's arm and whispered, " Gold Medal-All -Purpose, isn't it?"
I can't believe this--there is an article about your pet, "Fido" poluting the planet with their poo. I don't think they are the only ones doing this natural thing that goes with being alive. All species, including humans,do that.
In the first place store bought dog food is wasteful, but not because it is destroying the Planet, it is because it is expensive and unhealthy. That food is all processed, and animals have lived on scraps since the beginning. They will be better off if you give them a raw chicken neck to chew on or some raw hamburg, raw eggs or scraps of pork and beef two to three times a week. They love that.
You will be surprised how healthy they will be and what a shiney coat they will have and you probably won't have to take them to the vet so often. That's how we fed our dogs and we never took them to the vets after the first shot they had to have to get their license. Your pet needs to eat all natural too.
Try my all natural cookbook and you can feed your dog all the left overs.
Available at: or call 1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you are interested in a very good novel: I suggest 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0 Available at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:What is celibacy?
Attending a marriage councelling class, the instructor told the class it was essential that they knew as much about each other as possible before they got married or things just may not work out.
The instructor addressed the men, "Can you tell me what your wife's favorite flower is?" Walter leaned over and touched Lena's arm and whispered, " Gold Medal-All -Purpose, isn't it?"
Sunday, January 10, 2010
listen to your heart
Eat for the health of it.
There are days when just simple things like heavy traffic can trigger a heart attack. The traffic isn't moving and you are already late and you get all riled up,and your blood preassure goes up, so your heart goes crazy and you triple your risk of a heart attack. Learn to leave early and keep calm.
If you are an early riser and you also like to exercise in the morning, remember your blood is thicker in the AM. Maybe use the snooze button and wake up a little slower, especially on Monday mornings because more heart attacks occur on Mondays.
If you are dieting always follow the diet sensibly, try to keep your stool soft either with fish oil and a glass of water (according to the dosage) some are one a day and some are three, you should drink a glass of water per capsul or use fiber, you still have to drink the water.
If you are in the snow area, always be careful when you shovel.
Always eat at least one fruit a day. And of course it is so important to eat all natural foods.
My all natural cookbook is an easy one to follow.
Available at: phone 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
Another book you may want to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available AT:
Laugher is healthy:
If you are old enough you will surely enjoy this from BOB Hope.
Tribute to a man who did make a difference:
There are days when just simple things like heavy traffic can trigger a heart attack. The traffic isn't moving and you are already late and you get all riled up,and your blood preassure goes up, so your heart goes crazy and you triple your risk of a heart attack. Learn to leave early and keep calm.
If you are an early riser and you also like to exercise in the morning, remember your blood is thicker in the AM. Maybe use the snooze button and wake up a little slower, especially on Monday mornings because more heart attacks occur on Mondays.
If you are dieting always follow the diet sensibly, try to keep your stool soft either with fish oil and a glass of water (according to the dosage) some are one a day and some are three, you should drink a glass of water per capsul or use fiber, you still have to drink the water.
If you are in the snow area, always be careful when you shovel.
Always eat at least one fruit a day. And of course it is so important to eat all natural foods.
My all natural cookbook is an easy one to follow.
Available at: phone 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
Another book you may want to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available AT:
Laugher is healthy:
If you are old enough you will surely enjoy this from BOB Hope.
Tribute to a man who did make a difference:
did you get the flu shot?
Eat for the health of it.
I don't get the flu shots, the one and only time I did I was very ill before I got half way home from the doctors and I refuse them everytime they offer them to me. I just read recently that more than 1/2 the kids that got the Tamiflu shot for the H1N1, had terrible side effects, some had stomach cramps but 1 out of 5 had bizarre neuropsychiatric reactions to the drug Tamiflu and has also been linked to deaths of children, even teenagers. I have been hearing this but why are they still giving them?
I am trying to stay as healthy as I can by eating all the natural foods I can eat to stay healthy. If you are interested in being healthy and staying healthy just try my all natural cookbook.
GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 Available at: Or call: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you would like to read an excellent novel: Please order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Doughboy:Sad news
Please join me in remembering the doghboy who died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. The doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Celebrities that paid their respects were: Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California raisins,Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave sight was well floured.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described the Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Born and bread in Minnesota, Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers.He was not considered a very smart cookie, waisting much of his dough on half baked schemes. Dispite being a little flaky at times, he still was a crusty old man and a roll model for millions.
