Eat for the health of it.
There seems to be an increase in problems with generic drugs. Problems start out with the doctors because they don't believe that there is a problem. 25% of the doctors believe that generic drugs are safe. If that is true, then why do I have so much trouble with taking generic drugs? I have a terrible allergic reaction to the filler that they put in drugs. I have to take Tenormin, because the generic(Attenolol)made my skin bleed. I told my doctor and the druggist that the reason I was bleeding was that they had switched me from Tenormin to Attenolol. I asked the doctor to write a new prescription so that I could take the Tenormin and sure enough my arms stopped bleeding. There has to be something terrible in that Attenolol to make it cause me to bleed.
Then the doctor had me on 800 mg of Motrin and for some reason they changed me over to Ibuprophen and then I got hives all over my body. I asked them to give me the real thing and they had taken it off the market. If I get the "Good" drugs I have to pay many times more for them. I can't help it if I am allergic to this garbage they put in there and I cannot believe that anyone else would want to take medication that really isn't good for you. Just because you do not have a reaction to these pills does not mean it isn't harming you.
There are many drugs that have sent people to the hospital for various reasons and some could be from an allergic reaction. I have to be very careful because I am allergic to all chemicals, I am on an all natural diet and I have to be very careful and I have to pay a lot more just so I can have the safe drugs made here.
I can't believe that the USA would trust some other country to make our most delicate product. Instead of people getting better they end up getting sicker and often end up in the hospital. I feel that if we have another country making our drugs the US should be there keeping an eye on them, but if it is true what I have heard, that they only check on this about every two years.
I also feel that we should have a choice of whether we want the real thing or the generic and we shouldn't have to pay two to three times as much for it either. As it is right now the real drug from here was 44.00 dollars opposed to the generic which is $4.75, for the same amount and the same strength.
We also cannot tell if the drugs from plants have impurities or come in "subtherapeutic" doses, such as if a drug labelled 10 mg but may only be 6 mg. Personally I do not like getting our drugs from other countries, who knows what they may put in there or what their standards are.
I guess there isn't much we can do about it, but we should always keep track of how we feel when we start a new drug and look up on the computer for side effects or be sure the drugstore gives you the list of side effects to watch out for. Also take your blood pressure and let the doctor know if you do not feel well.
If anyone you know is suffering from Depression or is BiPolar, tell them to ask their doctor for a prescrition for Perphenazine, which is a lot cheaper than the Risperdal that is a lot like it. Perphenazine is a very old medication but it does work well. I hope they keep it on the market.
Keep eating healthy and maybe we won't need all of these drugs and then we don't care where they get them.
If you need a little help with the all natural foods, try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: Or at: 1-800-788-7654 or
Another book you may like to read is 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at: or at: The story is a true life experience even though it is listed as fiction
because the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Laughter is healthy:The good napkin
Sarah's mother taught her to read when she was four years old.(Her first mistake)...One day when she was in the bathroom with her mother she asked, "Mom, what are these napkins doing in the bathroom? Her mother explained that they were for "special occasions" (Her second mistake)
Fast forwarding just a bit: It was Thanksgiving Day and the parents went to the bus station to pick up the grandparents and the mother gave special assignments to each child so everything would be ready when they got back. Sarah's job was to set the table.
When her parents returned with Grandpa and Grandma,Grandma was the first to notice how nice the table looked then snickered and whispered to Grandpa who roared with laughter; by then her parents noticed and her father laughed aloud and her mother was so embarrassed when she noticed that the napkins for "Special Occasion" were used at each place to set the table, with a fork placed neatly on each napkin. Sarahs mother asked, "Why did you use those napkins to set the table." And Sarah answered,"You said they were for a speacial occasion." The answer through the rest into a fit of laughter. You have to give a little explanation along with your answer.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The "Blue Man" and colloidal silver
Eat for the health of it.
Has everyone seen the blue man? He was on the news quite a bit, there for awhile. He was using Colloidal silver, which he made himself. There isn't anything wrong with making colloidal silver but drinking it by the glass full may have been a bit too much. It wasn't until he started to wash with it, that it turned his skin blue. I saw him myself and he is really blue. The last time I saw him he looked healthy and his skin was clear but still blue. The only thing is, CS is getting a bad rap for turning the man blue.I use a few drops in some water every day just to maintain my health. I don't know if it will keep me from getting the flu but it's worth the try. CS fights bacterial infections, I use it to control my sinus infection which also plugs my ears. I squirt it in my nose, and in my ears.
I don't know if it fights the flu and viral infections. The Blue man started to use it to clear up a skin inflamation on his face. Unfortunately he drank it full strength everyday for years. He did not get advice from a doctor. He did seek a doctor for a checkup and he did have a lot of silver in him but he was fine otherwise. He still uses it occasionally.
CS is a submicroscopic silver particles dispersed in water. It is one of the oldest known medicines. Research of this, has found that bacteria has an enzyme system that is disrupted by the presence of silver ions, causing the organism to die.
CS was used back in the 1940's as an antibacterial agent. Another doctor said CS would be a good defense against the flu, but it is rather expensive to buy. It is for sale in the Health food stores, unless you want to make your own. This doctor also recommended not to use it continuously. Each individual is different so ask your doctor for advice before using this. You could talk to someone at the health food store too. That is where you will find it.
As I said before, I use it all the time, if I have a sore or a skin irritation, like hives from allergic reactions, I put it on there and it heals it. I once had a small lesion on my lower eye lid and I went to the doctor and he said I would have to see a surgeon to remove it. I didn't want anyone messing with my eyelid so I got my bottle of Colloidal Silver out and I put it on my eyelid three to four times a day, every day. It dissapeared. It has been gone for at least two years now and not even a scar.
Try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or 1-800-788-7654 Also at:
A guy sends his wife to the Home depot for a hinge. On the way to the back where the hinges were she notices a beautiful faucet. She asks the salesman the price and he tells her ,"Ma'm that is peuter, the cost is $300.00. She hesitates while he goes to the back for a hinge. He calls out, "Ma'm would you like a screw for the hinge?"
She answers,"No, but I will for the faucet."
Has everyone seen the blue man? He was on the news quite a bit, there for awhile. He was using Colloidal silver, which he made himself. There isn't anything wrong with making colloidal silver but drinking it by the glass full may have been a bit too much. It wasn't until he started to wash with it, that it turned his skin blue. I saw him myself and he is really blue. The last time I saw him he looked healthy and his skin was clear but still blue. The only thing is, CS is getting a bad rap for turning the man blue.I use a few drops in some water every day just to maintain my health. I don't know if it will keep me from getting the flu but it's worth the try. CS fights bacterial infections, I use it to control my sinus infection which also plugs my ears. I squirt it in my nose, and in my ears.
I don't know if it fights the flu and viral infections. The Blue man started to use it to clear up a skin inflamation on his face. Unfortunately he drank it full strength everyday for years. He did not get advice from a doctor. He did seek a doctor for a checkup and he did have a lot of silver in him but he was fine otherwise. He still uses it occasionally.
CS is a submicroscopic silver particles dispersed in water. It is one of the oldest known medicines. Research of this, has found that bacteria has an enzyme system that is disrupted by the presence of silver ions, causing the organism to die.
CS was used back in the 1940's as an antibacterial agent. Another doctor said CS would be a good defense against the flu, but it is rather expensive to buy. It is for sale in the Health food stores, unless you want to make your own. This doctor also recommended not to use it continuously. Each individual is different so ask your doctor for advice before using this. You could talk to someone at the health food store too. That is where you will find it.
As I said before, I use it all the time, if I have a sore or a skin irritation, like hives from allergic reactions, I put it on there and it heals it. I once had a small lesion on my lower eye lid and I went to the doctor and he said I would have to see a surgeon to remove it. I didn't want anyone messing with my eyelid so I got my bottle of Colloidal Silver out and I put it on my eyelid three to four times a day, every day. It dissapeared. It has been gone for at least two years now and not even a scar.
Try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Available at: or 1-800-788-7654 Also at:
A guy sends his wife to the Home depot for a hinge. On the way to the back where the hinges were she notices a beautiful faucet. She asks the salesman the price and he tells her ,"Ma'm that is peuter, the cost is $300.00. She hesitates while he goes to the back for a hinge. He calls out, "Ma'm would you like a screw for the hinge?"
She answers,"No, but I will for the faucet."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Stomach Problems
Eat for the health of it.
Over 22,000 people die from stomach cancer every year. Smokers are at a greater risk to develope stomach cancer than those that do not. The bad thing about it is that most people that do get stomach cancer do not have symptoms in the early stages of the disease. More than likely if a person does have some pain or ingigestion, you only figure that it is 'something' you ate that didn't agree with you. You pop a tum or take some baking soda. At first maybe it goes away but if you get to where it doesn't go away you better think about having some tests done. By the time that most people decide that it is more than just a little indigestion the cancer can spread to organs and lymph nodes.
Symptoms to watch for: Dull pain in the upper abdomon, that is not relieved by antacids.
Stomach pain and cramps after eating.
If you feel full after eating but you haven't eaten that much.
Vomiting after you eat or losing weight, you need to talk to your doctor.
Ulcers may be brought on by H pylori, which is an organism that burrows itself into the protective layer of the stomach. H pylori, is believed to be worse than an ulcer.
Most stomach cancer is brought on by diet. The most probable food is: smoked meats, salty or pickled foods or processed meats,such as salami or corned beef, hot dogs, balogna, bacon or ham, which usually is high in nitrates and nitrites. Limit your intake of these types of foods to once a week, to be on the safe side. Try eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
I think they should educate the parents sending lunches to school with the kids. Most of them that carry their lunch have a balogna or ham sandwich. My husband had esophageal and stomach cancer, and I blame it on his eating habits because he didn't like peanut butter. Once in a while he would eat a cheese sandwich, but most of the time he wanted lunchmeat. And then he would buy 2 two litre bottles of soda every day and he drank them, then he was diagnosed with stomach and esophegeal cancer. He also was not good about eating vegetables and fruits. He still does not eat healthy, so what do you do? Nothing.
If you would like to know more about eating all natural please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may phone your order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at: Or at:
If you would like to read a good novel try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
A hillbilly fellow went hunting one day in Georgia and bagged three ducks and put them in the back of his pickup. He was about to go home when an ornery old game warden stopped him. He didn't like hillbillies so he was determined to arrest him for shooting ducks illegally.
The game warden ordered the hillbilly to show his Georgia hunting license and the hillbilly showed him a legal Georgia hunting license.
The game warden saw the ducks and lifted one of them and sniffed it's rear end and said,"This duck ain't from Georgia. This ia a Tennessee duck. You got a Tennessee hunting license?"
The hillbilly reached in his pocket and produced his Tennessee hunting license.
The game warden looked at it, then reached for another duck and he again sniffs the rear end of the duck. "This ain't no Georgia duck, this is a Mississippi duck. You got a Mississippi hunting license?"
The hillbilly reached in his pocket again and produced a hunting license for Mississippi.
The warden picked up the third duck and sniffed it's rearend. He exclaims."This is not a Georgia duck, it's a South Carolina duck. You got a South Carolina hunting license"?
The hillbilly answers, "Yes, I do, and he shows the Warden his South Carolina hunting license.
The game warden was extremely frustrated with the hillbilly at this point and he yells at him, "Boy, just where sre you from?"
The hillbilly turned around, dropped his drawers, bent over and said, "You're the expert, you tell me."
Over 22,000 people die from stomach cancer every year. Smokers are at a greater risk to develope stomach cancer than those that do not. The bad thing about it is that most people that do get stomach cancer do not have symptoms in the early stages of the disease. More than likely if a person does have some pain or ingigestion, you only figure that it is 'something' you ate that didn't agree with you. You pop a tum or take some baking soda. At first maybe it goes away but if you get to where it doesn't go away you better think about having some tests done. By the time that most people decide that it is more than just a little indigestion the cancer can spread to organs and lymph nodes.
Symptoms to watch for: Dull pain in the upper abdomon, that is not relieved by antacids.
Stomach pain and cramps after eating.
If you feel full after eating but you haven't eaten that much.
Vomiting after you eat or losing weight, you need to talk to your doctor.
Ulcers may be brought on by H pylori, which is an organism that burrows itself into the protective layer of the stomach. H pylori, is believed to be worse than an ulcer.
Most stomach cancer is brought on by diet. The most probable food is: smoked meats, salty or pickled foods or processed meats,such as salami or corned beef, hot dogs, balogna, bacon or ham, which usually is high in nitrates and nitrites. Limit your intake of these types of foods to once a week, to be on the safe side. Try eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
I think they should educate the parents sending lunches to school with the kids. Most of them that carry their lunch have a balogna or ham sandwich. My husband had esophageal and stomach cancer, and I blame it on his eating habits because he didn't like peanut butter. Once in a while he would eat a cheese sandwich, but most of the time he wanted lunchmeat. And then he would buy 2 two litre bottles of soda every day and he drank them, then he was diagnosed with stomach and esophegeal cancer. He also was not good about eating vegetables and fruits. He still does not eat healthy, so what do you do? Nothing.
If you would like to know more about eating all natural please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may phone your order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at: Or at:
If you would like to read a good novel try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
A hillbilly fellow went hunting one day in Georgia and bagged three ducks and put them in the back of his pickup. He was about to go home when an ornery old game warden stopped him. He didn't like hillbillies so he was determined to arrest him for shooting ducks illegally.
The game warden ordered the hillbilly to show his Georgia hunting license and the hillbilly showed him a legal Georgia hunting license.
The game warden saw the ducks and lifted one of them and sniffed it's rear end and said,"This duck ain't from Georgia. This ia a Tennessee duck. You got a Tennessee hunting license?"
The hillbilly reached in his pocket and produced his Tennessee hunting license.
The game warden looked at it, then reached for another duck and he again sniffs the rear end of the duck. "This ain't no Georgia duck, this is a Mississippi duck. You got a Mississippi hunting license?"
The hillbilly reached in his pocket again and produced a hunting license for Mississippi.
The warden picked up the third duck and sniffed it's rearend. He exclaims."This is not a Georgia duck, it's a South Carolina duck. You got a South Carolina hunting license"?
The hillbilly answers, "Yes, I do, and he shows the Warden his South Carolina hunting license.
The game warden was extremely frustrated with the hillbilly at this point and he yells at him, "Boy, just where sre you from?"
The hillbilly turned around, dropped his drawers, bent over and said, "You're the expert, you tell me."
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Eggs the good food
Eat for the health of it.
Why does the media "experts" still speak of eggs as if they were poison? Do they know that eggs have 13 essential vitamins and minerals, B12, Vitamin D, and nutrative compounds?
They are really an inexpensive nutritional food. I know most people do not eat ten eggs a day but if they did, the nutritional ingredients in ten eggs could clean your arteries and sharpen your memory.
I'm going back on my low carb diet now. Eggs have been given a bad wrap but they are really good for you and you should really include them in your diet. If you look back from the time of the cave man, men have hunted and fished and found good things to eat that grew wild. They ate dandelion greens and wild lettuce and other natural things around them. Now it's easier because you can buy all the vegetables.
This is something I never heard before: Spinach is good for your eyes but only if it is fried in bacon grease. Spinach contains a nutrient, lutein, which helps macular degeneration. The eye saving nutrients are fat soluble, so you cannot absort these nutrients without the fat. And listen up, bacon grease is one of the best fats to cook with. Yes, you have been told just the opposite but think of all the rest of the lies we have been told. Go ahead and eat a bacon omelet.
Just looking back a few years and you think, wow, how did so many people get so sick that they need all of this medication? So many people you talk to, begin their conversations with, "I just had my medication filled at the drugstore, I almost had to morgage the house to pay for it." That may be a little exagerated, but it's getting there. It really makes you wonder sometimes, who said our cholesterol has to be below 200? Did you know that cholesterol patches holes in the blood vessels in your brain so they do not burst?
'Low cholesterol' increases your chances of dying from infectious diseases. Did you know that AIDS patients actually have low cholesterol? It's not because they are healthy. Cholesterol is actually the mother of all nutrients. Your body needs cholesterol to create hormones.
Like I said before, I am going back on my low carb diet, because I really feel that it is one of the healthiest diets ever.And the most satisfying. On a low carb diet, if you have not tried it, you eat all natural foods, you have to stay away from processed foods, especially sugar and flour. And if anyone tells you that is wrong to do, they are plain crazy. It will be hard, at first, to give up all that junk food but if you want to lose weight and feel good, try it. Don't become discouraged if you slip now and then, just make up your mind that you want to lose the weight and you want to feel good.
