Monday, August 24, 2009

Do people nag you?

Eat for the health of it.

Do you have people yapping at you all the time? "You shouldn't lay out in the sun." I want to know why. I know we need Vitamin D. How will we get it if we don't go in the sunshine? I love it. I was in a bad accident 24 years ago and I broke my back (crushed the 6th thoracic vertebrae,) ruptured 4 discs in my neck and I have a herniated disc in my low back. I was told that I would be in a wheel chair within two years. I wore a brace up to about 6 months ago to help keep me walking straight. I just could not see myself fixed in a wheelchair. Believe me I prayed. A lot. I do use a store wheel chair or at times that I have to walk a lot, but for most of the time I walk when I can and I have a golf cart to get me around the farm.

I think what really helps the pain is the sunshine. I lay out whenever I can. I do not let myself get burned. I do not use sunscreen because I believe that is what causes cancer, not the sun, like we are led to believe.

I always say,"everything in moderation and it's okay." There is nothing wrong with having a drink of alcohol, but too much and you're stupid. If you eat way too much, you are going to be fat. I have even read that you can drink too much water. I know it sounds kinda dumb but your system can process just so much at a time. Did your mother ever tell you not to eat too many cookies or you'll be sick? How about these people that exercise religiously every day? They are running and some of them; you almost want to offer them a ride. They look and act like they are in pain. I swim a lot and I also do a lot of water arobics, but, I don't think that is as hard on your body as running is. I do stay active, but a runner, I am not.

If you would like to learn how to eat all natural, please take a look at my all natural cookbook:
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If you are interested in a good novel please order 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or or at: Please use the same ISBN# 1-58736-601-0

Laughter is healthy: True Love?

Two buddies that had been separated for years by job opertunities and such, were suddenly reunited. As they sat talking in the married couples home waiting for the meal to be served the fellow noticed that whenever the other mans wife would ask a question he would always answer,'yes, my love,or darling,Sweetheart etc.
The visitor was watching closely as the man always answered her with a pet name.
He waited until the woman left the room for more food then he commented," I think it's wonderful that you still call your wife those loving pet names." The old man hung his head and admitted,"I have to tell you the truth, about ten years ago, her name slipped my mind and I'm scared to death to ask the old bitch what it is."

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