Doughboy is survived by his wife Play Dough: three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his father, Pop Tart.
The funeral was held at 3:50 for 20 minutes.
I don't get the flu shots, the one and only time I did I was very ill before I got half way home from the doctors and I refuse them everytime they offer them to me. I just read recently that more than 1/2 the kids that got the Tamiflu shot for the H1N1, had terrible side effects, some had stomach cramps but 1 out of 5 had bizarre neuropsychiatric reactions to the drug Tamiflu and has also been linked to deaths of children, even teenagers. I have been hearing this but why are they still giving them?
I am trying to stay as healthy as I can by eating all the natural foods I can eat to stay healthy. If you are interested in being healthy and staying healthy just try my all natural cookbook.
GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 Available at: Or call: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you would like to read an excellent novel: Please order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Doughboy:Sad news
Please join me in remembering the doghboy who died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. The doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Celebrities that paid their respects were: Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California raisins,Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave sight was well floured.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described the Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Born and bread in Minnesota, Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers.He was not considered a very smart cookie, waisting much of his dough on half baked schemes. Dispite being a little flaky at times, he still was a crusty old man and a roll model for millions.
Doughboy is survived by his wife Play Dough: three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his father, Pop Tart.
The funeral was held at 3:50 for 20 minutes.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Be patient with me
Eat for the health of it.
II fell and injured my neck. My hands are numb and my legs are not working good. I am going to therapy and it seems to be helping a little bit. I had three MRI's done but they ordered one with a solution they put in my vein so I had that done yesterday. I am waiting for the results.If I am not on here every night, please keep watching for me. When my hands get to stinging, I have to lie down.
II fell and injured my neck. My hands are numb and my legs are not working good. I am going to therapy and it seems to be helping a little bit. I had three MRI's done but they ordered one with a solution they put in my vein so I had that done yesterday. I am waiting for the results.If I am not on here every night, please keep watching for me. When my hands get to stinging, I have to lie down.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
neti pot
Eat for the health of it.
I'll try to make this short so you can read my laughter for tonight.
If anyone has trouble with sinus infection and you have been to the doctor and you probably got a script for a Z-PAC and you took it and it cleared for a while and it came right back- maybe you went back to the doctor and got another Z-PAC- How many times? Oh yea! Well, I decided that I would have to do something on my own, so I tried colloidal silver and it does work but one step better was to go out and buy a NETI POT at the health food store. I was never so happy to try something new. I use it every day. Warm water and a little bit of sea salt, pour it into one nostril and let it drain out the other. Blow your nose. I still use the colloidal silver a couple of times a day too. Maybe that isn't necessary but I don't want to get that sinus crap back again.
I like using as much all natural as possible, I think we are being forced to use too many drugs and it's going to catch up with us someday.
Try my all natural cookbook too it is a good place to start. GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN #0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
Another book you may want to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Recently, in a large city in France, a poster featuring a thin lady appeared in the window of a gym. It said,"This summer do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?"
A middle aged woman whose physical characteristics did not match those of the woman in the ad, responded to the question posed by the gym.
To Whom It May Concern: Whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, sea lions,curious humans.)They have an active sex life, get pregnant and have adorable baby whales. They have a great time watching the dolphins stuffing themselves with shrimp.
Whales are wonderful singers and have recorded on CD's. They are incredible creatures and have no preditors but humans, they are loved and protected by almost everyone in the world.
Mermaids do not exist. If they did they would be lined up outside of Argentinean psychoanolysts due to identity crisis. Fish or human? They don't have a sex life-just look at them- where is it? Therefore no kids. Who wants to get close to a fishy smelling girl? I want to be a whale.
We are at an age where the media puts it in our heads that we have to be skinny, but I prefer to eat ice cream with my kids, a good dinner with my husband, and a piece of chocolate with my friends.
In time we gain weight from our heads being so full of knowledge and wisdom, our heads get full and the rest is distibuted over our bodies. So we really are not heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy.
Beginning today; when I look at my butt in the mirror I will just think, "Good grief, look how smart I am!"
I'll try to make this short so you can read my laughter for tonight.