You can eat all of the meat like pork chops, chicken and beef as long as it is not breaded. You can fry it in butter or lard. You can have fish fried in butter and eat lobster and shrimp. Cheese is good for you but be sure to get the all natural. Just keep in mind all the time that if it is processed, it is loaded with carbs. I have been on the diet for many years now and yes, I have strayed a lot but basically I try hard to stay on it or go back to it. My last checkup at the doctors; everything was normal. I mostly stick with an all natural diet, even if it isn't 100% of the time. If you need a book to go by,that lists all the foods that have the carb count, Dr. Adkins diet is what you would look for.
If you want recipes that are all natural, maybe not all carb free, but it will help you to eat all natural, and that is what is most important. My all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7
You may order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you would like to read a very good novel why not try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Underwear is important
If you don't laugh at this, call the morgue, you must be dead.
Always wear underwear in public, especially if you are working under your car.
This story came from the Florida Dailey News about a couple who drove into the parking lot at a major store and their car broke down. The husband told the wife to go and shop and he would have it fixed in about an hour, so she went about her shopping and returned to the car and she noticed a small crowd had gathered aroung her vehicle. As she walked past the car, she noticed that there were two legs sticking out under the car and apparently her husband had forgot to put on underwear and he had rather short shorts on and he was exposing himself and it was drawing a crowd.
She was unable to stand the embarrasment for her husband, so she dutifully reached under the car and tucked everything back into place. She stood up boldly to face the crowd and she looked accross the hood of the car and realized that the man under the car was not her husband but the mechanic, who had to be taken to the hospital for stitches.
Why does the media "experts" still speak of eggs as if they were poison? Do they know that eggs have 13 essential vitamins and minerals, B12, Vitamin D, and nutrative compounds?
They are really an inexpensive nutritional food. I know most people do not eat ten eggs a day but if they did, the nutritional ingredients in ten eggs could clean your arteries and sharpen your memory.
I'm going back on my low carb diet now. Eggs have been given a bad wrap but they are really good for you and you should really include them in your diet. If you look back from the time of the cave man, men have hunted and fished and found good things to eat that grew wild. They ate dandelion greens and wild lettuce and other natural things around them. Now it's easier because you can buy all the vegetables.
This is something I never heard before: Spinach is good for your eyes but only if it is fried in bacon grease. Spinach contains a nutrient, lutein, which helps macular degeneration. The eye saving nutrients are fat soluble, so you cannot absort these nutrients without the fat. And listen up, bacon grease is one of the best fats to cook with. Yes, you have been told just the opposite but think of all the rest of the lies we have been told. Go ahead and eat a bacon omelet.
Just looking back a few years and you think, wow, how did so many people get so sick that they need all of this medication? So many people you talk to, begin their conversations with, "I just had my medication filled at the drugstore, I almost had to morgage the house to pay for it." That may be a little exagerated, but it's getting there. It really makes you wonder sometimes, who said our cholesterol has to be below 200? Did you know that cholesterol patches holes in the blood vessels in your brain so they do not burst?
'Low cholesterol' increases your chances of dying from infectious diseases. Did you know that AIDS patients actually have low cholesterol? It's not because they are healthy. Cholesterol is actually the mother of all nutrients. Your body needs cholesterol to create hormones.
Like I said before, I am going back on my low carb diet, because I really feel that it is one of the healthiest diets ever.And the most satisfying. On a low carb diet, if you have not tried it, you eat all natural foods, you have to stay away from processed foods, especially sugar and flour. And if anyone tells you that is wrong to do, they are plain crazy. It will be hard, at first, to give up all that junk food but if you want to lose weight and feel good, try it. Don't become discouraged if you slip now and then, just make up your mind that you want to lose the weight and you want to feel good.
You can eat all of the meat like pork chops, chicken and beef as long as it is not breaded. You can fry it in butter or lard. You can have fish fried in butter and eat lobster and shrimp. Cheese is good for you but be sure to get the all natural. Just keep in mind all the time that if it is processed, it is loaded with carbs. I have been on the diet for many years now and yes, I have strayed a lot but basically I try hard to stay on it or go back to it. My last checkup at the doctors; everything was normal. I mostly stick with an all natural diet, even if it isn't 100% of the time. If you need a book to go by,that lists all the foods that have the carb count, Dr. Adkins diet is what you would look for.
If you want recipes that are all natural, maybe not all carb free, but it will help you to eat all natural, and that is what is most important. My all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7
You may order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you would like to read a very good novel why not try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Underwear is important
If you don't laugh at this, call the morgue, you must be dead.
Always wear underwear in public, especially if you are working under your car.
This story came from the Florida Dailey News about a couple who drove into the parking lot at a major store and their car broke down. The husband told the wife to go and shop and he would have it fixed in about an hour, so she went about her shopping and returned to the car and she noticed a small crowd had gathered aroung her vehicle. As she walked past the car, she noticed that there were two legs sticking out under the car and apparently her husband had forgot to put on underwear and he had rather short shorts on and he was exposing himself and it was drawing a crowd.
She was unable to stand the embarrasment for her husband, so she dutifully reached under the car and tucked everything back into place. She stood up boldly to face the crowd and she looked accross the hood of the car and realized that the man under the car was not her husband but the mechanic, who had to be taken to the hospital for stitches.
What's in the milk?
Eat for the health of it.
Do you know what's in your milk? It is genetically engineered growth hormone to increase production.And now Monsanto has the right to produce the synthetic hormone rBST.They say that the milk treated with the rBST is safe for human consumption and is no different than milk from untreated cows.
But what's this deal? Europe, Canada, New Zealand, and Japan has all banned the use of it(rBST). They fear the increase of another hormone. When that hormone is present in excessive amounts, they fear an increase in cancer.
Although it hasn't been proven, by the time they find out for sure, it's too late. And the cows suffer from it too. They have hoof problems, gastrointestinal problems, heat stress, diarrhea, birth disorders and painful udder infections.
Why do they have to mess with our food? That is so crazy.
Remember my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Call order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at: or at:
A great novel to read is 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts - You may order at: or at: or at:
One reader stated that he could not lay the book down once he started it and he read it in one day, which he claims he had never done before with any book.
Time for one joke:Farm girl birth control:
Three girls met with the marriage counselor just before they got married and the counselor discussed the options of having or not having a baby right away.
The counselor asked them if they planned on waiting to have a baby and they all agreed that they were going to wait and wanted to discuss this.
The counselor asked the first girl what measurements she would take to keep from getting pregnant. "I am planning on using the rhythm method." The counselor said, "that will work, but only if you keep good records."
He asked the second girl and she said she was going to use the pills. The counselor said, "That will be fine too but you have to remember to take the pills.
He then asked the farm girl what her plans were. She said, "Well, I plan on using the pail and saucer method." The counselor didn't ask her to explain what that was, he just said,"I guess that should work." He dismissed the class and told them to come back in a year and let him know how things went.
One year later they all met at the counselors office. Both of the city girls were pregnant. The farm girl was still slim and trim. The counselor asked the first city girl what went wrong and she said,"I got my notes mixed up and here I am, going to have a baby."
He asks the second city girl what happened to her and she explained, "I tried using the pill but apparently I forgot and here I am, pregnant,"
He turns to the farm girl and says, " I vaguely remember you were going to use the pail and saucer method, I have to admit that I have no idea what that means. I see that it worked, if you will explain that to us, maybe these girls would like to try that."
She replied, "Well, we make love standing up and since I am quite a bit taller than my husband, he stands on a pail turned upside down and as we are making love, I watch his eyes and when they get as big as saucers, I kick the pail out from under him."
Do you know what's in your milk? It is genetically engineered growth hormone to increase production.And now Monsanto has the right to produce the synthetic hormone rBST.They say that the milk treated with the rBST is safe for human consumption and is no different than milk from untreated cows.
But what's this deal? Europe, Canada, New Zealand, and Japan has all banned the use of it(rBST). They fear the increase of another hormone. When that hormone is present in excessive amounts, they fear an increase in cancer.
Although it hasn't been proven, by the time they find out for sure, it's too late. And the cows suffer from it too. They have hoof problems, gastrointestinal problems, heat stress, diarrhea, birth disorders and painful udder infections.
Why do they have to mess with our food? That is so crazy.
Remember my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 Call order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at: or at:
A great novel to read is 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts - You may order at: or at: or at:
One reader stated that he could not lay the book down once he started it and he read it in one day, which he claims he had never done before with any book.
Time for one joke:Farm girl birth control:
Three girls met with the marriage counselor just before they got married and the counselor discussed the options of having or not having a baby right away.
The counselor asked them if they planned on waiting to have a baby and they all agreed that they were going to wait and wanted to discuss this.
The counselor asked the first girl what measurements she would take to keep from getting pregnant. "I am planning on using the rhythm method." The counselor said, "that will work, but only if you keep good records."
He asked the second girl and she said she was going to use the pills. The counselor said, "That will be fine too but you have to remember to take the pills.
He then asked the farm girl what her plans were. She said, "Well, I plan on using the pail and saucer method." The counselor didn't ask her to explain what that was, he just said,"I guess that should work." He dismissed the class and told them to come back in a year and let him know how things went.
One year later they all met at the counselors office. Both of the city girls were pregnant. The farm girl was still slim and trim. The counselor asked the first city girl what went wrong and she said,"I got my notes mixed up and here I am, going to have a baby."
He asks the second city girl what happened to her and she explained, "I tried using the pill but apparently I forgot and here I am, pregnant,"
He turns to the farm girl and says, " I vaguely remember you were going to use the pail and saucer method, I have to admit that I have no idea what that means. I see that it worked, if you will explain that to us, maybe these girls would like to try that."
She replied, "Well, we make love standing up and since I am quite a bit taller than my husband, he stands on a pail turned upside down and as we are making love, I watch his eyes and when they get as big as saucers, I kick the pail out from under him."
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Stevia, Truvia and purevia
Eat for the health of it.
I have been in a turmoil for some time now over the fact that the government would not approve Stevia as a safe sweetener, it could be sold as a supplement but not as a sweetener. But now they have come out with a couple of new ones that have been approved and I read also that Stevia ,as of December 2009, will be approved as a all natural sweetener.
I just think it so strange that they could not approve of a sweetener that people have been eating, sweetening their foods and drinks for many, many years, with no side effects but it was not approved to be safe. I am just so happy that they have approved this sweetener and I hope they take all of these chemical sweeteners( like aspartame, equal, sucralose, splenda, etc.) off the market, because they are causing all kinds of illnesses. I am so allergic to the chemicals they have okeyed and have spent a lot of my life trying to figure what was making me sick with all kinds of skin irritations etc.
I just wonder why it took so long to approve this sweetener but it didn't take very long for them to come up with a serum for the N1H1 flu bug. Years ago I always heard that they were supposed to test these drugs for 10 years before they could put them on the market. I think they tested Stevia about that long. And to top it all off, they okayed Aspartame,Splenda,MSG,etc. And it didn't take that long.
Anyway I am happy that they approved it just so they don't sneek some chemicals in it. I'll know because I will break out, somehow.
Please think about my all natural cookbook, it has wonderful recipes in it.
It is available at: or at: 1-800-788-7654
Or at:
A very interesting book to read: 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Confused golfer:
A man playing on the front nine of a very complicated golf course, became confused as to where he was. Looking around he saw a lady playing just ahead of him. He walked up to her and explained his situation and asked if she knew what hole he was on.
"Well. I am on the 7th hole and if you are one hole behind me, you must be on the 6th. hole." He thanked her and went back to golfing. On the back nine the same thing happened to him. He approached her again and asked her what hole she was on.
She said, "I am on the 14th hole so you must be on 13, you are just one hole behind me." Once again he thanked her and went back to his golfing.
He finished his game and went to the clubhouse for a drink and ran into the same lady, he approached her and offered to buy her a drink in appreciation for his troubling her. They sat at a table and talked. He asked what she did for a living and she said that she was in sales. He said," Well isn't that a coincidence, so am I, what do you sell?"
She answered, "Oh, you would just laugh if I told you."
"No, I won't."
"Well, if you must know," she answered. "I work for Tampax."
He burst out laughing.
She said,"See, I told you, that you would laugh."
"No, I wasn't laughing at that, it's just that I am a salesman too and I sell Preparation H, and I am still one hole behind you."
I promised you two.
A wife came home from shopping and her husband was swatting flies. She asked what he was doing all day while she was shopping.
He said, "I was mowing lawn until a while ago I came in to get a drink and these flies were in here and I killed a male and two females.
"Well, how do you know whether they were male or female?" she asked.
He told her, "One was on the beer can and there was two on the phone."
I have been in a turmoil for some time now over the fact that the government would not approve Stevia as a safe sweetener, it could be sold as a supplement but not as a sweetener. But now they have come out with a couple of new ones that have been approved and I read also that Stevia ,as of December 2009, will be approved as a all natural sweetener.
I just think it so strange that they could not approve of a sweetener that people have been eating, sweetening their foods and drinks for many, many years, with no side effects but it was not approved to be safe. I am just so happy that they have approved this sweetener and I hope they take all of these chemical sweeteners( like aspartame, equal, sucralose, splenda, etc.) off the market, because they are causing all kinds of illnesses. I am so allergic to the chemicals they have okeyed and have spent a lot of my life trying to figure what was making me sick with all kinds of skin irritations etc.
I just wonder why it took so long to approve this sweetener but it didn't take very long for them to come up with a serum for the N1H1 flu bug. Years ago I always heard that they were supposed to test these drugs for 10 years before they could put them on the market. I think they tested Stevia about that long. And to top it all off, they okayed Aspartame,Splenda,MSG,etc. And it didn't take that long.
Anyway I am happy that they approved it just so they don't sneek some chemicals in it. I'll know because I will break out, somehow.
Please think about my all natural cookbook, it has wonderful recipes in it.
It is available at: or at: 1-800-788-7654
Or at:
A very interesting book to read: 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Confused golfer:
A man playing on the front nine of a very complicated golf course, became confused as to where he was. Looking around he saw a lady playing just ahead of him. He walked up to her and explained his situation and asked if she knew what hole he was on.
"Well. I am on the 7th hole and if you are one hole behind me, you must be on the 6th. hole." He thanked her and went back to golfing. On the back nine the same thing happened to him. He approached her again and asked her what hole she was on.
She said, "I am on the 14th hole so you must be on 13, you are just one hole behind me." Once again he thanked her and went back to his golfing.
He finished his game and went to the clubhouse for a drink and ran into the same lady, he approached her and offered to buy her a drink in appreciation for his troubling her. They sat at a table and talked. He asked what she did for a living and she said that she was in sales. He said," Well isn't that a coincidence, so am I, what do you sell?"
She answered, "Oh, you would just laugh if I told you."
"No, I won't."
"Well, if you must know," she answered. "I work for Tampax."
He burst out laughing.
She said,"See, I told you, that you would laugh."
"No, I wasn't laughing at that, it's just that I am a salesman too and I sell Preparation H, and I am still one hole behind you."
I promised you two.
A wife came home from shopping and her husband was swatting flies. She asked what he was doing all day while she was shopping.
He said, "I was mowing lawn until a while ago I came in to get a drink and these flies were in here and I killed a male and two females.
"Well, how do you know whether they were male or female?" she asked.
He told her, "One was on the beer can and there was two on the phone."
Monday, October 26, 2009
Not such a great topic but may be helpful to you.
Eat for the health of it.
I have been plagued with hemorrhoids since my first child was born. They come and go. Sometimes they are a real pain in the you know what. I have used several home remedies and I think they are all pretty good and what works for one may not work for another.
A few years back, I had a colonoscopy and the doctor told me that I had a fissure. Well, I am not sure which one really is more painful only the fissure seems to stay around longer. The doctor wanted to remove the fissure and as I was making my arrangements for the surgery, the girl told me that I would not be able to sit for a month.
I told her just to cancel the surgery because at that time I had just signed up for a semester at the college and I could just see me sqirming in my seat as I waited until the class was over.
I doctored it up and it was fine until a couple of weeks ago, it came back, I guess it didn't really go away it was just resting there until, for some reason it cracked open again. Here are some of the things I used to get some soothing compfort. I took olive oil,( about a drop or 2 of olive oil and a few drops of iodine) I couldn't find iodine so I used Aprovidone and iodine solution, which worked as well.( I mix it in a small container then use a cotton ball but stretch the cotton ball out a bit and soak up the iodine mixture and place it where it hurts and leave it there a while.)
While you are treating it you have to watch your diet, like don't eat nuts or popcorn and be sure to keep things moving along softly. Eat fruits and drink a lot of whatever you like, whether it is fruit juices or water. Stay away from chocolates too if they have a tendency to constipate you. Another thing I found out is that these baby wipes have alcohol in them and you should not use them. I think I have seen them with no alcohol, I am going to try and find them. I have also used preparatin H. I have also used peroxide, but that tends to dry the skin so I only use it occasionally. Also A&D cream is soothing. Good luck!!!