If anyone has trouble with sinus infection and you have been to the doctor and you probably got a script for a Z-PAC and you took it and it cleared for a while and it came right back- maybe you went back to the doctor and got another Z-PAC- How many times? Oh yea! Well, I decided that I would have to do something on my own, so I tried colloidal silver and it does work but one step better was to go out and buy a NETI POT at the health food store. I was never so happy to try something new. I use it every day. Warm water and a little bit of sea salt, pour it into one nostril and let it drain out the other. Blow your nose. I still use the colloidal silver a couple of times a day too. Maybe that isn't necessary but I don't want to get that sinus crap back again.
I like using as much all natural as possible, I think we are being forced to use too many drugs and it's going to catch up with us someday.
Try my all natural cookbook too it is a good place to start. GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN #0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
Another book you may want to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Recently, in a large city in France, a poster featuring a thin lady appeared in the window of a gym. It said,"This summer do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?"
A middle aged woman whose physical characteristics did not match those of the woman in the ad, responded to the question posed by the gym.
To Whom It May Concern: Whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, sea lions,curious humans.)They have an active sex life, get pregnant and have adorable baby whales. They have a great time watching the dolphins stuffing themselves with shrimp.
Whales are wonderful singers and have recorded on CD's. They are incredible creatures and have no preditors but humans, they are loved and protected by almost everyone in the world.
Mermaids do not exist. If they did they would be lined up outside of Argentinean psychoanolysts due to identity crisis. Fish or human? They don't have a sex life-just look at them- where is it? Therefore no kids. Who wants to get close to a fishy smelling girl? I want to be a whale.
We are at an age where the media puts it in our heads that we have to be skinny, but I prefer to eat ice cream with my kids, a good dinner with my husband, and a piece of chocolate with my friends.
In time we gain weight from our heads being so full of knowledge and wisdom, our heads get full and the rest is distibuted over our bodies. So we really are not heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy.
Beginning today; when I look at my butt in the mirror I will just think, "Good grief, look how smart I am!"
air fresheners
Eat for the health of it.
Who doesn't have a bottle of air frehener in their house? After reading an article on it, I think I will get rid of all that crap in my house. I have been bothered with allergies of all sorts and didn't think of that little can of spray could do that to me. I did make my own for awhile using a sprayer bottle with about a fourth cup of vanilla and fill the bottle with water. When my husband used it he sprayed all over everything and the dark vanilla would be all over everything so now I will have to get some white vanilla.
Air fresheners and laundry detergents emit dozens of chemicals so if you add this to your laundry you may be stirring up some allergies. Testing was done and they all had some type of toxic chemical. WOW!! Some of these chemicals can be deadly.
I know that I can't breathe sometimes when I take the clothes from the dryer and I don't stay around the bathroom after spraying either. I know I am going back to my vanilla spray, (white),and that will work just as good as that expensive poison in a can. And I believe that I read somewhere to use vinegar in a spray bottle for a softener, I will use the white vinegar in a spray bottle. I guess my house and clothes will smell like vinegar or vanilla. At least I'll be able to smell and breathe.
I think we will just have to get back to using everything all natural, open the windows and let the fresh air in, go outside now and then and breathe in deeply and blow out all that stale stuff. Sometimes you really wonder what caused all the lung cancer, was it from smoking or from all the chemicals in our soaps, detergents, air fresheners,dryer sheets. What else??
Don't forget to eat natural too.
Try my all natural cookbook GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: Call at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
A very good book to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or or
Laughter is healthy:
A little boy was sitting on the edge of the side walk outside of the church and he was holding a bottle of turpentine.
The priest walks by and says, "Hello, Johnnie, how are you today?"
Johnnie sys, "Fine."
The priest notices his bottle and asks, "What have you got there?"
Johnnie says, "This is a bottle of turpentine.It is the most powerful liquid."
The priest answers,"Oh no, Johnnie, the most powerful liquid is Holy Water, you can rub it on the mothers belly and she can pass a fine baby."
Johnnie answers," But I can rub this turpentine on a cats behind and it can pass a Harley Davidson."
Who doesn't have a bottle of air frehener in their house? After reading an article on it, I think I will get rid of all that crap in my house. I have been bothered with allergies of all sorts and didn't think of that little can of spray could do that to me. I did make my own for awhile using a sprayer bottle with about a fourth cup of vanilla and fill the bottle with water. When my husband used it he sprayed all over everything and the dark vanilla would be all over everything so now I will have to get some white vanilla.