SORRY NO JOKES TONITE, TIRED GOTTA GO TO BED,,I'LL try for two tomorrow nite.
I have been plagued with hemorrhoids since my first child was born. They come and go. Sometimes they are a real pain in the you know what. I have used several home remedies and I think they are all pretty good and what works for one may not work for another.
A few years back, I had a colonoscopy and the doctor told me that I had a fissure. Well, I am not sure which one really is more painful only the fissure seems to stay around longer. The doctor wanted to remove the fissure and as I was making my arrangements for the surgery, the girl told me that I would not be able to sit for a month.
I told her just to cancel the surgery because at that time I had just signed up for a semester at the college and I could just see me sqirming in my seat as I waited until the class was over.
I doctored it up and it was fine until a couple of weeks ago, it came back, I guess it didn't really go away it was just resting there until, for some reason it cracked open again. Here are some of the things I used to get some soothing compfort. I took olive oil,( about a drop or 2 of olive oil and a few drops of iodine) I couldn't find iodine so I used Aprovidone and iodine solution, which worked as well.( I mix it in a small container then use a cotton ball but stretch the cotton ball out a bit and soak up the iodine mixture and place it where it hurts and leave it there a while.)
While you are treating it you have to watch your diet, like don't eat nuts or popcorn and be sure to keep things moving along softly. Eat fruits and drink a lot of whatever you like, whether it is fruit juices or water. Stay away from chocolates too if they have a tendency to constipate you. Another thing I found out is that these baby wipes have alcohol in them and you should not use them. I think I have seen them with no alcohol, I am going to try and find them. I have also used preparatin H. I have also used peroxide, but that tends to dry the skin so I only use it occasionally. Also A&D cream is soothing. Good luck!!!
SORRY NO JOKES TONITE, TIRED GOTTA GO TO BED,,I'LL try for two tomorrow nite.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Those drinks eat your teeth
Eat for the health of it.
I know, just another bad American eating habit except this one is going to eat your teeth. Children are having problems with tooth erosion because of all the acid drinks they have. The erosion comes from the children drinking soft drinks and eating acidic foods and drinks. It's okay to drink the healthy drinks but drink them through a straw to keep the acid off the teeth. If you have done some damage to your teeth this way, after you stop drinking acidic drinks or at least drink it through a straw, your saliva will begin to re-mineralize the tooth surface. Have a regular check-up too. Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after you eat, but it's alright if you rinse your mouth out after eating.
If you are taking heartburn medication for prolonged periods, you better check it out because using these for a prolonged period can cause other problems because by taking this drug, it reduces the flow of stomach acid and lets more bacteria servive. And then there is the possibility of aspirating the bacteria into your airway. Then there is the concern of developing pneumonia and other respiratory infections like influenza or bronchitis.
I was troubled with heart burn for years and I kept taking Tagment and Zantac, which worked but I kept reading articles that stated they weren't good for you and then I read where you really need enzymes, so I read up on natural things to eat and one thing is taking an enzyme supplement,I eat radishes with my meal and I drink apple cider vinegar and another thing that may sound crazy, but a friend of mine cured her husbands burning stomach by feeding him meals with hot peppers in it. I eat things with a little hot pepper. It's the capsacin in the peppers that is really good for you. I was having trouble with my hands hurting and being stiff, so when I made my hot pepper jell, I cleaned the peppers without gloves and my hands burned for two days, but now they are feeling great. I don't know how long that will last but I can do it again. I have a tube of capsacin too. That helps.
Remember to eat healthy and one way you can do that is to eat all natural foods. Try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK: ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 : You may order at: Or you may call at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you are looking for a very good book to read, 'Under Obligation' is a very good true story, one that will keep you interested to the very end. The author, Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at:
Or you may order at: or at:
It is listed as a fiction but only because the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Laughter is healthy:
This pretty blond calls her boyfriend to come over and help her put a puzzle together.
He asks, "What is the puzzle supposed to be when it is finished?"
The Blonde answers," It's a picture of a rooster on the front of the box."
"Okay, I'll be right over."
The blonde shows him the picture on the box and she has the contents spread out on the table. He studies it for a moment and says,"First of all, there is no way we will be able to assemble this puzzle to look like a rooster." He takes her hands in his and says, "Second, I want you to relax. Let's have a cup of tea, then we will put all the Corn Flakes back into the box.
I know, just another bad American eating habit except this one is going to eat your teeth. Children are having problems with tooth erosion because of all the acid drinks they have. The erosion comes from the children drinking soft drinks and eating acidic foods and drinks. It's okay to drink the healthy drinks but drink them through a straw to keep the acid off the teeth. If you have done some damage to your teeth this way, after you stop drinking acidic drinks or at least drink it through a straw, your saliva will begin to re-mineralize the tooth surface. Have a regular check-up too. Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after you eat, but it's alright if you rinse your mouth out after eating.
If you are taking heartburn medication for prolonged periods, you better check it out because using these for a prolonged period can cause other problems because by taking this drug, it reduces the flow of stomach acid and lets more bacteria servive. And then there is the possibility of aspirating the bacteria into your airway. Then there is the concern of developing pneumonia and other respiratory infections like influenza or bronchitis.
I was troubled with heart burn for years and I kept taking Tagment and Zantac, which worked but I kept reading articles that stated they weren't good for you and then I read where you really need enzymes, so I read up on natural things to eat and one thing is taking an enzyme supplement,I eat radishes with my meal and I drink apple cider vinegar and another thing that may sound crazy, but a friend of mine cured her husbands burning stomach by feeding him meals with hot peppers in it. I eat things with a little hot pepper. It's the capsacin in the peppers that is really good for you. I was having trouble with my hands hurting and being stiff, so when I made my hot pepper jell, I cleaned the peppers without gloves and my hands burned for two days, but now they are feeling great. I don't know how long that will last but I can do it again. I have a tube of capsacin too. That helps.
Remember to eat healthy and one way you can do that is to eat all natural foods. Try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK: ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 : You may order at: Or you may call at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you are looking for a very good book to read, 'Under Obligation' is a very good true story, one that will keep you interested to the very end. The author, Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 Available at:
Or you may order at: or at:
It is listed as a fiction but only because the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Laughter is healthy:
This pretty blond calls her boyfriend to come over and help her put a puzzle together.
He asks, "What is the puzzle supposed to be when it is finished?"
The Blonde answers," It's a picture of a rooster on the front of the box."
"Okay, I'll be right over."
The blonde shows him the picture on the box and she has the contents spread out on the table. He studies it for a moment and says,"First of all, there is no way we will be able to assemble this puzzle to look like a rooster." He takes her hands in his and says, "Second, I want you to relax. Let's have a cup of tea, then we will put all the Corn Flakes back into the box.
A little more about vitamin D and omega 3
Eat for the health of it.
I read this article recently and I just want to point out a few things being I have already talked about Vitamin D and how some people think it is terrible to be out in the sunshine. Sunshine is the best way to get vitamin D. Apparently most people don't believe that. I don't care what they believe, I feel so good in the sun and I can't wait to get to Florida. I dread this cold weather we are getting, and if I could, I would head South tomorrow. They have done studies of whether people are depressed when the sun doesn't shine and I really think that it could very well play a big part in depression. I know that I get moody when it's gloomy outside. And when the sun comes out it's like being in a different world. I lay out a lot in Florida. I don't get burned; I tan slowly. The sun rays can prompt your skin, liver and kidneys to make vitamin D, but if you live where the sun is scarce in the winter, you will have to take a supplement. And it is believed that Vitamin D may lower blood preasure. It may help to stop bone fractures, if you fall. It helps the body to absort calcium. It may lower the risk of diabetes. It helps to fight diseases.
Omega 3 is very beneficial for keeping the bowels moving along, it's good for your heart and circulation. You should eat a lot of fatty fish but if you are not a fish eater you can also use Omega-3 supplement. Omega-3 is essential for health, I even have my husband taking it.
Just a couple of jokes- gotta go to bed
How do you catch a unique rabbit?
Unique up on him.
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
Tame way- unique up on it.
What do fish say when they hit the cement wall?
What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Anyone can roast beef.
OKAY, I know they're bad but I am tired. good night.
I read this article recently and I just want to point out a few things being I have already talked about Vitamin D and how some people think it is terrible to be out in the sunshine. Sunshine is the best way to get vitamin D. Apparently most people don't believe that. I don't care what they believe, I feel so good in the sun and I can't wait to get to Florida. I dread this cold weather we are getting, and if I could, I would head South tomorrow. They have done studies of whether people are depressed when the sun doesn't shine and I really think that it could very well play a big part in depression. I know that I get moody when it's gloomy outside. And when the sun comes out it's like being in a different world. I lay out a lot in Florida. I don't get burned; I tan slowly. The sun rays can prompt your skin, liver and kidneys to make vitamin D, but if you live where the sun is scarce in the winter, you will have to take a supplement. And it is believed that Vitamin D may lower blood preasure. It may help to stop bone fractures, if you fall. It helps the body to absort calcium. It may lower the risk of diabetes. It helps to fight diseases.
Omega 3 is very beneficial for keeping the bowels moving along, it's good for your heart and circulation. You should eat a lot of fatty fish but if you are not a fish eater you can also use Omega-3 supplement. Omega-3 is essential for health, I even have my husband taking it.
Just a couple of jokes- gotta go to bed
How do you catch a unique rabbit?
Unique up on him.
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
Tame way- unique up on it.
What do fish say when they hit the cement wall?
What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Anyone can roast beef.
OKAY, I know they're bad but I am tired. good night.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Bi Polar depression
Eat for the health of it.
Bi Polar Depression, Or Bi Polar Disorder, is a very serious mental illness. The person is very hard to live with. They tend to get angry over little things or maybe you don't know why they are angry. If you say anything to them, they may even get more angry. They tend to make up things to make it look like you did something wrong. Or you may say something and they will turn it around to make it sound like you said something that you didn't say.
They also may accuse the mate of having an affair with someone else, just because they were talking together. They may go through your personal things looking for something that they think you are hiding from them. They tend to have an extreme jelousy for no reason. They may even show jealousy over a child or even a grandchild. They constantly criticise anything over and over again. Everyone else is wrong but them. They may say that you don't love them and even threaten you with divorce. And they lie about a lot of things.
They have to control everything. They may ask you what you want to do and then they will decide because they want to make the decisions, in other words they want to control everything. They like danger, doing things that are dangerous and thinking they are smart in doing that, not thinking that someone could get hurt. They like doing things defined by "Hypomania" which is periods of increased energy and activity. "Hypomania" can also be accompanied by irritability and agitation.
They have terrible eating habits. They eat whatever they want to eat and not what is good for them. They may even gorge themselves with food and then purge. At times they are very hyper and want to go all the time or they can push you into doing things you don't want to do just because they want to do it. Then they may be in a slump and they can sleep for hours.
If you are living with a person that fits this discription, try to get them to a doctor for help. There is medication for this. It may not be a cure but it does help the mood swings. It also helps to get them on an all natural diet.
If you would like to learn how to eat all natural. Please try my all natural cookbook.
You may order at: or you may order at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you would like to read a good novel, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community:
The Pillsbury Doughboy died of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 70+. The doughboy was buried in a highly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave sight was piled high with flour.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded.
Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times he still was a crusty old man and was considered a roll model for millions.
Doughboy is servived by his wife Playdough,two children, John Dough, and Jane Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 29 minutes.
I hope this made you smile.
Bi Polar Depression, Or Bi Polar Disorder, is a very serious mental illness. The person is very hard to live with. They tend to get angry over little things or maybe you don't know why they are angry. If you say anything to them, they may even get more angry. They tend to make up things to make it look like you did something wrong. Or you may say something and they will turn it around to make it sound like you said something that you didn't say.
They also may accuse the mate of having an affair with someone else, just because they were talking together. They may go through your personal things looking for something that they think you are hiding from them. They tend to have an extreme jelousy for no reason. They may even show jealousy over a child or even a grandchild. They constantly criticise anything over and over again. Everyone else is wrong but them. They may say that you don't love them and even threaten you with divorce. And they lie about a lot of things.
They have to control everything. They may ask you what you want to do and then they will decide because they want to make the decisions, in other words they want to control everything. They like danger, doing things that are dangerous and thinking they are smart in doing that, not thinking that someone could get hurt. They like doing things defined by "Hypomania" which is periods of increased energy and activity. "Hypomania" can also be accompanied by irritability and agitation.
They have terrible eating habits. They eat whatever they want to eat and not what is good for them. They may even gorge themselves with food and then purge. At times they are very hyper and want to go all the time or they can push you into doing things you don't want to do just because they want to do it. Then they may be in a slump and they can sleep for hours.
If you are living with a person that fits this discription, try to get them to a doctor for help. There is medication for this. It may not be a cure but it does help the mood swings. It also helps to get them on an all natural diet.
If you would like to learn how to eat all natural. Please try my all natural cookbook.
You may order at: or you may order at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
If you would like to read a good novel, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community:
The Pillsbury Doughboy died of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 70+. The doughboy was buried in a highly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave sight was piled high with flour.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded.
Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times he still was a crusty old man and was considered a roll model for millions.
Doughboy is servived by his wife Playdough,two children, John Dough, and Jane Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 29 minutes.
I hope this made you smile.
Napping-sounds good to me
Eat for the health of it.
I read where it is suggested that we take a nap every day and it will cut our chances of having a heart attack by 30%. I'm happy about that, I try to take a nap every day even if it is only fifteen minutes. I would probably sleep longer but either the door bell rings or the phone wakes me up.
Naps are one way of relieving stress, but for sure the people that want to lower their risk of heart attacks should maintain a healthy diet, exercise, don't smoke,keep your weight and cholesterol down and watch your blood preassure.
If you don't smoke, if you take fish oil, if you are happily married, if you keep your weight down and having close friends are all ways of making us feel better about ourselves and may extend our lives.
For healthier eating, try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: Or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at:
If you would like a very good book, based on a true life happenings, please try: 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or at: or at:
This story is all true, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.This is the only reason it was listed under fiction.
Laughter is healthy:Indian in coffee shop:
An Indian walks into a coffee shop with a shotgun in one hand and holding the rope which is tied to a buffalo with the other hand. He says,"Want coffee." The waiter hands him a cup of coffee and he gulps it down, he shoots the buffalo on the spot; blood flies all over the place and the Indian leaves.
The next morning the Indian returns to the restaurant; he has his gun in one hand and holding another buffalo with the other hand. Again he orders the coffee,Tonto is still cleaning the mess up from the night before. The waiter asks," what the heck was that all about yesterday when you shot the buffalo?" The Indian smiles and answers,"Training for US Congress, Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull and leave mess for others to clean up and dissapears for the rest of the day."
I read where it is suggested that we take a nap every day and it will cut our chances of having a heart attack by 30%. I'm happy about that, I try to take a nap every day even if it is only fifteen minutes. I would probably sleep longer but either the door bell rings or the phone wakes me up.
Naps are one way of relieving stress, but for sure the people that want to lower their risk of heart attacks should maintain a healthy diet, exercise, don't smoke,keep your weight and cholesterol down and watch your blood preassure.
If you don't smoke, if you take fish oil, if you are happily married, if you keep your weight down and having close friends are all ways of making us feel better about ourselves and may extend our lives.
For healthier eating, try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: Or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at:
If you would like a very good book, based on a true life happenings, please try: 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or at: or at:
This story is all true, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.This is the only reason it was listed under fiction.
Laughter is healthy:Indian in coffee shop:
An Indian walks into a coffee shop with a shotgun in one hand and holding the rope which is tied to a buffalo with the other hand. He says,"Want coffee." The waiter hands him a cup of coffee and he gulps it down, he shoots the buffalo on the spot; blood flies all over the place and the Indian leaves.
The next morning the Indian returns to the restaurant; he has his gun in one hand and holding another buffalo with the other hand. Again he orders the coffee,Tonto is still cleaning the mess up from the night before. The waiter asks," what the heck was that all about yesterday when you shot the buffalo?" The Indian smiles and answers,"Training for US Congress, Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull and leave mess for others to clean up and dissapears for the rest of the day."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
trans fatty acids
Eat for the health of it.
Although the US Government said that trans fatty acids be listed on all food labels, it is not going to guarantee that the food you eat does not contain any trans fats, because if it is not at least 5% of the product, they do not have to list it. How rediculous is that? If it is in the product,any amount, it should be listed. Trans fats are artificially produced by partial hydrogenation.
In the 80's, when the big fuss was made about the natural lard, butter, and tallow. For those who do not know what tallow is, it is beef fat. They feared it was causing people to become fat and in turn was causing heart disease. They began to use vegetable oils like canola, soybean and corn. Vegetable oils are not stable when heated so they used the partial hydrogenation to make it more solid. This process also gave the oil shelf life.