Air fresheners and laundry detergents emit dozens of chemicals so if you add this to your laundry you may be stirring up some allergies. Testing was done and they all had some type of toxic chemical. WOW!! Some of these chemicals can be deadly.
I know that I can't breathe sometimes when I take the clothes from the dryer and I don't stay around the bathroom after spraying either. I know I am going back to my vanilla spray, (white),and that will work just as good as that expensive poison in a can. And I believe that I read somewhere to use vinegar in a spray bottle for a softener, I will use the white vinegar in a spray bottle. I guess my house and clothes will smell like vinegar or vanilla. At least I'll be able to smell and breathe.
I think we will just have to get back to using everything all natural, open the windows and let the fresh air in, go outside now and then and breathe in deeply and blow out all that stale stuff. Sometimes you really wonder what caused all the lung cancer, was it from smoking or from all the chemicals in our soaps, detergents, air fresheners,dryer sheets. What else??
Don't forget to eat natural too.
Try my all natural cookbook GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: Call at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
A very good book to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at: or or
Laughter is healthy:
A little boy was sitting on the edge of the side walk outside of the church and he was holding a bottle of turpentine.
The priest walks by and says, "Hello, Johnnie, how are you today?"
Johnnie sys, "Fine."
The priest notices his bottle and asks, "What have you got there?"
Johnnie says, "This is a bottle of turpentine.It is the most powerful liquid."
The priest answers,"Oh no, Johnnie, the most powerful liquid is Holy Water, you can rub it on the mothers belly and she can pass a fine baby."
Johnnie answers," But I can rub this turpentine on a cats behind and it can pass a Harley Davidson."
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Eat for the health of it.
Researchers believe that lads without self control can lead to adult stress and illness. Researchers also believe that young boys who were bad and got into trouble at an early age and anti social by the age of ten and convicted of a crime by the age of 18, are more likely to be dead or disabled by the age of 48. It just proves that when children are neglected and pretty much grow up on their own, they have bad eating habits, which ends up in poor health and they do not care about anything.
Learn to eat healthy from GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or call at:1-800-788-7654 or order at:
A very good book to, read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#
1-58736-601-0 Available or
Laughter is healthy:
Farmer John who lives on a rural highway was getting thoroughly disgusted with the fast traffic that was killing his chickens. He called the local sherriff and explained the situation and insisted that he do something.
The sheriff put up a sign that said: SLOW: SCHOOL CROSSING
Three weeks later there was not a bit of change, so the farmer again called the sheriff. The sferiff added another sign that said: CHILDREN AT PLAY
Three weeks later and the sheriff had not heard from the farmer, his curiosity got the better of him and he went to visit the farmer. The signs had been removed and another was put in their place that read: NuDIST COLONY_WATCH OUT FOR CHICKS!
Researchers believe that lads without self control can lead to adult stress and illness. Researchers also believe that young boys who were bad and got into trouble at an early age and anti social by the age of ten and convicted of a crime by the age of 18, are more likely to be dead or disabled by the age of 48. It just proves that when children are neglected and pretty much grow up on their own, they have bad eating habits, which ends up in poor health and they do not care about anything.
Learn to eat healthy from GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or call at:1-800-788-7654 or order at:
A very good book to, read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#
1-58736-601-0 Available or
Laughter is healthy:
Farmer John who lives on a rural highway was getting thoroughly disgusted with the fast traffic that was killing his chickens. He called the local sherriff and explained the situation and insisted that he do something.
The sheriff put up a sign that said: SLOW: SCHOOL CROSSING
Three weeks later there was not a bit of change, so the farmer again called the sheriff. The sferiff added another sign that said: CHILDREN AT PLAY
Three weeks later and the sheriff had not heard from the farmer, his curiosity got the better of him and he went to visit the farmer. The signs had been removed and another was put in their place that read: NuDIST COLONY_WATCH OUT FOR CHICKS!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
other problems with diabetes
Eat for the health of it.
If you are suffering from depression, you should also be checked for diabetes because if you are under a lot of stress you could very well be diabetic because high stress can cause diabetes.
Diabetics are also more likely to fracture a hip,than non-diabetics and you need to have a periodic bone density test and take good care of your feet.
Older people that are diabetics are mare likely to have hearing loss.