Now haven't people been around for hundreds of years, chewing on some whale blubber and using lard to fry their foods in? These are all natural fats. I remember eating the cracklings that were formed from the chunks of fat that my parents fried and ran these fried chunks of lard through the press. This was all natural, no chemicals added. Why would they, all of a sudden, after hundreds of years, think that this all natural food was dangerous to people? My mother has eaten these all natural lards and butters etc. and she is 92 years old and she still eats the all natural foods. My dad worked around chemicals and he died in his early 70's from cancer.
If anything, they are making people sick from eating the chemical solvents and metal catalyst, such as nickle oxide, that they have added to the vegetable oil to refine it. Then it is subjected to hydrogen gas with high pressure and high temperature reactor. Then to top it off they add some bleaching agents and deodorizing agents. This process changes the oil's molecules so it bears no nutritional value related to healthy natural vegetable oil.
So now the trans fats are causing more heart problems then the beef and pork fats were. This is what they were trying to eliminate in the first place. It is very hard to stay away from these trans fats because they are in so many things. You just have to learn to read labels and don't buy things that are not 100% all natural.
It angers me when I pick up foods and read the labels and there are so many chemicals in these processed foods, and I really believe that these chemicals are causing the cancer and other forms of illnesses. I still use real lard, butter and anything that is the closest to being in it's original state.
If you want to eat all natural like I do, try my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654
Or you may order at:
If you would like a good, very interesting, novel to read, please order: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN # 1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: The tiny cabin-who new?
The social worker from the big city in Massachusettes was sent out to the mountains of South Carolina. She was on her first tour of duty, when she came upon a very small cabin in the woods. She knocked on the door and asked,"Is your father in there?"
"Pa? He left just afore ma."
The social worker asked,"Is your mom there?"
"Nope, she left just afore I got here."
"Are you never together as a family?"
"Sure, but not in here." the kid answered. "This is the outhouse."
Although the US Government said that trans fatty acids be listed on all food labels, it is not going to guarantee that the food you eat does not contain any trans fats, because if it is not at least 5% of the product, they do not have to list it. How rediculous is that? If it is in the product,any amount, it should be listed. Trans fats are artificially produced by partial hydrogenation.
In the 80's, when the big fuss was made about the natural lard, butter, and tallow. For those who do not know what tallow is, it is beef fat. They feared it was causing people to become fat and in turn was causing heart disease. They began to use vegetable oils like canola, soybean and corn. Vegetable oils are not stable when heated so they used the partial hydrogenation to make it more solid. This process also gave the oil shelf life.
Now haven't people been around for hundreds of years, chewing on some whale blubber and using lard to fry their foods in? These are all natural fats. I remember eating the cracklings that were formed from the chunks of fat that my parents fried and ran these fried chunks of lard through the press. This was all natural, no chemicals added. Why would they, all of a sudden, after hundreds of years, think that this all natural food was dangerous to people? My mother has eaten these all natural lards and butters etc. and she is 92 years old and she still eats the all natural foods. My dad worked around chemicals and he died in his early 70's from cancer.
If anything, they are making people sick from eating the chemical solvents and metal catalyst, such as nickle oxide, that they have added to the vegetable oil to refine it. Then it is subjected to hydrogen gas with high pressure and high temperature reactor. Then to top it off they add some bleaching agents and deodorizing agents. This process changes the oil's molecules so it bears no nutritional value related to healthy natural vegetable oil.
So now the trans fats are causing more heart problems then the beef and pork fats were. This is what they were trying to eliminate in the first place. It is very hard to stay away from these trans fats because they are in so many things. You just have to learn to read labels and don't buy things that are not 100% all natural.
It angers me when I pick up foods and read the labels and there are so many chemicals in these processed foods, and I really believe that these chemicals are causing the cancer and other forms of illnesses. I still use real lard, butter and anything that is the closest to being in it's original state.
If you want to eat all natural like I do, try my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: or phone at: 1-800-788-7654
Or you may order at:
If you would like a good, very interesting, novel to read, please order: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN # 1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: The tiny cabin-who new?
The social worker from the big city in Massachusettes was sent out to the mountains of South Carolina. She was on her first tour of duty, when she came upon a very small cabin in the woods. She knocked on the door and asked,"Is your father in there?"
"Pa? He left just afore ma."
The social worker asked,"Is your mom there?"
"Nope, she left just afore I got here."
"Are you never together as a family?"
"Sure, but not in here." the kid answered. "This is the outhouse."
Heavy smokers with knee pain
Eat for the health of it.
If you are a heavy smoker with arthritis and knee pain, it would be a good idea to be checked out for lung cancer. I just read an article and it said that knee pain was a sign of lung cancer in the early stages' if you are a smoker. I would surely have it checked out. I am just passing this on. Also any red or white sores or spots in your mouth that do not go away within a couple of weeks, they should be checked out also. Okay, I did my duty for today.
I may have done this article before but someone asked for it and I am sending it again. Sucralose is the ingredient in Splenda, which is processed with several atoms of Chlorine which makes it behave more like a pesticide. If people only used it in moderation it may not be so bad but when you use Splenda in cooking and baking and in everything else, you consume a lot of this chemical.
Then comes another chemical, when you use High Fructose Corn Syrup, And that is in everything that used to have sugar in it too. Along with that you have to contend with MSG in our food, Aspartame in gum and sodas and other things, and now the Splenda is in a lot of foods too. It is very wrong for the person responsible for allowing this to happen in the US.
Even other countries have taken these chemicals off the market. They are smarter than we are. I have a very serious problem with all of these chemicals. They make me ill. I have rashes, hives, cramps and diarrhea, and sores all over my body. I can tell which chemical I ate by the reaction I have. Some people may not be bothered openly but if they just think about it, these chemicals are building up in their bodies and I am sure this is why we have so much cancer in the US. The only way we can make them understand that we do not need or want these chemicals in our food is to eat all natural things. Maybe they will take a hint.
If you are diabetic and need a safe sweetener use, Stevia. Stevia is an all natural sweetener that grows wild in Paraguay and Brazil and they have used it to sweeten their foods and drinks for years. I have used it a few years myself. It is very sweet but you can learn that just a few sprinkles of the powder or a few drops of the liquid is all you need. Remember it is called STEVIA and you may have to buy it in the health food store.
If you would like to learn to cook all natural please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7
You may order at: or order at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
Another book you may want to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN#1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is Healthy:
A Canadian was having breakfast in Paris, one morning,(coffee, Croisant, bread, butter and jam), when a Frenchman, chewing bubble-gum, sits down next to him. The Canadian ignores the Frenchman who, nevertheless, starts a conversation.
Frenchman: 'You Canadian folks eat the whole bread?'
Canadian (in a bad mood): 'Of course,'
Frenchman: (After blowing a huge bubble)'We don't... In France, we only eat what's inside. The crust, we collect in a container, recylce it, transform them into croisants and sell them to the Canadians.'
The Frenchman has a smirk on his face.
The Canadian listens in silence.
The Frenchman: (Cracking his bubble-gum between his teeth and chuckling.)'We don't, in France we eat fresh fruit for breakfast and put all the peelings, seeds, and leftovers in a container, recycle them, transform them into jam, and sell the jam to the Canadians.
After a few seconds of silence, the Canadian then asks: 'Do you have sex in France?'
Frenchman: 'Why of course we do,' he says.
Canadian: 'And what do you do with the used condoms?'
Frenchman: 'We throw them away.'
Canadian: 'We don't, In Canada, we save them in a container, recycle them down into bubble-gum, and sell them to France.'
If you are a heavy smoker with arthritis and knee pain, it would be a good idea to be checked out for lung cancer. I just read an article and it said that knee pain was a sign of lung cancer in the early stages' if you are a smoker. I would surely have it checked out. I am just passing this on. Also any red or white sores or spots in your mouth that do not go away within a couple of weeks, they should be checked out also. Okay, I did my duty for today.
I may have done this article before but someone asked for it and I am sending it again. Sucralose is the ingredient in Splenda, which is processed with several atoms of Chlorine which makes it behave more like a pesticide. If people only used it in moderation it may not be so bad but when you use Splenda in cooking and baking and in everything else, you consume a lot of this chemical.
Then comes another chemical, when you use High Fructose Corn Syrup, And that is in everything that used to have sugar in it too. Along with that you have to contend with MSG in our food, Aspartame in gum and sodas and other things, and now the Splenda is in a lot of foods too. It is very wrong for the person responsible for allowing this to happen in the US.
Even other countries have taken these chemicals off the market. They are smarter than we are. I have a very serious problem with all of these chemicals. They make me ill. I have rashes, hives, cramps and diarrhea, and sores all over my body. I can tell which chemical I ate by the reaction I have. Some people may not be bothered openly but if they just think about it, these chemicals are building up in their bodies and I am sure this is why we have so much cancer in the US. The only way we can make them understand that we do not need or want these chemicals in our food is to eat all natural things. Maybe they will take a hint.
If you are diabetic and need a safe sweetener use, Stevia. Stevia is an all natural sweetener that grows wild in Paraguay and Brazil and they have used it to sweeten their foods and drinks for years. I have used it a few years myself. It is very sweet but you can learn that just a few sprinkles of the powder or a few drops of the liquid is all you need. Remember it is called STEVIA and you may have to buy it in the health food store.
If you would like to learn to cook all natural please try my all natural cookbook, GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7
You may order at: or order at: 1-800-788-7654 or at:
Another book you may want to read is: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN#1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is Healthy:
A Canadian was having breakfast in Paris, one morning,(coffee, Croisant, bread, butter and jam), when a Frenchman, chewing bubble-gum, sits down next to him. The Canadian ignores the Frenchman who, nevertheless, starts a conversation.
Frenchman: 'You Canadian folks eat the whole bread?'
Canadian (in a bad mood): 'Of course,'
Frenchman: (After blowing a huge bubble)'We don't... In France, we only eat what's inside. The crust, we collect in a container, recylce it, transform them into croisants and sell them to the Canadians.'
The Frenchman has a smirk on his face.
The Canadian listens in silence.
The Frenchman: (Cracking his bubble-gum between his teeth and chuckling.)'We don't, in France we eat fresh fruit for breakfast and put all the peelings, seeds, and leftovers in a container, recycle them, transform them into jam, and sell the jam to the Canadians.
After a few seconds of silence, the Canadian then asks: 'Do you have sex in France?'
Frenchman: 'Why of course we do,' he says.
Canadian: 'And what do you do with the used condoms?'
Frenchman: 'We throw them away.'
Canadian: 'We don't, In Canada, we save them in a container, recycle them down into bubble-gum, and sell them to France.'
Sunday, October 18, 2009
What triggers allergies?
Eat for the health of it.
I can understand being allergic to the chemicals that are added to our once, all natural foods, but many people have allergies to all kinds of things and you often wonder why you are allergic to certain things, especially if they are all natural foods. Like pollen, it really is just a natural thing that comes from a plant or a tree, but when it gets in your nose some people really do have a serious problem. And there are a lot of foods like peanuts, citric acid, cows milk, wheat flour etc. But why would anyone be allergic to an all natural product? I wondered that too.
I just read an article on this that really surprised me; it is believed that chronic stress can trigger immune dysfuntion and can weaken the body's ability to ward off irritants. The best fight against immune dysfuntion is to stay clear of stress in your life. Hmmm!! What do you do if it is your partner, get a divorce?
I think I will suggest that you check with a health food store and have them recommend something for your allergies. If you feel it is stress, tell them that.
Just a note: They are trying to ban smoking outside now??? Why don't they just quit making cigarettes??? If a person wants to smoke, that should be up to the individual as long as they are not bothering anyone, and they have taken care of that by banning smoking inside buildings but maybe they should go to schools and talk to children that are smoking so young, and with parents all working these days the kids are alone a lot, you don't know what else they are doing. They have their phones and computers and the TV. TV is okay at times but don't use it as a babysitter. When they are small they need that bonding. Parents should really spend some time with their kids at all ages. Go to their games if they are in sports. If it's difficult to eat at the same time then set aside a day or two to eat with them, even if it's at McDonalds and talk about what they have done in the past week. Take them to a park and go for a walk and talk. Play ball or games with them.
I feel very fortunate that I was able to stay home with my kids until they started school and then I went to work. I had a great boss that let me go home when my kids called and told me they were home from school. Then later when I went into business for myself, I took them to work with me a lot. I know you can't always do things like I did but I know it was important to spend that time together.
For comments:
If you want to eat healthy try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 you can find it at: Or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or you can order at:
A very interesting book, I would recommend is: 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0
By Trishianna Rose Roberts You may order at: or or
Laughter is healthy: The computer swallowed grandma
The computer swallowed grandma
Yes,honestly it's true,
She pressed'control' and 'enter'
And disappeared from view.
It devoured her completely,
The thought just makes me squirm.
She must have caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm.
I've searched the recycle bin
And files of every kind;
I've even use the Internet,
But nothing did I find.
In desperation, I asked Jeeves
My searches to refine.
The reply from him was negative,
Not a thing was found 'on line'
So, if inside your 'Inbox,'
My grandma you should see,
Please 'Copy' and 'Paste' her
And send her back to me!
We do not stop playing because we grow old;
We grow old because we stop playing.
Never be the first to get old!
I can understand being allergic to the chemicals that are added to our once, all natural foods, but many people have allergies to all kinds of things and you often wonder why you are allergic to certain things, especially if they are all natural foods. Like pollen, it really is just a natural thing that comes from a plant or a tree, but when it gets in your nose some people really do have a serious problem. And there are a lot of foods like peanuts, citric acid, cows milk, wheat flour etc. But why would anyone be allergic to an all natural product? I wondered that too.
I just read an article on this that really surprised me; it is believed that chronic stress can trigger immune dysfuntion and can weaken the body's ability to ward off irritants. The best fight against immune dysfuntion is to stay clear of stress in your life. Hmmm!! What do you do if it is your partner, get a divorce?
I think I will suggest that you check with a health food store and have them recommend something for your allergies. If you feel it is stress, tell them that.
Just a note: They are trying to ban smoking outside now??? Why don't they just quit making cigarettes??? If a person wants to smoke, that should be up to the individual as long as they are not bothering anyone, and they have taken care of that by banning smoking inside buildings but maybe they should go to schools and talk to children that are smoking so young, and with parents all working these days the kids are alone a lot, you don't know what else they are doing. They have their phones and computers and the TV. TV is okay at times but don't use it as a babysitter. When they are small they need that bonding. Parents should really spend some time with their kids at all ages. Go to their games if they are in sports. If it's difficult to eat at the same time then set aside a day or two to eat with them, even if it's at McDonalds and talk about what they have done in the past week. Take them to a park and go for a walk and talk. Play ball or games with them.
I feel very fortunate that I was able to stay home with my kids until they started school and then I went to work. I had a great boss that let me go home when my kids called and told me they were home from school. Then later when I went into business for myself, I took them to work with me a lot. I know you can't always do things like I did but I know it was important to spend that time together.
For comments:
If you want to eat healthy try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 you can find it at: Or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 or you can order at:
A very interesting book, I would recommend is: 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0
By Trishianna Rose Roberts You may order at: or or
Laughter is healthy: The computer swallowed grandma
The computer swallowed grandma
Yes,honestly it's true,
She pressed'control' and 'enter'
And disappeared from view.
It devoured her completely,
The thought just makes me squirm.
She must have caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm.
I've searched the recycle bin
And files of every kind;
I've even use the Internet,
But nothing did I find.
In desperation, I asked Jeeves
My searches to refine.
The reply from him was negative,
Not a thing was found 'on line'
So, if inside your 'Inbox,'
My grandma you should see,
Please 'Copy' and 'Paste' her
And send her back to me!
We do not stop playing because we grow old;
We grow old because we stop playing.
Never be the first to get old!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
nasal cleaning and more allergies
Eat for the health of it.
They say you should grow out of your allergies as you get older. Well I guess I am different because I was in my late 30's when I was really plagued with allergies. I did have a few things like hives, but I never new what they were from. My mother guessed it was chocolate and/or eggs so I had to quit eating them. I doubt that it was from anything that was natural, but I figured that it was probably the beginning of when they started to put the chemicals in our foods and it reacted on me, but because I didn't eat very many processed foods I just wasn't bothered with it enough to worry my parents any. And we only went to the doctor for major illnesses, which didn't happen too often.
A lot of people now seem to be allergic to natural foods but then you wonder if it isn't from the processing of things like gluten, cow's milk which has additives and is processed. Then there is the peanut,that is supposed to be all natural but it still makes you wonder if they could have added somthing to the soil that could have penetrated the peanut and caused the allergy. How about shellfish, do they put them into a solution when they bring them in? I am just wondering. I know that my son was allergic to anything that had citric acid in it when he was a baby. He did outgrow that and he can eat anything now.