The root cause of diabetes is high calorie diet, like sugar, especially bleached white sugar and consuming foods with man made chemicals.
Anyone that you know that has a diet of large amounts of processed foods, just keep in touch with that person and I am sure he or she will be diabetic.
The more natural your diet is the less chance you will have of getting diabetes and other illnesses. Eat healthy by eating all natural foods.
If you need to learn more about all natural foods, just try my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: or: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
A good book to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 order at: or at: or at:
It is a true story but it was listed as a fiction because the names were changed to protect the innocent.
Laughter is helthy:
'Getting lucky' means you found you're car in the parking lot.
An "all nighter means you didn't have to get up in the night to use the bathroom."
You are not sure if these are facts or jokes.
If you are suffering from depression, you should also be checked for diabetes because if you are under a lot of stress you could very well be diabetic because high stress can cause diabetes.
Diabetics are also more likely to fracture a hip,than non-diabetics and you need to have a periodic bone density test and take good care of your feet.
Older people that are diabetics are mare likely to have hearing loss.
The root cause of diabetes is high calorie diet, like sugar, especially bleached white sugar and consuming foods with man made chemicals.
Anyone that you know that has a diet of large amounts of processed foods, just keep in touch with that person and I am sure he or she will be diabetic.
The more natural your diet is the less chance you will have of getting diabetes and other illnesses. Eat healthy by eating all natural foods.
If you need to learn more about all natural foods, just try my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: or: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
A good book to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 order at: or at: or at:
It is a true story but it was listed as a fiction because the names were changed to protect the innocent.
Laughter is helthy:
'Getting lucky' means you found you're car in the parking lot.
An "all nighter means you didn't have to get up in the night to use the bathroom."
You are not sure if these are facts or jokes.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Drinking drugs in your water?
Eat for the health of it.
In testing the water, Spain researchers found cocain by-products in the drinking water.
In Italy researchers found that 44# of pharmaceuticles flows down the Po River every day.
Researchers also have found antibiotics, painkillers, hormones & drugs flows in the US waters. And it also has tested possitive for perchiorate which is the chemical used to make rocket fuel.
One of our biggest health concerns is the contamination of our water supply but how can we get anyone to talk about it? It can help to have the best water filter you can buy.
If you work the night shift or a job where you do not get a good nights sleep on a regular basis, you are a good candidate for cancer. By not getting enough sleep your immune system is vulnerable to get more diseases and many other illnesses. It may help if the room is darkened and you get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.
And always have a good balanced, all natural diet.
If you need to know more about eating all natural, please try my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: or call at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at
If you would like a very interesting book to read I would like to suggest 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Sold by: and and Even though this story is labeled as a fiction, it is not a fiction but it is a true story, the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the not so innocent.
Laughter is healthy: OLD IS WHEN:
You don't care where your spouse goes, just so you do not have to go along.
You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of the police.
Getting a little action means you don't have to take your fiber today.
In testing the water, Spain researchers found cocain by-products in the drinking water.
In Italy researchers found that 44# of pharmaceuticles flows down the Po River every day.
Researchers also have found antibiotics, painkillers, hormones & drugs flows in the US waters. And it also has tested possitive for perchiorate which is the chemical used to make rocket fuel.
One of our biggest health concerns is the contamination of our water supply but how can we get anyone to talk about it? It can help to have the best water filter you can buy.
If you work the night shift or a job where you do not get a good nights sleep on a regular basis, you are a good candidate for cancer. By not getting enough sleep your immune system is vulnerable to get more diseases and many other illnesses. It may help if the room is darkened and you get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.
And always have a good balanced, all natural diet.
If you need to know more about eating all natural, please try my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: or call at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at
If you would like a very interesting book to read I would like to suggest 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Sold by: and and Even though this story is labeled as a fiction, it is not a fiction but it is a true story, the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the not so innocent.
Laughter is healthy: OLD IS WHEN:
You don't care where your spouse goes, just so you do not have to go along.
You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of the police.
Getting a little action means you don't have to take your fiber today.
Friday, January 1, 2010
geneticallyaltered drugs
Eat for the health of it.
It's great when you can get a drug to cure your ills, but sometimes I think they over due the drugs, espeially when you can use a lot of things right in your own cupboard. Raw honey is very good for you, and onions are a good remedy for colds. The only cough syrup we had as kids was onion syrup. Mom would chop an onion fine and add some sugar to it in a glass then turn it over on a plate and then the syrup would seep out under the rim of the glass then my mother would take the syrup on a spoon and if we had a cough we got the syrup.