I have been hearing a lot about nasal cleaning and I am really interested in it but have not, as yet, tried it. You make a solution of a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt and eight ounces of warm filtered water. It is recommended to use an eight-ounce squeeze bottle, available at the drugstore, for this purpose. Squeeze about four ounces in your nostril and it will exit the other. Open your mouth and make a 'K' sound to prevent the water from coming out of your mouth. You can also use a neti pot, which looks like a miniature tea pot.
Nasal irrigation may be even more effective for nasal and sinus symptoms than medication. When children are old enough to cooperate, you can try it on them but use a smaller amount. Always check with your doctor about these procedures although it seems quite safe. I sure am going to try it because I have a stubborn sinus infection and I don't like to take a medication everytime it gets in an uproar. I have been doing real good with Colloidal Silver right now but if this comes back, I know I will try this solution.
If you are allergic to mold, and you bring a live Christmas tree into the house, you should only have it in the house for a very few days; not more than a week.
If you are interested in eating all natural, please try my all natural cookbook:
You may order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you are looking for an interesting book to read, try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0 You may order at:
Or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: The farmer
A farmer lived on a rural very quiet highway but as time went on the traffic grew and his chickens that he had let run as they pleased, were getting run over by the heavy traffic flow.The farmer called the sherriff and he came to the farm to check things out and all he could tell him was to put up a sign that read, 'slow down for chickens.' They totally ignored the sign so the next day he put up another sign that read, 'slow-school crossing.' That didn't help. The farmer put up a sign that read 'children at play.' They were still killing his chickens. The farmer ran into the sherriff in town and the sherrif asked how the signs were working out and the farmer told him that everything was working very well now that he had found the right sign to put out there. The last sign read, 'nudest colony, go slow, watch out for chicks.' It worked.
They say you should grow out of your allergies as you get older. Well I guess I am different because I was in my late 30's when I was really plagued with allergies. I did have a few things like hives, but I never new what they were from. My mother guessed it was chocolate and/or eggs so I had to quit eating them. I doubt that it was from anything that was natural, but I figured that it was probably the beginning of when they started to put the chemicals in our foods and it reacted on me, but because I didn't eat very many processed foods I just wasn't bothered with it enough to worry my parents any. And we only went to the doctor for major illnesses, which didn't happen too often.
A lot of people now seem to be allergic to natural foods but then you wonder if it isn't from the processing of things like gluten, cow's milk which has additives and is processed. Then there is the peanut,that is supposed to be all natural but it still makes you wonder if they could have added somthing to the soil that could have penetrated the peanut and caused the allergy. How about shellfish, do they put them into a solution when they bring them in? I am just wondering. I know that my son was allergic to anything that had citric acid in it when he was a baby. He did outgrow that and he can eat anything now.
I have been hearing a lot about nasal cleaning and I am really interested in it but have not, as yet, tried it. You make a solution of a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt and eight ounces of warm filtered water. It is recommended to use an eight-ounce squeeze bottle, available at the drugstore, for this purpose. Squeeze about four ounces in your nostril and it will exit the other. Open your mouth and make a 'K' sound to prevent the water from coming out of your mouth. You can also use a neti pot, which looks like a miniature tea pot.
Nasal irrigation may be even more effective for nasal and sinus symptoms than medication. When children are old enough to cooperate, you can try it on them but use a smaller amount. Always check with your doctor about these procedures although it seems quite safe. I sure am going to try it because I have a stubborn sinus infection and I don't like to take a medication everytime it gets in an uproar. I have been doing real good with Colloidal Silver right now but if this comes back, I know I will try this solution.
If you are allergic to mold, and you bring a live Christmas tree into the house, you should only have it in the house for a very few days; not more than a week.
If you are interested in eating all natural, please try my all natural cookbook:
You may order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you are looking for an interesting book to read, try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0 You may order at:
Or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: The farmer
A farmer lived on a rural very quiet highway but as time went on the traffic grew and his chickens that he had let run as they pleased, were getting run over by the heavy traffic flow.The farmer called the sherriff and he came to the farm to check things out and all he could tell him was to put up a sign that read, 'slow down for chickens.' They totally ignored the sign so the next day he put up another sign that read, 'slow-school crossing.' That didn't help. The farmer put up a sign that read 'children at play.' They were still killing his chickens. The farmer ran into the sherriff in town and the sherrif asked how the signs were working out and the farmer told him that everything was working very well now that he had found the right sign to put out there. The last sign read, 'nudest colony, go slow, watch out for chicks.' It worked.
cleaning sparys can cause asthma
Eat for the health of it.
I often wondered about cleaners and household sprays and thought they were bad for you, so I always hold my nose and my breathe when I spray, and then I get the heck out of there. I really don't use them too often either. I was just reading an article that says you can get asthma and it increases the chance of developing respiratory ailments from inhailing this stuff. Professional cleaning employees are often diagnosed with asthma. A nine year study also showed that a weekly use of spray cleaner increased the risk of asthma by 45% in women and 76% in men. They reported using the spray about 4 days a week.
What's this? The latest I have heard is if you got a flu shot last year, you may be twice as likely to get the Swine flu this year. This is a report from Cananda. If this Canadian study is accurate, there will be a question about the 'so-called' flu and the cures. So many things run through your mind when you here these things and you really wonder what in the world are they doing to us??
For comments:
If you would like to eat all natural, try my all natural cookbook,
You may order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at: or at:
If you would rather read a good novel why not try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:Announcement from Apple:
Apple just announced today that they have developed a breast implant that can store and play music. The iTit will cost between $599.00 and $699.00, depending on cup and speaker size. This is surely a major music breakthrough because women are always complaining that men stare at their breasts and never listen to them.
I often wondered about cleaners and household sprays and thought they were bad for you, so I always hold my nose and my breathe when I spray, and then I get the heck out of there. I really don't use them too often either. I was just reading an article that says you can get asthma and it increases the chance of developing respiratory ailments from inhailing this stuff. Professional cleaning employees are often diagnosed with asthma. A nine year study also showed that a weekly use of spray cleaner increased the risk of asthma by 45% in women and 76% in men. They reported using the spray about 4 days a week.
What's this? The latest I have heard is if you got a flu shot last year, you may be twice as likely to get the Swine flu this year. This is a report from Cananda. If this Canadian study is accurate, there will be a question about the 'so-called' flu and the cures. So many things run through your mind when you here these things and you really wonder what in the world are they doing to us??
For comments:
If you would like to eat all natural, try my all natural cookbook,
You may order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at: or at:
If you would rather read a good novel why not try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN#1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:Announcement from Apple:
Apple just announced today that they have developed a breast implant that can store and play music. The iTit will cost between $599.00 and $699.00, depending on cup and speaker size. This is surely a major music breakthrough because women are always complaining that men stare at their breasts and never listen to them.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Choking-what to do
Eat for the health of it.
I was just reading an article on choking and it seems someone else has not read this article. It stated that when another person is choking, you should give them the Heimlich maneuver. A couple of months ago, my husband and I were eating out with another couple and my husband began to choke on a piece of meat. I thought that someone in the restaurant would be capable of doing this Heimlich manuever, but no one seemed to care. My husband was able to breathe, so we took him to the hospital where they examined him and gave him some type of relaxer. They tried to contact a doctor that would come to the hospital and go in his throat and remove the meat but no-one was able to or wanted to do it. He attemped using his finger to push the meat down but it didn't go down. They gave him water to drink but it came back up. It took him until 3:00 in the morning before he could get it to finally go down. It turned out okay but it was a horrible experience, one that I hope I never have to go through again. (I was not able to do this because I have a crushed vertebrae in my back and my husband is about 200#.)
I will try to get my husband to follow these hints. Sit upright, at a table, in a chair when you eat. Swallow a single bite before taking another. Sip some type of liquid. Eat one type of food at a time. If he follow these rules it sure will help.
I'm sure that soft foods would help and so would taking a drink of liquid. Just like when you take a pill, you should swallow a bit of water to moisten your mouth. Swallow one pill at a times and do not throw your head back when you take your pills because that will increase your chances of choking.
Eating all natural foods could in some ways be helpful because if you should eat food with chemicals in them, it could cause your throat to swell and then cause you to choke also.(This could happen if you are allergic to chemicals that they put in food.)
For comments:
If you want to learn more about cooking or eating all natural please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: or call at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at
If you would like to read a very interesting novel, I am sure you would enjoy, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN #1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Bob, an extremely wealthy widower, shows up at the Country Club with a breathtaking beautiful and very sexy 25 year old blonde who knocks everyone's socks off with her youthful sex appeal and charm, who hangs onto Bob's arm and listens intently to his every word. His buddies at the club are all aghast. They later ask him, "Bob, how'd you get the trophy girlfriend?"
"Girlfriend? She's my wife!"
They continue to ask questions, "How did you persuade her to marry you?"
Bob answers, "I lied about my age."
His friends respond, "What do you mean, did you tell her you were fifty?"
Bob grins and answers, "No, I told her I was ninety."
I was just reading an article on choking and it seems someone else has not read this article. It stated that when another person is choking, you should give them the Heimlich maneuver. A couple of months ago, my husband and I were eating out with another couple and my husband began to choke on a piece of meat. I thought that someone in the restaurant would be capable of doing this Heimlich manuever, but no one seemed to care. My husband was able to breathe, so we took him to the hospital where they examined him and gave him some type of relaxer. They tried to contact a doctor that would come to the hospital and go in his throat and remove the meat but no-one was able to or wanted to do it. He attemped using his finger to push the meat down but it didn't go down. They gave him water to drink but it came back up. It took him until 3:00 in the morning before he could get it to finally go down. It turned out okay but it was a horrible experience, one that I hope I never have to go through again. (I was not able to do this because I have a crushed vertebrae in my back and my husband is about 200#.)
I will try to get my husband to follow these hints. Sit upright, at a table, in a chair when you eat. Swallow a single bite before taking another. Sip some type of liquid. Eat one type of food at a time. If he follow these rules it sure will help.
I'm sure that soft foods would help and so would taking a drink of liquid. Just like when you take a pill, you should swallow a bit of water to moisten your mouth. Swallow one pill at a times and do not throw your head back when you take your pills because that will increase your chances of choking.
Eating all natural foods could in some ways be helpful because if you should eat food with chemicals in them, it could cause your throat to swell and then cause you to choke also.(This could happen if you are allergic to chemicals that they put in food.)
For comments:
If you want to learn more about cooking or eating all natural please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: or call at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at
If you would like to read a very interesting novel, I am sure you would enjoy, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN #1-58736-601-0 Please order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Bob, an extremely wealthy widower, shows up at the Country Club with a breathtaking beautiful and very sexy 25 year old blonde who knocks everyone's socks off with her youthful sex appeal and charm, who hangs onto Bob's arm and listens intently to his every word. His buddies at the club are all aghast. They later ask him, "Bob, how'd you get the trophy girlfriend?"
"Girlfriend? She's my wife!"
They continue to ask questions, "How did you persuade her to marry you?"
Bob answers, "I lied about my age."
His friends respond, "What do you mean, did you tell her you were fifty?"
Bob grins and answers, "No, I told her I was ninety."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
And now the flu bug.
Eat for the health of it.
All we have to do is take all the precautions we have been told to take all of our lives. It might sound silly but most of us have been told since we were little tykes, that we should wash our hands after using the bathroom, and a lot of us had the old outhouse. Don't kiss anyone if you don't feel good. Don't drink out of the same glass or cup. You have to follow these rules if you do not want to get the flu or if you don't want everyone around you to get it. Wear a mask if you are sick and have to be out there. And especially, stay away from people that are coughing and sneezing. Just use good old hygiene and common sense.
I just read this article and want to pass it on. They say-do not use this timiflu because it is not safe. Why would a doctor continue to write a script for it? According to the New England Journal of Medicine, they say that the dosage on it is given in teaspoons or fraction of a teaspoon while the dosage on the syringe that is with the medication is marked in milligrams. A Tamiflu overdose is potentially toxic. It has been linked to nasty side effects.
They have halted the use of Tamiflu in Japan because of irrational behavior by children that are taking it. Other children have experienced nausea, vomiting and dehydration after taking this Tamiflu. Now isn't that what the flu is anyway? Why take something that will make you sicker?
Just a little extra: Do you know that there is a tree called the Graviola tree, deep in the Amazon Rain Forest, that they say can cure cancer and other illnesses? This report can be found in : Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killer, Safe as Mother's Milk.
If you want to eat all natural, which is a good idea as these new flu bugs are coming around. Please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: Or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at:
If you are looking for a good book to read why not try: 'Under Obligation' ISBN
# 1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts - You may order at: Or at: Or
Laughter is healthy:
A group of Americans travel to Holland, they stop at a cheese farm and the tour guide is explaining the goats milk was used to make the cheese. She also showed the group a lovely hillside with many grazing goats. She pointed and explained, "These goats are the older goats, we put them out to pasture when they no longer produce." And then she asked, "What do you do with the older goats in America, when they no longer produce?" A spry old gentleman answers from the back of the bus, "They send us on a bus trip."
All we have to do is take all the precautions we have been told to take all of our lives. It might sound silly but most of us have been told since we were little tykes, that we should wash our hands after using the bathroom, and a lot of us had the old outhouse. Don't kiss anyone if you don't feel good. Don't drink out of the same glass or cup. You have to follow these rules if you do not want to get the flu or if you don't want everyone around you to get it. Wear a mask if you are sick and have to be out there. And especially, stay away from people that are coughing and sneezing. Just use good old hygiene and common sense.
I just read this article and want to pass it on. They say-do not use this timiflu because it is not safe. Why would a doctor continue to write a script for it? According to the New England Journal of Medicine, they say that the dosage on it is given in teaspoons or fraction of a teaspoon while the dosage on the syringe that is with the medication is marked in milligrams. A Tamiflu overdose is potentially toxic. It has been linked to nasty side effects.
They have halted the use of Tamiflu in Japan because of irrational behavior by children that are taking it. Other children have experienced nausea, vomiting and dehydration after taking this Tamiflu. Now isn't that what the flu is anyway? Why take something that will make you sicker?
Just a little extra: Do you know that there is a tree called the Graviola tree, deep in the Amazon Rain Forest, that they say can cure cancer and other illnesses? This report can be found in : Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killer, Safe as Mother's Milk.
If you want to eat all natural, which is a good idea as these new flu bugs are coming around. Please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: Or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at:
If you are looking for a good book to read why not try: 'Under Obligation' ISBN
# 1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts - You may order at: Or at: Or
Laughter is healthy:
A group of Americans travel to Holland, they stop at a cheese farm and the tour guide is explaining the goats milk was used to make the cheese. She also showed the group a lovely hillside with many grazing goats. She pointed and explained, "These goats are the older goats, we put them out to pasture when they no longer produce." And then she asked, "What do you do with the older goats in America, when they no longer produce?" A spry old gentleman answers from the back of the bus, "They send us on a bus trip."
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
positive thinking, motivation and exercise
Eat for the health of it.
Several years ago I got in a bad accident and broke my back, ruptured four disks in my neck and I have a bulging disc in my lower back. I lost my business because I could no longer do the work. Naturally I was very depressed that I was unable to anything and I was told that I would be in a wheelchair within the next 2 years. Besides watching my business go down the drain and worrying about being in a wheelchair, needless to say I was depressed. Luckily I had a doctor that felt I could be helped by going to physical therapy.
Believe me with using some possitive thinking and getting motivated by this therapist, who got me swimming and exercising, I have been pretty active and it has been 25 years ago that this happened to me and mind you I am still not in a wheel chair. I swim three days a week and I have some exercise equipment that I use too, that has kept me going.
Being fit can add years to your life. Your mentality shows improvement and you are less apt to be depressed. Exercise can lower your risk of certain cancers. Skin wounds seem to heal faster too, if you exercise. A lot of people can find a lot of reason not to exercise but so many of them need it. You've heard the statement; if you don't use it, you lose it. That is so true. Your muscles weaken, you can get depressed; you basically dig yourself in a hole and it's so hard to get out of that hole. I get lax now and then and when I start to feel the pains, then it reminds me to get back to exercising.
Try to find someone to walk with or ride a bike or go swimming. If you are still working and have a physical type job, you are probably getting enough exercise but for a person that has a desk job, you really need to exercise. Walking can increase brain power, get going!! Eat healthy too!!
If you want to learn about eating healthy, please read my all natural cookbook and it has really good recipes too. I can never understand why people think that if you eat all natural foods that they are awful tasting, that is not true. Just recently at one of my book signings a man walked by and I was eating a barbeque sandwich and he says, that's a no-no. Why? The only thing that was wrong with it was a white hamburger bun( I usually throw away the bun and just eat the meat but that day I didn't have a fork etc.) which yes, was made with bleached flour. Once in a while you do have to eat what is there or you may get pretty hungry. The beef that was in the sandwich is fine and the barbeque sauce did not have MSG or High Fructose Corn Syrup in it, so I was fine. Other things I have heard.'I want to eat food that tastes good' Believe me all natural foods do taste good. I picked all of my favorite recipes that I have used for years, the only thing different is that I use all natural ingrdients like: unbleached flour, unbleached sugar, real butter, cream and yes, I use lard and it's better than using margarine that is one ingredient away from being a piece of plastic.
I have had many compliments from people that have bought my book and they said they didn't realize that there was such a difference in eating all natural. If you are interested in my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 Please order at:
Or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at: If you are interested in a very good novel you may be interested in, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or order at: Or you may order at:
For comments on my blog you can reach me at:
Laughter is healthy: You never know.
A guy sticks his head in the barber shop and asks the barber,"How long before you can cut my hair?" The barber looks around the shop and says,"About two hours, sir."
The guy leaves.
A few days later the same guy comes to the barber shop and sticks his head in the door and asks, "How long before you can cut my hair?" The barber looks around and says, "About an hour and a half." The guy leaves.
A week later the guy is back and asks,"How long before I can get a hair cut?" The barber again says,"An hour and a half."
The barber is getting a little annoyed with this guy because he never comes back so he asks a friend of his to follow the guy and come back and let him know where he goes.
A little while later, his friend comes back to the shop, laughing hysterically and the barber asks, "Well, where did he go?"
With tears in his eyes from laughing so hard,he says,"To your house."
Several years ago I got in a bad accident and broke my back, ruptured four disks in my neck and I have a bulging disc in my lower back. I lost my business because I could no longer do the work. Naturally I was very depressed that I was unable to anything and I was told that I would be in a wheelchair within the next 2 years. Besides watching my business go down the drain and worrying about being in a wheelchair, needless to say I was depressed. Luckily I had a doctor that felt I could be helped by going to physical therapy.
Believe me with using some possitive thinking and getting motivated by this therapist, who got me swimming and exercising, I have been pretty active and it has been 25 years ago that this happened to me and mind you I am still not in a wheel chair. I swim three days a week and I have some exercise equipment that I use too, that has kept me going.
Being fit can add years to your life. Your mentality shows improvement and you are less apt to be depressed. Exercise can lower your risk of certain cancers. Skin wounds seem to heal faster too, if you exercise. A lot of people can find a lot of reason not to exercise but so many of them need it. You've heard the statement; if you don't use it, you lose it. That is so true. Your muscles weaken, you can get depressed; you basically dig yourself in a hole and it's so hard to get out of that hole. I get lax now and then and when I start to feel the pains, then it reminds me to get back to exercising.
Try to find someone to walk with or ride a bike or go swimming. If you are still working and have a physical type job, you are probably getting enough exercise but for a person that has a desk job, you really need to exercise. Walking can increase brain power, get going!! Eat healthy too!!
If you want to learn about eating healthy, please read my all natural cookbook and it has really good recipes too. I can never understand why people think that if you eat all natural foods that they are awful tasting, that is not true. Just recently at one of my book signings a man walked by and I was eating a barbeque sandwich and he says, that's a no-no. Why? The only thing that was wrong with it was a white hamburger bun( I usually throw away the bun and just eat the meat but that day I didn't have a fork etc.) which yes, was made with bleached flour. Once in a while you do have to eat what is there or you may get pretty hungry. The beef that was in the sandwich is fine and the barbeque sauce did not have MSG or High Fructose Corn Syrup in it, so I was fine. Other things I have heard.'I want to eat food that tastes good' Believe me all natural foods do taste good. I picked all of my favorite recipes that I have used for years, the only thing different is that I use all natural ingrdients like: unbleached flour, unbleached sugar, real butter, cream and yes, I use lard and it's better than using margarine that is one ingredient away from being a piece of plastic.
I have had many compliments from people that have bought my book and they said they didn't realize that there was such a difference in eating all natural. If you are interested in my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 Please order at:
Or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or at: If you are interested in a very good novel you may be interested in, 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts, ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or order at: Or you may order at:
For comments on my blog you can reach me at:
Laughter is healthy: You never know.
A guy sticks his head in the barber shop and asks the barber,"How long before you can cut my hair?" The barber looks around the shop and says,"About two hours, sir."
The guy leaves.
A few days later the same guy comes to the barber shop and sticks his head in the door and asks, "How long before you can cut my hair?" The barber looks around and says, "About an hour and a half." The guy leaves.
A week later the guy is back and asks,"How long before I can get a hair cut?" The barber again says,"An hour and a half."
The barber is getting a little annoyed with this guy because he never comes back so he asks a friend of his to follow the guy and come back and let him know where he goes.
A little while later, his friend comes back to the shop, laughing hysterically and the barber asks, "Well, where did he go?"
With tears in his eyes from laughing so hard,he says,"To your house."
Age related muscle loss.
Eat for the health of it.
As we age we lose muscle tone. Something that most older people do not pay attention to until all of a sudden they have bat wings, or to be nicer, it is called sarcopenia. It really is the lack of activity. Naturally when you age you are just tired and you don't feel like doing exercises and you don't feel like joining a health club, you just want to sit and watch TV or go to the coffee shop for the latest gossip. And before you know it you aren't eating healthy either. All of this age related non physical exercise, insufficient dietary protein, lower levels of hormones, causes sarcopenia. Which naturallly affects the muscles. All of a sudden you can't lift your grandchildren, you lose your balance, you can't walk very far. It's never too late to try and retrieve the strength you had or at least part of it.
You need muscles and strength to keep up with everyday life. You want to be independant, don't you? Strength can help safeguard against falls. And it helps maintain your weight and protects against diabetes.
The best place to start is the YMCA. They have a great exercise program and you can get into a swimming or water exercise. I swim and do water exercises three times a week.
ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: Or you may order at:
And you may want to read a very good highly recommended novel: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN # 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or at: Or at:
Laughter is healthy: Holy-er than thou.
Four catholic men and a catholic woman were sitter around, discussing family. The first man said,"My son is a Priest and when he enters the room they call him, Father."
The second man says," My son is a Bishop, and when he enters the room they call him,Your Grace."
The third man says,"My son is a Cardinal and when he enters the room, they call him, Your Emminence."
Then The fourth man says," my son is a Pope and when he enters the room they say, "Your holiness."
The Catholic woman sat sipping her coffee and taking all of this in and the men all looked at her with a smirk on their lips when she stated,"My daughter's measurements are 38D-24-34, and when she walks into the room they say,"Oh, My God!!!"
As we age we lose muscle tone. Something that most older people do not pay attention to until all of a sudden they have bat wings, or to be nicer, it is called sarcopenia. It really is the lack of activity. Naturally when you age you are just tired and you don't feel like doing exercises and you don't feel like joining a health club, you just want to sit and watch TV or go to the coffee shop for the latest gossip. And before you know it you aren't eating healthy either. All of this age related non physical exercise, insufficient dietary protein, lower levels of hormones, causes sarcopenia. Which naturallly affects the muscles. All of a sudden you can't lift your grandchildren, you lose your balance, you can't walk very far. It's never too late to try and retrieve the strength you had or at least part of it.
You need muscles and strength to keep up with everyday life. You want to be independant, don't you? Strength can help safeguard against falls. And it helps maintain your weight and protects against diabetes.
The best place to start is the YMCA. They have a great exercise program and you can get into a swimming or water exercise. I swim and do water exercises three times a week.
ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: Or you may order at:
And you may want to read a very good highly recommended novel: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN # 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: Or at: Or at:
Laughter is healthy: Holy-er than thou.
Four catholic men and a catholic woman were sitter around, discussing family. The first man said,"My son is a Priest and when he enters the room they call him, Father."
The second man says," My son is a Bishop, and when he enters the room they call him,Your Grace."
The third man says,"My son is a Cardinal and when he enters the room, they call him, Your Emminence."
Then The fourth man says," my son is a Pope and when he enters the room they say, "Your holiness."
The Catholic woman sat sipping her coffee and taking all of this in and the men all looked at her with a smirk on their lips when she stated,"My daughter's measurements are 38D-24-34, and when she walks into the room they say,"Oh, My God!!!"
Monday, October 12, 2009
Try to avoid Alheimer's
Eat for the health of it.
Keep your brain active so you don't get Alzheimer's disease. One way to do this is to change your pattern of every day life. Wear your watch on the other arm. Try eating with the other hand. Check out your equalibrium by standing on one foot for awhile. If you can do that then change to the other foot. If you have trouble balancing then try it while holding on to something. By getting your sense of balance you can preserve your brain equalibrium.
One of the signs of Alzheimers is difficulty recognizing scents, such as, lemon or cinnamon. And being overweight increases your risk of Alzheimers.
If you have high blood preasure, it could increase your risk of Alzheimer's disease, because it slows the flow of blood to that part of the brain that controls memory. Exercise and watching what you eat can lower your blood pressure. If you notice memory loss and confusion; tell your doctor, he may prescribe a medication that can help you.
In some cases memory loss could be the sign of dementia, which could have been caused by a stroke, brought on by high blood preassure, diabetes and high cholesterol. And it is possible that caffeine could help to keep memory loss at bay.
If you would like to eat all natural why not try my all natural cookbook:
You may order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you would like to read a good exciting novel, one that will keep you interested to the very end: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-59736-601-0 You may order at: Or you may order at: or at
Laughter is healthy:
I decided to go fishing and well into my project I ran out of worms. I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth and decided that he couldn't bite me with his mouth full and I wanted that frog. Frogs are good bait to catch bass with.
I grabbed him behind the head and took the frog from his mouth and placed the frog in the bait bucket. While I still had his head locked in my hand, I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured some whiskey into the snakes mouth. His eyes rolled and he went limp, so I threw him into the lake. I started fishing again and as I was trying to get the fish hook from the basses mouth I felt a nudge on my foot. There was that same snake and he had two frogs in his mouth. He was back for more whiskey.
Keep your brain active so you don't get Alzheimer's disease. One way to do this is to change your pattern of every day life. Wear your watch on the other arm. Try eating with the other hand. Check out your equalibrium by standing on one foot for awhile. If you can do that then change to the other foot. If you have trouble balancing then try it while holding on to something. By getting your sense of balance you can preserve your brain equalibrium.
One of the signs of Alzheimers is difficulty recognizing scents, such as, lemon or cinnamon. And being overweight increases your risk of Alzheimers.
If you have high blood preasure, it could increase your risk of Alzheimer's disease, because it slows the flow of blood to that part of the brain that controls memory. Exercise and watching what you eat can lower your blood pressure. If you notice memory loss and confusion; tell your doctor, he may prescribe a medication that can help you.
In some cases memory loss could be the sign of dementia, which could have been caused by a stroke, brought on by high blood preassure, diabetes and high cholesterol. And it is possible that caffeine could help to keep memory loss at bay.
If you would like to eat all natural why not try my all natural cookbook:
You may order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you would like to read a good exciting novel, one that will keep you interested to the very end: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-59736-601-0 You may order at: Or you may order at: or at
Laughter is healthy:
I decided to go fishing and well into my project I ran out of worms. I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth and decided that he couldn't bite me with his mouth full and I wanted that frog. Frogs are good bait to catch bass with.
I grabbed him behind the head and took the frog from his mouth and placed the frog in the bait bucket. While I still had his head locked in my hand, I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured some whiskey into the snakes mouth. His eyes rolled and he went limp, so I threw him into the lake. I started fishing again and as I was trying to get the fish hook from the basses mouth I felt a nudge on my foot. There was that same snake and he had two frogs in his mouth. He was back for more whiskey.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
better sight
Eat for the health of it.
I thought I was losing my sight, I kept cleaning my glasses with my shirt tail and I didn't realize it until I used a real glass cleaning cloth, that I happened to receive with my new computer and one evening I was really straining to see the writing on the page I was working on and I used the cloth to clean my glasses and my word I couldn't believe the difference, I could see. I sort of put 2 and 2 together and figured that possibly the fabric softener in my shirt was getting on my glasses and building up. I even found an old pair of glasses and I cleaned them up too. Man!! I didn't even need new glasses. We live and learn.
A diet of vitamin-rich foods lowers the risk of macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of vision loss. Be sure to get plenty of vitamins C and E and zinc. Vitamin E is found in grains, eggs, nuts and vegetable oils. Zinc in meat, poultry, fish, whole grains and dairy products. VitaminC in citrus fruits and juices, broccoli, green pepper and potatoes. Beta carotene in carrots, spinach and kale.
To fight free radicals: Eat fruits and vegetables, eat more fish. Eat good meat, not processed, like lunch meats and hotdogs etc. You should limit your intake of white sugar and flour and I will add another bit of info and that is to eat unbleached sugar and unbleached flour.
EXERCISE: You can exercise at any age, my mother is 92 and she is in a wheelchair, but she still exercises. She has a little peddle thing that she uses and she does arm exercises; whatever she can do sitting in her chair. You have to keep moving or you will not be able to, and the thing is, none of us knows how long we will live.
One lady that stopped by my table at a book signing, as I explained to her how important it was to eat all natural foods so that she would be healthy, she remarked, "Well, we are all living too long anyway." I thought that was a non-sensible remark. But she walked away before I could ask her, 'what if she did live to be 100?' I don't think that people like her realizes that people are what they eat, they can live a long time but they may not know what is going on and they may need total care for however long they do live. And this is very true.
I know people that feel this way and have eaten whatever they please to eat and now as they are getting older are finding that they have heart problems, diabetes, dementia, cancer, arthritis, memory problems, kidney problems, high cholesterol,etc.
If you are interested in eating all natural my all natural cookbook will show you how.
You may order at: www.dorrance or call 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
Maybe you would like to read a good novel: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is Healthy:
A man and his wife and 9 children are waiting at the bus stop. A blind man joins them just as the bus came to a stop. After the wife and nine kids got on, there was no more room for the husband and the blind man so they decided to walk.
After awhile the husband gets irritated with the clicking of the cane on the sidewalk and he says to the blind man." Why don't you put some rubber on the end of your stick so that it doesn't make that clicking noise, it's driving me crazy?"
The blind man replies, "If you had put some rubber on the end of your stick we could have road the bus."
I thought I was losing my sight, I kept cleaning my glasses with my shirt tail and I didn't realize it until I used a real glass cleaning cloth, that I happened to receive with my new computer and one evening I was really straining to see the writing on the page I was working on and I used the cloth to clean my glasses and my word I couldn't believe the difference, I could see. I sort of put 2 and 2 together and figured that possibly the fabric softener in my shirt was getting on my glasses and building up. I even found an old pair of glasses and I cleaned them up too. Man!! I didn't even need new glasses. We live and learn.
A diet of vitamin-rich foods lowers the risk of macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of vision loss. Be sure to get plenty of vitamins C and E and zinc. Vitamin E is found in grains, eggs, nuts and vegetable oils. Zinc in meat, poultry, fish, whole grains and dairy products. VitaminC in citrus fruits and juices, broccoli, green pepper and potatoes. Beta carotene in carrots, spinach and kale.
To fight free radicals: Eat fruits and vegetables, eat more fish. Eat good meat, not processed, like lunch meats and hotdogs etc. You should limit your intake of white sugar and flour and I will add another bit of info and that is to eat unbleached sugar and unbleached flour.
EXERCISE: You can exercise at any age, my mother is 92 and she is in a wheelchair, but she still exercises. She has a little peddle thing that she uses and she does arm exercises; whatever she can do sitting in her chair. You have to keep moving or you will not be able to, and the thing is, none of us knows how long we will live.
One lady that stopped by my table at a book signing, as I explained to her how important it was to eat all natural foods so that she would be healthy, she remarked, "Well, we are all living too long anyway." I thought that was a non-sensible remark. But she walked away before I could ask her, 'what if she did live to be 100?' I don't think that people like her realizes that people are what they eat, they can live a long time but they may not know what is going on and they may need total care for however long they do live. And this is very true.
I know people that feel this way and have eaten whatever they please to eat and now as they are getting older are finding that they have heart problems, diabetes, dementia, cancer, arthritis, memory problems, kidney problems, high cholesterol,etc.
If you are interested in eating all natural my all natural cookbook will show you how.
You may order at: www.dorrance or call 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
Maybe you would like to read a good novel: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 You may order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is Healthy:
A man and his wife and 9 children are waiting at the bus stop. A blind man joins them just as the bus came to a stop. After the wife and nine kids got on, there was no more room for the husband and the blind man so they decided to walk.