I think we should think seriously of trying home remedies and not run to the doctor for drugs for every little thing. Some day our bodies will just build up an immunity for drugs then we won't have anything to take. When we take a lot of man made, genetically engineered drugs, it creates a man made stealth germ, causing more diseases then they cure.
Go to the doctor if you are really sick but try eating all natural foods so you can build up your immune system and hopefully you won't have to go to the doctor.
I have some great recipe in my all natural cookbook:
Order at: or call at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you would like to read a very good book please order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts: ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at or at:
Laughter is healthy: Three holy men and a bear
A Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher and a Rabi all served as chaplains to the students at Northern Michigan University in Marquette. They would get together two or three times a week to talk shop.
One day someone made the comment that being a preacher really wasn't that hard. After the disscussion was over they decided that all three would go into the woods and find a bear and preach to it and try to convert it.
Seven days later they met to discuss their findings.
Father Flannery, with his arm in a sling, was on crutches and had several bandages.
'Well,' he said, "I went into the woods, found a bear, preached to him and read from my catechism. The bear began to slap me around so I grabbed my holy water and sprinkled him with it, I prayed, Holy Mary Mother of God, he became as gentle as a lamb and the Bishop will be here next week to give him first communion and confirm him."
Reverend Billy Bob, sitting in a wheel chair, both legs in a cast, spoke up, "I found me a bear and began to read to him from God's Holy Word!! The bear wanted nothing to do with me so I took hold of him and we wrestled up one hill and down the other until we came to a creek, I quickly caught him off guard and I baptized him, he became gentle as a lamb. We spent the rest of the day praising Jesus."
The priest and the reverend both looked down at the Rabbi in the hospital bed, he was in a body cast and in traction annd had monitors on him. He was in bad shape.
The Rabbi looked up and said, "Looking back on it...circumcision may not have been the best way to start."
It's great when you can get a drug to cure your ills, but sometimes I think they over due the drugs, espeially when you can use a lot of things right in your own cupboard. Raw honey is very good for you, and onions are a good remedy for colds. The only cough syrup we had as kids was onion syrup. Mom would chop an onion fine and add some sugar to it in a glass then turn it over on a plate and then the syrup would seep out under the rim of the glass then my mother would take the syrup on a spoon and if we had a cough we got the syrup.
I think we should think seriously of trying home remedies and not run to the doctor for drugs for every little thing. Some day our bodies will just build up an immunity for drugs then we won't have anything to take. When we take a lot of man made, genetically engineered drugs, it creates a man made stealth germ, causing more diseases then they cure.
Go to the doctor if you are really sick but try eating all natural foods so you can build up your immune system and hopefully you won't have to go to the doctor.
I have some great recipe in my all natural cookbook:
Order at: or call at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you would like to read a very good book please order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts: ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at or at:
Laughter is healthy: Three holy men and a bear
A Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher and a Rabi all served as chaplains to the students at Northern Michigan University in Marquette. They would get together two or three times a week to talk shop.
One day someone made the comment that being a preacher really wasn't that hard. After the disscussion was over they decided that all three would go into the woods and find a bear and preach to it and try to convert it.
Seven days later they met to discuss their findings.
Father Flannery, with his arm in a sling, was on crutches and had several bandages.
'Well,' he said, "I went into the woods, found a bear, preached to him and read from my catechism. The bear began to slap me around so I grabbed my holy water and sprinkled him with it, I prayed, Holy Mary Mother of God, he became as gentle as a lamb and the Bishop will be here next week to give him first communion and confirm him."
Reverend Billy Bob, sitting in a wheel chair, both legs in a cast, spoke up, "I found me a bear and began to read to him from God's Holy Word!! The bear wanted nothing to do with me so I took hold of him and we wrestled up one hill and down the other until we came to a creek, I quickly caught him off guard and I baptized him, he became gentle as a lamb. We spent the rest of the day praising Jesus."
The priest and the reverend both looked down at the Rabbi in the hospital bed, he was in a body cast and in traction annd had monitors on him. He was in bad shape.
The Rabbi looked up and said, "Looking back on it...circumcision may not have been the best way to start."
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