After awhile the husband gets irritated with the clicking of the cane on the sidewalk and he says to the blind man." Why don't you put some rubber on the end of your stick so that it doesn't make that clicking noise, it's driving me crazy?"
The blind man replies, "If you had put some rubber on the end of your stick we could have road the bus."
Friday, October 9, 2009
About Ovarian Cancer
Eat for the health of it.
Who is at risk for ovarian cancer?
A daughter has an increased risk of getting ovarian cancer, if her mother has had it. And an increased risk if another close relative has it(like a grandmother or sister.) Women have a higher risk of ovarian cancer as they get older, like in their 50's and 60's. Studies have shown that women who has never had any children are even more likely to develope ovarian cancer. In fact the more children you have the less likely you will develope ovarian cancer.
Women who have had breast or colon cancer are more likely to develope ovarian cancer. Researchers are studying the possibility of women who have taken fertility drugs could be at risk too for developing ovarian cancer.
And there is a possibility that women who have used talc in the genital area could be at risk of ovarian cancer. Some evidence suggests that woman who have used hormonal replacement therapy could also be at risk for developing ovarian cancer.
Hopefully as they do more research they can figure out what is causing ovarian cancer and find a way to stop it.
My personal feeling is that the more women stick to the more natural way of life,the less likely that she could develope ovarian cancer. I know that the modern way is taking pills to stop ovulation so you won't get pregnant. Maybe even using other means of birth control, foams and devices, we don't know for sure but it just seems that we never heard of woman having ovarian cancer until they started using birth control.
If you are one of the higher risk, like having a close relative with ovarian cancer, just find a highly recommended gynecologist and get checked often or maybe he will suggest that after you have your babies that you want, they can remove the ovaries. That would be one sure thing.
For Comments:
For a healthy diet you should eat all natural and that always helps to keep you healthy. If you want to learn more about eating healthy try my all natural cookbook:
You may order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you want a good novel to read, I recommend: 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0by Trishianna Rose Roberts You may order at: Or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Apples and Wine
Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead they just take the fallen apples that are easy to get. The apples at the top are thinking that something is wrong with them, when in fact they are patiently waiting for the right man that is brave enough to climb to the top of the tree to pick them. Share this with another woman.
Now men..Men are like fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the stuffing out of them until they turn into something great to have dinner with.
Who is at risk for ovarian cancer?
A daughter has an increased risk of getting ovarian cancer, if her mother has had it. And an increased risk if another close relative has it(like a grandmother or sister.) Women have a higher risk of ovarian cancer as they get older, like in their 50's and 60's. Studies have shown that women who has never had any children are even more likely to develope ovarian cancer. In fact the more children you have the less likely you will develope ovarian cancer.
Women who have had breast or colon cancer are more likely to develope ovarian cancer. Researchers are studying the possibility of women who have taken fertility drugs could be at risk too for developing ovarian cancer.
And there is a possibility that women who have used talc in the genital area could be at risk of ovarian cancer. Some evidence suggests that woman who have used hormonal replacement therapy could also be at risk for developing ovarian cancer.
Hopefully as they do more research they can figure out what is causing ovarian cancer and find a way to stop it.
My personal feeling is that the more women stick to the more natural way of life,the less likely that she could develope ovarian cancer. I know that the modern way is taking pills to stop ovulation so you won't get pregnant. Maybe even using other means of birth control, foams and devices, we don't know for sure but it just seems that we never heard of woman having ovarian cancer until they started using birth control.
If you are one of the higher risk, like having a close relative with ovarian cancer, just find a highly recommended gynecologist and get checked often or maybe he will suggest that after you have your babies that you want, they can remove the ovaries. That would be one sure thing.
For Comments:
For a healthy diet you should eat all natural and that always helps to keep you healthy. If you want to learn more about eating healthy try my all natural cookbook:
You may order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you want a good novel to read, I recommend: 'Under Obligation' ISBN# 1-58736-601-0by Trishianna Rose Roberts You may order at: Or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Apples and Wine
Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead they just take the fallen apples that are easy to get. The apples at the top are thinking that something is wrong with them, when in fact they are patiently waiting for the right man that is brave enough to climb to the top of the tree to pick them. Share this with another woman.
Now men..Men are like fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the stuffing out of them until they turn into something great to have dinner with.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
More helpful information
Eat for the health of it.
1. Easy way to fix deviled eggs. Place cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag and mix the yolks, add remaining ingredients and mix some more and cut a small hole in the corner of the bag and squeeze the yolk mixture into the egg whites and throw the bag away. Easy clean up too.
2. Keep squirrels away from your plants, simply sprinkle some cayenne pepper on the plants and the squirrels won't go near them and the pepper won't hurt the plants either.
3. Use a black board eraser to clean fog off the windshield. It works better than a cloth.
4. If you have a lot of leftover bottles of conditioner like I do, you can use it as a shaving cream when you shave your legs.
4. A good way to catch those pesky fruit flies, just add a couple drops of liquid dish soap to a 1/2 glass of apple cider vinegar.
5. If you are using dryer sheets in your dryer, be sure to take the screen out to wash it every six months, because the dryer sheets cause a build up on the that screen filter and it can catch on fire.
6. If you have ants, spread some cornmeal around, they will eat the cornmeal and they die because they can't digest it. I tried it and it really works.
You have heard about my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-1 If you are interested you may order at: Or call: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you would like to read a good novel why not try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-01-0 You may order at: or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Hillbillies train ride:
Three Hillbillies and three Texans were traveling by train to the Super Bowl. The Texans noticed that the Hillbillies only bought one ticket between the three of them. The Texans asked,"How are the three of you going to buy just one ticket and get away with it?"
"Watch and learn," answers the one Hillbilly. The Texans all get into their seats and the three Hillbillies cram themselves in the toilet.Shortly after the train leaves the station the conductor comes around to pick up the tickets. He knocks on the bathroom door and an arm reaches out and the conductor takes the ticket. The Texans see what happened and decided it was pretty clever. On the return trip, they buy the one ticket and walk toward the train. To their astonishment they notice that the Hillbillies do not buy a ticket at all.
The Texans ask,"How are you going to do this now without any ticket?"
"Watch and learn." answers the Hillbillies.
When they board the train the three Texans cram themselves in the toilet and the three Hillbillies cram themselves in the other toilet. Shortly afterwards, one of the Hillbillies leaves the toilet and walks over to the other toilet and knocks on the door and says,"Tickets please."
Them there Hillbillies are so stupid after all.
1. Easy way to fix deviled eggs. Place cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag and mix the yolks, add remaining ingredients and mix some more and cut a small hole in the corner of the bag and squeeze the yolk mixture into the egg whites and throw the bag away. Easy clean up too.
2. Keep squirrels away from your plants, simply sprinkle some cayenne pepper on the plants and the squirrels won't go near them and the pepper won't hurt the plants either.
3. Use a black board eraser to clean fog off the windshield. It works better than a cloth.
4. If you have a lot of leftover bottles of conditioner like I do, you can use it as a shaving cream when you shave your legs.
4. A good way to catch those pesky fruit flies, just add a couple drops of liquid dish soap to a 1/2 glass of apple cider vinegar.
5. If you are using dryer sheets in your dryer, be sure to take the screen out to wash it every six months, because the dryer sheets cause a build up on the that screen filter and it can catch on fire.
6. If you have ants, spread some cornmeal around, they will eat the cornmeal and they die because they can't digest it. I tried it and it really works.
You have heard about my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN# 0-8059-6286-1 If you are interested you may order at: Or call: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you would like to read a good novel why not try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-01-0 You may order at: or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: Hillbillies train ride:
Three Hillbillies and three Texans were traveling by train to the Super Bowl. The Texans noticed that the Hillbillies only bought one ticket between the three of them. The Texans asked,"How are the three of you going to buy just one ticket and get away with it?"
"Watch and learn," answers the one Hillbilly. The Texans all get into their seats and the three Hillbillies cram themselves in the toilet.Shortly after the train leaves the station the conductor comes around to pick up the tickets. He knocks on the bathroom door and an arm reaches out and the conductor takes the ticket. The Texans see what happened and decided it was pretty clever. On the return trip, they buy the one ticket and walk toward the train. To their astonishment they notice that the Hillbillies do not buy a ticket at all.
The Texans ask,"How are you going to do this now without any ticket?"
"Watch and learn." answers the Hillbillies.
When they board the train the three Texans cram themselves in the toilet and the three Hillbillies cram themselves in the other toilet. Shortly afterwards, one of the Hillbillies leaves the toilet and walks over to the other toilet and knocks on the door and says,"Tickets please."
Them there Hillbillies are so stupid after all.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Just a bit more info on the chemicals
Eat for the health of it.
I just have to write some comments in answer to these people that do not understand that the chemicals in our food is really bad for you. I suppose it is hard for them to realize this because so far they have not had any bad reactions to them. If you are a parent and you want to eat foods and drinks with these chemicals in them, ok, you are probably 21 years old and you are on your own but at least stop your babies and young children from eating these products.
Sucralose is an ingredient in Splenda, which is processed with so many atoms of Clorine on the molecule that it kind of behaves like a pesticide. Now would you let your child drink a pesticide?
I have heard it over and over; if people just use it in moderation, but when you put Splenda in your cookies, do you limit your child to one cookie a day? If you do, I think they probably would be fine with that. Oh! But, then there is that High Fructose Corn Syrup that is in everything that used to have sugar in it. (The sugar that has the chlorine in it that we always used for baking.) No one knew that until they started to use these other chemicals that added to that chlorine and then there were people that started to react from it by adding a little too many chemicals to the food.
Now let's see how many we can think of: There's the MSG that has been added to (I guess maybe half of our processed food.) And quite a bit of our food at restaurants. OK. Then there is the Aspartame that they added to our drinks. (I think they figured they were going to help people lose weight.) It didn't work. You can't put artificial chemicals in your system and ask them to share space with the natural chemicals in your system, it just doesn't work that way. The bad chemicals just stir things up and make trouble for the whole system. Making you crave more food etc.
They added Aspartame and other artificial chemicals to chewing gum, what was wrong with it the way it was?
When people complain about the chemicals, all they do is rename it. They don't fool me because I am allergic to the chemicals no matter what they call them. I know that there are people who say that some people are allergic to strawberries, peanuts, tomatoes, chocolate, wheat and gluten; but these are all natural foods that people are sensitive too and most of them gradually get over it as they grow up. My son was allergic to citric acid but he eats everything now that he has grown up.
What I am getting at is these chemicals are not natural they are a chemical that was concocted in a lab using other man made chemicals. Have you ever spilled a chemical on yourself somewhere and it leaves a burn mark or a scar? When these chemicals get into your system, they build up, a lot of them stay in your system for awhile, probably enough time that it can cause cancer and other illnesses. There is noone there to tell you that you shouldn't have another can of soda because it has chemicals in it. Some of these kids have 5 to 10 cans of soda a day. I have heard them admit to this. The chemicals build up in your system and they can cause all kinds of illnesses.
I think that you are lucky if you are allergic to these chemicals like I am, that way you won't eat these chemical laden foods. I think that some people don't even realize that the cramps and diarrhia, headaches, rashes and many other reactions, come from the food additives. It's not just occasionally that you eat these chemicals, it is every day. It's in everything that is processed. Read labels, all the time. Train your child to do the same thing. I can only tell you this and believe me, I know, I am allergic to all of these chemicals and have very bad reactions.
If you are interested, I have written an all natural cookbook that can help you with deciding what to eat and how to cook all natural.
Please order at: or call at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you would like a very interesting book to read Please order 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts - Please order at: or at: or you may order at:
Laughter is healthy: Boy!Isn't this a true story?
While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at a roadside restaurant to eat their lunch. After they ate lunch they resumed their trip. About twenty miles down the road the elderly woman realized that she had left her glasses at the restaurant. To add to the aggravation, they had to travel quite a ways to find a spot to turn around.
All the way back the elderly husband had to become a classic grumpy old man. He fussed and grumbled and scolded his wife relentlessly during the entire trip back to the restaurant. He didn't let up the entire trip back.
The wife was so relieved when they finally reached the restaurant. As the woman got out of the car and headed for the restaurant, the old geezer yelled to her....
"While your in there you might as well pick up my hat and the credit card!!"
I just have to write some comments in answer to these people that do not understand that the chemicals in our food is really bad for you. I suppose it is hard for them to realize this because so far they have not had any bad reactions to them. If you are a parent and you want to eat foods and drinks with these chemicals in them, ok, you are probably 21 years old and you are on your own but at least stop your babies and young children from eating these products.
Sucralose is an ingredient in Splenda, which is processed with so many atoms of Clorine on the molecule that it kind of behaves like a pesticide. Now would you let your child drink a pesticide?
I have heard it over and over; if people just use it in moderation, but when you put Splenda in your cookies, do you limit your child to one cookie a day? If you do, I think they probably would be fine with that. Oh! But, then there is that High Fructose Corn Syrup that is in everything that used to have sugar in it. (The sugar that has the chlorine in it that we always used for baking.) No one knew that until they started to use these other chemicals that added to that chlorine and then there were people that started to react from it by adding a little too many chemicals to the food.
Now let's see how many we can think of: There's the MSG that has been added to (I guess maybe half of our processed food.) And quite a bit of our food at restaurants. OK. Then there is the Aspartame that they added to our drinks. (I think they figured they were going to help people lose weight.) It didn't work. You can't put artificial chemicals in your system and ask them to share space with the natural chemicals in your system, it just doesn't work that way. The bad chemicals just stir things up and make trouble for the whole system. Making you crave more food etc.
They added Aspartame and other artificial chemicals to chewing gum, what was wrong with it the way it was?
When people complain about the chemicals, all they do is rename it. They don't fool me because I am allergic to the chemicals no matter what they call them. I know that there are people who say that some people are allergic to strawberries, peanuts, tomatoes, chocolate, wheat and gluten; but these are all natural foods that people are sensitive too and most of them gradually get over it as they grow up. My son was allergic to citric acid but he eats everything now that he has grown up.
What I am getting at is these chemicals are not natural they are a chemical that was concocted in a lab using other man made chemicals. Have you ever spilled a chemical on yourself somewhere and it leaves a burn mark or a scar? When these chemicals get into your system, they build up, a lot of them stay in your system for awhile, probably enough time that it can cause cancer and other illnesses. There is noone there to tell you that you shouldn't have another can of soda because it has chemicals in it. Some of these kids have 5 to 10 cans of soda a day. I have heard them admit to this. The chemicals build up in your system and they can cause all kinds of illnesses.
I think that you are lucky if you are allergic to these chemicals like I am, that way you won't eat these chemical laden foods. I think that some people don't even realize that the cramps and diarrhia, headaches, rashes and many other reactions, come from the food additives. It's not just occasionally that you eat these chemicals, it is every day. It's in everything that is processed. Read labels, all the time. Train your child to do the same thing. I can only tell you this and believe me, I know, I am allergic to all of these chemicals and have very bad reactions.
If you are interested, I have written an all natural cookbook that can help you with deciding what to eat and how to cook all natural.
Please order at: or call at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you would like a very interesting book to read Please order 'Under Obligation' ISBN#1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts - Please order at: or at: or you may order at:
Laughter is healthy: Boy!Isn't this a true story?
While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at a roadside restaurant to eat their lunch. After they ate lunch they resumed their trip. About twenty miles down the road the elderly woman realized that she had left her glasses at the restaurant. To add to the aggravation, they had to travel quite a ways to find a spot to turn around.
All the way back the elderly husband had to become a classic grumpy old man. He fussed and grumbled and scolded his wife relentlessly during the entire trip back to the restaurant. He didn't let up the entire trip back.
The wife was so relieved when they finally reached the restaurant. As the woman got out of the car and headed for the restaurant, the old geezer yelled to her....
"While your in there you might as well pick up my hat and the credit card!!"
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mediterranian diet verses Low Carb
Eat for the health of it.
The way I understand the Mediterranian diet is that you use a lot of Olive oil, I use Olive oil and that's good, but they avoid red meat, which I eat red meat and chicken, fish, some pork,and eggs, I really am basically on a low carb diet and I like it much better than the Mediterranian diet. The Mediterranian diet allows you to eat nuts, so does the Low Carb diet. You can eat so many different things on a low carb diet. Maybe I am wrong but what I have read up on the Mediterranian diet is that if you want to go on that diet, you have to belong or go to meetings, I am not sure, but I think if you are trying to lose weight and you do not want to spend a lot of money for someone to tell you how to eat, just eat all natural. And what I have told you before that this Low Carb diet is basically eating all natural. I went to the doctor the other day and everything was normal so I fugure I must be doing something right.
For comments:
If you want to learn more about eating all natural please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at: Or at:
If you are interested in a good novel that will keep you interested all the way to the end, please try:'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0
You may order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:The Hunters:
A couple of guys were out in the back woods hunting when one of them fell to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are rolled back in his head.
The other hunter starts to panic. Then he whips out his cell phone and calls 911.
He frantically tells the operator, "My friend just died! Help me. What can I do?"
The operator, trying to calm the hunter down says, "Take it easy, I can help you. Just listen and follow my instructions. First, lets make sure he's dead."
There is a short pause and the operator hears a loud gunshot!!!
The hunter comes back on the phone and says,"Okay, now what?"
The way I understand the Mediterranian diet is that you use a lot of Olive oil, I use Olive oil and that's good, but they avoid red meat, which I eat red meat and chicken, fish, some pork,and eggs, I really am basically on a low carb diet and I like it much better than the Mediterranian diet. The Mediterranian diet allows you to eat nuts, so does the Low Carb diet. You can eat so many different things on a low carb diet. Maybe I am wrong but what I have read up on the Mediterranian diet is that if you want to go on that diet, you have to belong or go to meetings, I am not sure, but I think if you are trying to lose weight and you do not want to spend a lot of money for someone to tell you how to eat, just eat all natural. And what I have told you before that this Low Carb diet is basically eating all natural. I went to the doctor the other day and everything was normal so I fugure I must be doing something right.
For comments:
If you want to learn more about eating all natural please try my all natural cookbook: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN#0-8059-6286-7 You may order at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at: Or at:
If you are interested in a good novel that will keep you interested all the way to the end, please try:'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0
You may order at: or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:The Hunters:
A couple of guys were out in the back woods hunting when one of them fell to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are rolled back in his head.
The other hunter starts to panic. Then he whips out his cell phone and calls 911.
He frantically tells the operator, "My friend just died! Help me. What can I do?"
The operator, trying to calm the hunter down says, "Take it easy, I can help you. Just listen and follow my instructions. First, lets make sure he's dead."
There is a short pause and the operator hears a loud gunshot!!!
The hunter comes back on the phone and says,"Okay, now what?"
Monday, October 5, 2009
Pain killer?
Eat for the health of it.
I am so glad they have pulled Bextra off the market. I really wondered about that drug when I went to a specialist for severe pain in my neck and that's what he prescribed and I had worse pain in my stomach than I did with the pain in my neck and I suffered with pain and soreness for some time after that and I only took one pill. It scares me yet when I think of what it could have done to me if I had taken the whole prescription.
I feel that they are getting their just rewards,in this lawsuit. I have read that the BIG PHARMA, that is responsible for this dangerous medication was a risk to the heart, skin and kidney as the dosage was increased. I can add another to this list. If one pill can cause the pain that I suffered from it, what could it do to someone taking the whole dose? I am just glad that I only took the one.
And according to this article the doctors were accepting bribes just to get them to use this unapproved high dose dangerous drug. It's scary to think that some doctors will take bribes like this and go along with these big companies. I hope they think about this now. I am really afraid to take any medication now. It just makes you wonder if it is approved or not and if it will make you sicker then you already are.
For comments:
If you are interested in eating healthy remember my all natural cookbook:
You may order at: or call at 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you would like to read a good novel I will recommend:
'Under Obligation'ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts You may order at: Or order at: Or at:
Laughter is healthy:
A little boy asked his father, "Dad, where did all my intelligence come from?"
The father replied,"Well son, you must have got it from your mother, 'cause I still have mine."
A man was recovering from surgery when a nurse asked him how he was feeling.
"I'm okay, but I didn't like the four letter word the doctor used in surgery."
"Why, what did he say?"
I am so glad they have pulled Bextra off the market. I really wondered about that drug when I went to a specialist for severe pain in my neck and that's what he prescribed and I had worse pain in my stomach than I did with the pain in my neck and I suffered with pain and soreness for some time after that and I only took one pill. It scares me yet when I think of what it could have done to me if I had taken the whole prescription.
I feel that they are getting their just rewards,in this lawsuit. I have read that the BIG PHARMA, that is responsible for this dangerous medication was a risk to the heart, skin and kidney as the dosage was increased. I can add another to this list. If one pill can cause the pain that I suffered from it, what could it do to someone taking the whole dose? I am just glad that I only took the one.
And according to this article the doctors were accepting bribes just to get them to use this unapproved high dose dangerous drug. It's scary to think that some doctors will take bribes like this and go along with these big companies. I hope they think about this now. I am really afraid to take any medication now. It just makes you wonder if it is approved or not and if it will make you sicker then you already are.
For comments:
If you are interested in eating healthy remember my all natural cookbook:
You may order at: or call at 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
If you would like to read a good novel I will recommend:
'Under Obligation'ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts You may order at: Or order at: Or at:
Laughter is healthy:
A little boy asked his father, "Dad, where did all my intelligence come from?"
The father replied,"Well son, you must have got it from your mother, 'cause I still have mine."
A man was recovering from surgery when a nurse asked him how he was feeling.
"I'm okay, but I didn't like the four letter word the doctor used in surgery."
"Why, what did he say?"
Sunday, October 4, 2009
more needless needles
Eat for the health of it.
I have written before, warning parents to think it over carfully before taking your daughters to get this gardasil vaccine. Now they have GlaxoSmithKlinen's own version of it, Cervarix, and it is getting closer to being approved by the US. Please do some research on this first.
From what I have heard and read up on,these products should not be approved or allowed, because they are not safe and they are not 100% effective against cirvical cancer. Gardasil has been linked to a number of serious illnesses, like Lou Gerhrig's disease, and a number of deaths. The CDC has so far collected more than 14,000 reports of adverse events following Gardasil vaccinations. I am hoping that they take it off the market before it's too late. I am only passing this on from what I have read on this subject. I would check this out very carefully before I would let my daughters get vaccinated. Think about it.
If you are interested in eating healthy, please order my all natural cookbook:
Order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you would like to read a good novel why not try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 It is available at: Or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: A tree hugger:
A lady from Missoula, Montana who was a tree hugger and an anti hunter, purchased a piece of timberland.
There was a large tree on one of the points in the tract. She wanted to get a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the tree. As she neared the top of the tree, she was attacked by a spotted owl. In her haste to get away from the owl, she slid down the tree and got many splinters in her crotch.
In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest country doctor. She explained to the doctor that she was an environmentalist and an anti hunter, and how she came to get all the splinters. He directed her into the examining room and told her he would check to see if he could help her.
She sat and waited for three hours before the doctor returned. Angrily she asked him,"What took you so long?"
He smiled and told her,"Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the BUREAU of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area and I am sorry, but they all turned me down."
For comments:
I have written before, warning parents to think it over carfully before taking your daughters to get this gardasil vaccine. Now they have GlaxoSmithKlinen's own version of it, Cervarix, and it is getting closer to being approved by the US. Please do some research on this first.
From what I have heard and read up on,these products should not be approved or allowed, because they are not safe and they are not 100% effective against cirvical cancer. Gardasil has been linked to a number of serious illnesses, like Lou Gerhrig's disease, and a number of deaths. The CDC has so far collected more than 14,000 reports of adverse events following Gardasil vaccinations. I am hoping that they take it off the market before it's too late. I am only passing this on from what I have read on this subject. I would check this out very carefully before I would let my daughters get vaccinated. Think about it.
If you are interested in eating healthy, please order my all natural cookbook:
Order at: or at: 1-800-788-7654 or you may order at:
If you would like to read a good novel why not try: 'Under Obligation' by Trishianna Rose Roberts ISBN# 1-58736-601-0 It is available at: Or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy: A tree hugger:
A lady from Missoula, Montana who was a tree hugger and an anti hunter, purchased a piece of timberland.
There was a large tree on one of the points in the tract. She wanted to get a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the tree. As she neared the top of the tree, she was attacked by a spotted owl. In her haste to get away from the owl, she slid down the tree and got many splinters in her crotch.
In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest country doctor. She explained to the doctor that she was an environmentalist and an anti hunter, and how she came to get all the splinters. He directed her into the examining room and told her he would check to see if he could help her.
She sat and waited for three hours before the doctor returned. Angrily she asked him,"What took you so long?"
He smiled and told her,"Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the BUREAU of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area and I am sorry, but they all turned me down."
For comments:
Environmental Protection Agency
Just a few things you may need to know some day
Eat for the health of it.
After I posted last night I remembered the other name for Teeter Hangup. It is an Inversion Table. I bought mine at Dick's sporting Goods. It really works for your aching back.
If you have spots on your arms from rashes or sores that could be there for any number of reasons, try using vitamin C and water. Crush the vitamon C tablet and mix with a bit of water, then put on the scars for at least two weeks.
Remove a tick from your skin by placing some liquid soap on a cotton wad and putting it on the tick for app. 15 to 20 seconds. The tick will attach itself to the cotton ball. I had one in my hair line on my forehead one time and I took a wooden match and, I struck the match and lit it and then blew it out and immediately held it to the tick and it backed right out of my skin. I used peroxide then, on the spot but anything would do, like iodine, alcohol, you might even want to use a drawing salve.
Did you ever watch a primate peel a banana? They peel it from the bottom, so they don't have those stringy thingies that you have to pick of. Who knew?
If you store your leftover cheese in foil it won't mold as quickly.
Peppers with three bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. The ones with the four bumps on the bottom are better for cooking.
Add a teaspoon of water to ground beef while frying, it will help to pull the greese from the meat while cooking.
To make much better scammbled eggs or omelets, add some sour cream, cream cheese or heavy cream to the eggs and beat it in.
If you want a lighter taste of garlic, add the garlic right away and if you want a stronger taste add it to the recipe last.
If you have leftover pizza, warm it in a nonstick frying pan with a little butter, on low heat, with a cover on it. Heating it slowly will keep it from burning and it is moist and as good as the day before when you ordered it.
If you want to eat healthy, order my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: Phone # 1-800-788-7654
Or at
If you would like to read a good novel-Please order: 'Under Obligation'ISBN#1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts, Please order at or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
While shopping for vacation clothes Maria asks her husband,"What do you think, Harry, should I buy a bikini or an all-in-one bathing suit? He replies, "A bikini, I don't think you can get it all in one."
An old man went to a wizard to ask him if he could remove a curse had had for the last forty years. The wizard told him, "Yes, if you can remember the exact words that were used to put that curse on you." The old man answered without hesitation, "I pronounce you man and wife."
After I posted last night I remembered the other name for Teeter Hangup. It is an Inversion Table. I bought mine at Dick's sporting Goods. It really works for your aching back.
If you have spots on your arms from rashes or sores that could be there for any number of reasons, try using vitamin C and water. Crush the vitamon C tablet and mix with a bit of water, then put on the scars for at least two weeks.
Remove a tick from your skin by placing some liquid soap on a cotton wad and putting it on the tick for app. 15 to 20 seconds. The tick will attach itself to the cotton ball. I had one in my hair line on my forehead one time and I took a wooden match and, I struck the match and lit it and then blew it out and immediately held it to the tick and it backed right out of my skin. I used peroxide then, on the spot but anything would do, like iodine, alcohol, you might even want to use a drawing salve.
Did you ever watch a primate peel a banana? They peel it from the bottom, so they don't have those stringy thingies that you have to pick of. Who knew?
If you store your leftover cheese in foil it won't mold as quickly.
Peppers with three bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. The ones with the four bumps on the bottom are better for cooking.
Add a teaspoon of water to ground beef while frying, it will help to pull the greese from the meat while cooking.
To make much better scammbled eggs or omelets, add some sour cream, cream cheese or heavy cream to the eggs and beat it in.
If you want a lighter taste of garlic, add the garlic right away and if you want a stronger taste add it to the recipe last.
If you have leftover pizza, warm it in a nonstick frying pan with a little butter, on low heat, with a cover on it. Heating it slowly will keep it from burning and it is moist and as good as the day before when you ordered it.
If you want to eat healthy, order my all natural cookbook:
Please order at: Phone # 1-800-788-7654
Or at
If you would like to read a good novel-Please order: 'Under Obligation'ISBN#1-58736-601-0 by Trishianna Rose Roberts, Please order at or at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
While shopping for vacation clothes Maria asks her husband,"What do you think, Harry, should I buy a bikini or an all-in-one bathing suit? He replies, "A bikini, I don't think you can get it all in one."
An old man went to a wizard to ask him if he could remove a curse had had for the last forty years. The wizard told him, "Yes, if you can remember the exact words that were used to put that curse on you." The old man answered without hesitation, "I pronounce you man and wife."
Friday, October 2, 2009
Back problems
Eat for the health of it.
If you have back problems, and if you are like me, you will try almost anything to get relief. You may have tried the one where you sit on a chair with one foot flat on the floor and the other one you grab your ankle and pull up with your heal toward your crotch, then with the other hand press down on your knee. Yes, that is hard to do. Now try the other leg. Well that's up to you, if you are able to do that, or you can try lying in bed and it will probably be a little easier.
Easier yet, is a Back to life exercise machine,you lay down with your legs over the top of this machine and you turn it on and it lifts your hips upward from the floor. I saw it on TV and decided to try it and it really works good. Another machine, called a Teeter Hangup,that I have,there is another name for it too, but I can't think of it right now, it's where you hook your feet in a bar and you actually can hang upsidedown on it, although I suggest you go slowly with it and acclimate yourself slowly. I just tilt back so it will bring my feet in the air slightly above my head and I stay there for awhile or I rock for awhile and this really takes the strain off your back and neck.(I bought this at Dicks. Now, I am not selling these things, I just know how much pain goes along with a bad back and I appreciated it when someone told me about these machines. I have a crushed vertebrae and 4 ruptured disks in my neck and a bulging disk in my low back from an auto accident and so far these machines and swimming has kept me from surgery. I know that maybe somday I will need the surgery but I am hoping I can get by like I have been.
If you put teeterhangup in your search engine, I am sure one of these should come up.
Short one tonight, I went to the football game because my granddaughter was chosen to run for the Homecoming Queen; she didn't win but I thought it was an honor just to be chosen. Her team won though, 28 to 0.
Of course you know about my book: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN #0-8059-6286-7 or you may order at:
Or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
A very good novel that I will recommend is, 'Under Obligation' ISBN # 1-58736-601-0
You may order at: or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez."How was he killed ?" asked one detective. "With a golf gun." the other detective replied.
"A golf gun?! What is a golf gun?"
"I don't know, but it sure left a hole in Juan."
Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage and values. Stu said,
"I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?"
Leroy replied,"I'm not sure, what was her maiden name?"
If you have back problems, and if you are like me, you will try almost anything to get relief. You may have tried the one where you sit on a chair with one foot flat on the floor and the other one you grab your ankle and pull up with your heal toward your crotch, then with the other hand press down on your knee. Yes, that is hard to do. Now try the other leg. Well that's up to you, if you are able to do that, or you can try lying in bed and it will probably be a little easier.
Easier yet, is a Back to life exercise machine,you lay down with your legs over the top of this machine and you turn it on and it lifts your hips upward from the floor. I saw it on TV and decided to try it and it really works good. Another machine, called a Teeter Hangup,that I have,there is another name for it too, but I can't think of it right now, it's where you hook your feet in a bar and you actually can hang upsidedown on it, although I suggest you go slowly with it and acclimate yourself slowly. I just tilt back so it will bring my feet in the air slightly above my head and I stay there for awhile or I rock for awhile and this really takes the strain off your back and neck.(I bought this at Dicks. Now, I am not selling these things, I just know how much pain goes along with a bad back and I appreciated it when someone told me about these machines. I have a crushed vertebrae and 4 ruptured disks in my neck and a bulging disk in my low back from an auto accident and so far these machines and swimming has kept me from surgery. I know that maybe somday I will need the surgery but I am hoping I can get by like I have been.
If you put teeterhangup in your search engine, I am sure one of these should come up.
Short one tonight, I went to the football game because my granddaughter was chosen to run for the Homecoming Queen; she didn't win but I thought it was an honor just to be chosen. Her team won though, 28 to 0.
Of course you know about my book: GRANDMA'S BACK TO BASICS ALL NATURAL MORE THAN JUST A COOKBOOK ISBN #0-8059-6286-7 or you may order at:
Or phone at: 1-800-788-7654 Or you may order at:
A very good novel that I will recommend is, 'Under Obligation' ISBN # 1-58736-601-0
You may order at: or you may order at: or at:
Laughter is healthy:
Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez."How was he killed ?" asked one detective. "With a golf gun." the other detective replied.
"A golf gun?! What is a golf gun?"
"I don't know, but it sure left a hole in Juan."
Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage and values. Stu said,
"I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?"
Leroy replied,"I'm not sure, what was her maiden name?"
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